Nicky & Sam :luvlove:
Loved the trust and respect Nick showed Sam. You could tell he was scared in letting Sam out of the cage but he talked to him and trusted him and let him out even though DB told him not to. And he was rewarded in doing it. :thumbsup:
Had a little laugh when they showed up at the training field and Sam still had DB's little totem pole in his mouth. :lol: Nicky seemed to pick up at least the one French command pretty quickly after that because he used it later on to get him to let go of the suspect.
I absolutely loved the scene in the morgue. :adore: You see it all the time on the news where a military dog lay's down at the grave site of its partner. Nick sitting down on the floor next to Sam and telling him how the 2 of them are going to go out and catch the guy who killed his partner. And we got that scene where Sam puts his head on Nick's leg. :adore: YOu got the feeling that not only was Nick talking about the loss of Warrick but George was talking about the loss of Mavrick and his dad too. :adore:
As always it was very nice seeing George/Nick running all out. :thumbsup:
I thought we got a really good showing of Sam's abilities as a police dog. I wonder if his trainer was behind the scenes giving the commands or if they taught George the commands that Nick would need for the episode. (could be a reason for why the last episode was a little Nick light.
The end scene - I want to know how long it really lasted.
Wonder if we're going to see Sam again? We've seen Bear in
Person of Interest in each episode this season I believe. :lol:
Like the girlfriend line - Nick needs someone. Also like that she seems to be 'off screen' (at least for now). Nick needs someone totally un-involved in his work. The best way to keep her un-involved is to keep her off screen. I don't want to see her on screen if she's going to become involved negatively (see Doc Robbins's wife!) in a case.
I took for granted that there were Sunday football games on TV in the Stokes house and that Nick was a Cowboys fan. I wouldn't expect George to allow Nick to be anything but Cowboys fan. :thumbsup: :lol: