Sara/Grissom Season 13 **SPOILERS**

Re: 2nd half season 13

This thread has kind of been a mixed bag and taken on a life of its own. :) Just a reminder, there are several GSR threads in Shipper Central. If that's the road this thread is heading down, the discussion might be better suited for that location. Thanks! :)

Does this mean we have to move??
Re: 2nd half season 13

I know what you meant, but my point is why does Sara need another romantic storyline? She has had one of the most epic romances in TV procedural history, spanning most of the 12 years of the show. Anything else would most certainly pale in comparison.

AAAARGH!!! NO, that's MY point. I was speculating how new writers might want to unravel GSR so they can start another romantic storyline. I fully agree that it should be and is certainly preferable that they leave it alone. I thought I was really clear on this. Hope I am now.
No problem. LOL. I think we are in agreement. It's the writers that concern me. :)
Re: 2nd half season 13

Smokey, I believe there is a common misconception that if you’re a Grissom or Sara fan that you’re automatically a GSR fan. That is just not the case. I am a Grissom fan and while never a big fan of Sara I did always like them as a couple. But I most definitely do not consider myself a GSR fan. To me a GSR fan is someone who likes both Griss and Sara equally. IMO there are in fact very few genuine GSR fans and that you're either a Grissom fan or a Sara fan I just wouldn’t feel comfortable posting in the GSR thread.

Is there a reason why we can’t have a ‘mixed bag’ thread? It’s rather difficult sometimes to decide which thread to post in because one thought may belong in one thread while another in a completely different one. Plus, moving a discussion to another thread half way through totally kills any momentum. I know this isn't a topic that interests everyone but eventually it'll die a natural death all by itself.

Well, pretty much because ships are so polarizing and volatile. I know we haven't had a lot of activity on the boards lately, and thankfully we don't seem to have much trouble these days. But...we'd like to keep it that way. :)

A mixed bag thread is fine for general discussion, but if it involves ships, canon or otherwise, it really does belong in Shipper Central. Canon ship talk is allowed in episode and spoiler threads as it pertains to those specific episodes/spoilers, but it's not even allowed in individual character go along with your point of not every Sara fan being a GSR fan, etc.

From the Help Guide:
Ship Discussions:
The only time a ship discussion is allowed in LV is when said ship is canon and pertains to said episode. Anything other than that (ie rants, wishful thinking, overall talk) belongs in "Shipper Central".
So yes, if the discussion here is ship related, it needs to please be done in Shipper Central. Thanks! :)

ETA: Forgot to mention. I agree with your point about moving in the middle of a discussion. So if you like, I can move the entire thread over to Shipper Central for you and change the title to something closer to what it being discussed. Let me know. Thanks! :)
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Re: 2nd half season 13

I have no idea what is meant by ship discussions and canon or shipper central. I looked around for rules and regs but didn't find anything. Not that I really care much. I can post in "shipper central" just as easily as posting here.
Re: 2nd half season 13

I have no idea what is meant by ship discussions and canon or shipper central. I looked around for rules and regs but didn't find anything. Not that I really care much. I can post in "shipper central" just as easily as posting here.

Canon means it's a real ship on the show, so it is allowed to be discussed in episode threads that deal with the ship. Non-canon ships should always be discussed in Shipper Central.

Ship discussions are just that...talking about characters getting together. People have their favorites...Grissom/Sara...Catherine/Warrick...and yes, Nick/Greg. But since they are not canon and since they can be polarizing, we ask that discussion be kept in Shipper Central.

Shipper Central is just the forum where ship threads are started and ships are discussed. :)

Here are some links that might be helpful:

Help Guide

Talk Rules/Regs
Re: 2nd half season 13

Grissom/Sara being canon, is somewhat exempt from that, but still, if you're just speculating that Grissom has to come back full time vs say how will Sara being accused of murder impact things, and how will it play out on the show, that's a little different, isn't it?

(Pro Sara, amused by GSR but not a shipper)
Re: 2nd half season 13

Grissom/Sara being canon, is somewhat exempt from that, but still, if you're just speculating that Grissom has to come back full time vs say how will Sara being accused of murder impact things, and how will it play out on the show, that's a little different, isn't it?

(Pro Sara, amused by GSR but not a shipper)

Canon ships are not exempt from being discussed all over, for example it would not be allowed in the Sara thread or the Grissom thread because, as you say, not all fans of either character are fans of a specific ship.

Continue the discussion here. Changing the name of the thread.
Thank you, Smokey.

It's hard to discuss these characters without tending toward the GSR ship; their characterizations are so intertwined. For some reason the writers consider this a handicap. Personally, I think it opens up a whole array of possibilities not normally seen on TV, except maybe Columbo and his oft-mentioned-but-not-seen wife. And I would love to see the writers embrace this concept and run with it!
I think Danson was doing a wonderful job till The Powers That Be decided to bring D.B.'s personal life into the fray; for me, that's when it all fell apart. Didn't they learn anything from the writing debacle with Fishburne (who, again, was fine until they turned him into a know-it-all with a "dark" past, seemingly trying to duplicate his Matrix character, Morpheus). And Shue would be wonderful, I think, if the writers didn't insist on trying to make her so "feisty" and would let her be more down-to-earth. When she is allowed those moments, she is fine. But it's like the writers seem determined to make her a pint-sized, double-barrelled Willows 1.2, rather than developing a truly new character.

As for Sara and Grissom, I wish that TPTB would either bring Grissom back (which sounds like an unrealistic expectation, since Petersen isn't coming back) or let the relationship stay in the background. Continually bringing an off-screen relationship to the forefront comes across like an act of desperation to get higher ratings. Sadly, the writers seem to have run out of original ideas for a once-great show.
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Re: 2nd half season 13

Grissom/Sara being canon, is somewhat exempt from that, but still, if you're just speculating that Grissom has to come back full time vs say how will Sara being accused of murder impact things, and how will it play out on the show, that's a little different, isn't it?

(Pro Sara, amused by GSR but not a shipper)

Canon ships are not exempt from being discussed all over, for example it would not be allowed in the Sara thread or the Grissom thread because, as you say, not all fans of either character are fans of a specific ship.

Continue the discussion here. Changing the name of the thread.

UGH!! This is without a doubt the most confusing forum I have ever joined and I have joined a bunch of em. Sara threads and Grissom threads and canon ships with enforced rules to make sure who says what and where. Who cares if someone isn't interested in GSR? They don't have to read it do they? Few things will kill participation in anything quicker than over regulation. Oh well, I will come back and check on this occassionally but I'm a little gun shy of posting in another thread or HEAVEN FORBID start a new one. I guess this has been moved to the appropriate SHIP!!?? I don't wanna be off topic ya know! :confused: :confused: :confused:
It hasn't been moved, and you're fine. Yes, we do have a lot of guidelines here but it's to keep things running smoothly. GSR (as well as some other ships) have been very hot topics over the years and fans can get very passionate about them. I'm sorry if you feel I've been overbearing, but's fine...the thread is fine...feel free to discuss.
Just a note that you can too be a GSR fan without liking them equally...I always liked Griss better. So it doesn't mean you can't .
I hope Gr8gunz won't leave the forum, it's always interesting to have new threads and discussion topics even when there are minor disagreements. At first I thought this was an over-regulated forum too, but with time I realised that it works fine this way and it's quite organised and well-moderated. So, Gr8gunz, please don't leave :)
I hope Gr8gunz won't leave the forum, it's always interesting to have new threads and discussion topics even when there are minor disagreements. At first I thought this was an over-regulated forum too, but with time I realised that it works fine this way and it's quite organised and well-moderated. So, Gr8gunz, please don't leave :)

I'm not going anywhere. I suppose I will get used to all the rules and time. :confused:

I didn't particular didn't like Sara's attitude last night. Wazzup with that? All marriages go through rough periods and I have no problem with that, but this better not lead to divorce or I will surely leave then. Episode itself wasn't particularly good either. :(