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  1. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    I'm like that too. I find it more comfortable to go up to guys than girls, I think it's because I never actually liked the guys :p. I can open up better online too, but I've never tried online datine, (although one time I did freak out at a commercial for straight people online dating and went...
  2. Imperfect

    Danny/Lindsay Fanfic

    I am so sorry I havn't posted an update for a long time. I lost my notebook and I can't continue writing something in a different place. Chapter 8: 'Sorry to interrupt, but miss you have to come with us' an EMT held Lindsay's elbow and draggedher away from Danny. 'Don't touch me! Let go! No...
  3. Imperfect

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    Mommy: i love you, you're difficult to talk to, but I love you Levon: I love you too Veronica: I love you too! random things: Gahhh!! why do I get so much hate mail? I'm tired of hearing from eveyone how I'm a stupid slut or a dumbass bitch or a c*** liker! it's not your buisness why i say I'm...
  4. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    You guys make me feel netter about myself so I'm posting here. I told my mommy that I (thought) I'm gay.She started freaking out at me because she thought that I could only be gay if I'd had sex with many girls. Then she shouted at me. Then she was mad because she thought the world would judge...
  5. Imperfect

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To Levon: I'm sorry for beating on you all weekend, but you drew blood and left a bruise on my arm. To self: what are you?? You see yourself with girls and yet want guys to notice you. What is wrong with you??? To *****: I wish we were as close as we were before. You always seem to be...
  6. Imperfect

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    ^^ Awwe huggs To person: Wow you're so lame. So the devil's going to fire a gun at me and you're going to be the bullet? Interesting. But since you've already condemed me to hell I'm best friends with the devil. Maybe I'll get him to blow your brains out. To Dad: awwe, you sent me a birthday...
  7. Imperfect

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To person: Thank god you've gone out of twn for a whole week! I hate you so much right now. We were supposed to be friends. Sure I got mad, but that was because you were doing drugs and i told you from when I first met you that if you ever did drugs I couldn't be your friend. Then you use my...
  8. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    Yeahh, it's not the C word to do with boys, lets put it that way :lol: It's the bad, bad, bad C word. Pressure sucks. It gets you to do stupid things you don't want to do, just to make someone else happy. It bothers me, because sometimes you don't even realize you're doing it.
  9. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    Okay, so, my stupid ex-friend just said some really mean things to me, and they were so hurtful. And it makes me mad. She like, started calling me a stupid lesbian whore, a c*** licker, dyke that should die, fag that should die and told me that I am a lesbian can you be a lesbian...
  10. Imperfect

    Criminal Minds

    *I come in and start talking* I would like to see more of their personal lives too. I think we will be seeing more of it in the next season because of the whole Hotchner wanting to be fired and Emily having to get him fired thing. I only started watching Criminal Minds since the second part...
  11. Imperfect

    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    *I apear randomly* I'm just like Abby, I sit and talk to my computer too to get it to go faster. But I still thought it was hilarious. I did not see jeanne and the Frog being in some plot together. It makes me so so sad that she would do something like that. It was so cute, the way Tony...
  12. Imperfect

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin" *I appear from nowhere* There was this one show Hugh Laurie was in that my mom and I used to watch. I can't remember much of it though, I only remember that Laurie played a 'flaming gay' named Percy. But i watch House every week. I love it so much...
  13. Imperfect

    What are your addictions?

    My neewest addiction is South of Nowhere. It's an American show though so I have to watch it on the internet. But that's okay. I only just started watching it this weekend :lol:. But I love it so so so much :p. I've gone a little insane with it though I think. Unfortunatly I only have the...
  14. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    I've spent months telling myself I'm not gay. Even liking a guy (which I don't know if it was for me to tell my self I was straight or if I actually liked him). I finally realised that even though I didn't like Levon anymore, I could still be gay. I think that I thought if I didn't like one...
  15. Imperfect

    Danny/Lindsay Fanfic

    Chapter 7: Heads up, this is not the ending. Stella ran to Mac with the location of the warehouse. Mac go his team ready and sent them to get their guns and kits. 'Hey mac, I'm going too' Danny declared. 'You're not wearing a shirt though' 'I didn't exactly have time to put one on morning...
  16. Imperfect

    Danny/Lindsay Fanfic

    And here is Chapter 6 :D: 'Hurry up people. We only have mere hours to find Lindsay' Mac shouted. 'Mac' Flack called jogging up to the team leader with a folder in his hands. 'Mac, I located the cab that drove Danny and Lindsay to Danny's yesterday. But get this the cab had been stolen earlier...
  17. Imperfect

    What are you eating right now?

    I don't know if any of you are like me but I am almost always eating when I'm on the computer :p. Right now I'm eating soft boiled eggs and coffee. My roommates made me the eggs and I made the coffee.
  18. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    I know. Why would people make up stupid laws like that? Is the government so bored with their dumb wars that they have time to sit on their a$$es and take aaway the supposed freedom of choice from people who have a different sexual orientation then themselves. Personally I think no counrty could...
  19. Imperfect

    Danny/Lindsay Fanfic

    And update: Chapter 5: Danny paced Mac's office as he recited he past evenings events to the whole team, minus Lindsay. Mac gave them a 'pep' talk. Everyone kenw what to do immediatly. Stella and Sheldon collected evidencefrom Danny, his car and his house. Flack started going over...
  20. Imperfect

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    Oh my god Sara has to live! AH! That was probably the most terrifying episode of the season...maybe even the series. I cannot wait until next year, AH!