Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

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Man I've been waiting for someone to notice that Calleigh needs to share her feelings too! Now, I definatley can't wait till the new episode! I feel a brainstorm coming, I feel like updating my fanfiction now.

Since the spoilers came out for the new episodes all I can do is imagin Calleigh kissing Eric, it's gonna be awesome!:)
Hey guys just got an email from Corey....

Thanks Jackie. I appreciate the note. It was weird not to further the E/C/ thing, but it just didn't fit with all the crazy shenanigans. And Diddy was only available for 15 and 16. But in 16 we at least get some Delko heritage stuff

So Marc Dube wrote 716....anyone know what else he has written for the show??

At least we know he wanted to do some E/C but in all fairness and being realistic I don't think it would have fit in the ep and been believeable. With all the justice they have been giving E/C as of late, to force it into the ep would have ruined it. IMO anyway ;)
Seeing as it was Calleigh and Eric that got me to watch the show in the first place...this is definately a place I'll be visiting a lot!
Hey guys just got an email from Corey....

Thanks Jackie. I appreciate the note. It was weird not to further the E/C/ thing, but it just didn't fit with all the crazy shenanigans. And Diddy was only available for 15 and 16. But in 16 we at least get some Delko heritage stuff
So Marc Dube wrote 716....anyone know what else he has written for the show??

At least we know he wanted to do some E/C but in all fairness and being realistic I don't think it would have fit in the ep and been believeable. With all the justice they have been giving E/C as of late, to force it into the ep would have ruined it. IMO anyway ;)

Thanks for sharing delkolover, its nice to know that Corey feels our pain. :lol:

Now I am even more anxious to see what 7.16 brings.

Delko background stuff along with E/C moments (crosses fingers). Oh, March is so far away.
Man I've been waiting for someone to notice that Calleigh needs to share her feelings too! Now, I definatley can't wait till the new episode! I feel a brainstorm coming, I feel like updating my fanfiction now.

Since the spoilers came out for the new episodes all I can do is imagin Calleigh kissing Eric, it's gonna be awesome!:)

It's weird. Thinking that we can actually realistically think that they could kiss soon. With the past few episodes, I'm sure a lot of people are thinking that they could get together. In season 6, we all thought it was going to happen. But it didnt. and now, with these past few episodes, it's amazing to be able to say that theyre finally heading there! :thumbsup:
Man I've been waiting for someone to notice that Calleigh needs to share her feelings too! Now, I definatley can't wait till the new episode! I feel a brainstorm coming, I feel like updating my fanfiction now.

Since the spoilers came out for the new episodes all I can do is imagin Calleigh kissing Eric, it's gonna be awesome!:)

It's weird. Thinking that we can actually realistically think that they could kiss soon. With the past few episodes, I'm sure a lot of people are thinking that they could get together. In season 6, we all thought it was going to happen. But it didnt. and now, with these past few episodes, it's amazing to be able to say that theyre finally heading there! :thumbsup:

I know we have all been waiting for it for sooo long that it seems soo surreal to actually be talking about it in the sense that it is FINALLY happening

We went from if, to when to FINALLY.....I am still in awe :lol:
Welcome to the HipHugger Palace Pinkjustice!

We went from if, to when to FINALLY.....I am still in awe

Arn't we all in awe?

Here we are at the finally part and now we begin to wonder............what's next? Do we get another Sara/Grissom, Dr. Ross/Nurse Hatheway? I hope not. I hope TPTB decide to keep Eric and Calleigh on Miami. But the past speaks for itself, couples who stay together........leave. What are all y'alls thoughts on this?
Welcome to the HipHugger Palace Pinkjustice!

We went from if, to when to FINALLY.....I am still in awe

Arn't we all in awe?

Here we are at the finally part and now we begin to wonder............what's next? Do we get another Sara/Grissom, Dr. Ross/Nurse Hatheway? I hope not. I hope TPTB decide to keep Eric and Calleigh on Miami. But the past speaks for itself, couples who stay together........leave. What are all y'alls thoughts on this?

My gosh they better not leave! Both characters are the great strengths of the show! I would make up a petition for them to stay on the show!

But then again Sara and Grissom were very major to the show...but then again it has been said that romance on the CSI shows doesn't really work out right and if I'm not mistaken Emily said that this could work...
Welcome to the HipHugger Palace Pinkjustice!

We went from if, to when to FINALLY.....I am still in awe

Arn't we all in awe?

Here we are at the finally part and now we begin to wonder............what's next? Do we get another Sara/Grissom, Dr. Ross/Nurse Hatheway? I hope not. I hope TPTB decide to keep Eric and Calleigh on Miami. But the past speaks for itself, couples who stay together........leave. What are all y'alls thoughts on this?

My gosh they better not leave! Both characters are the great strengths of the show! I would make up a petition for them to stay on the show!

But then again Sara and Grissom were very major to the show...but then again it has been said that romance on the CSI shows doesn't really work out right and if I'm not mistaken Emily said that this could work...

They've gone for 7 years just giving each other looks. Now, it's finally starting. I see no reason for them to have to break up. They love each other, even if it hasnt been said out loud. For them to go backwards would be a silly choice. I just hope that this happens sooner than later, and when it starts, the writers know how to keep it going. :rolleyes:
Welcome to the HipHugger Palace Pinkjustice!

We went from if, to when to FINALLY.....I am still in awe
Arn't we all in awe?

Here we are at the finally part and now we begin to wonder............what's next? Do we get another Sara/Grissom, Dr. Ross/Nurse Hatheway? I hope not. I hope TPTB decide to keep Eric and Calleigh on Miami. But the past speaks for itself, couples who stay together........leave. What are all y'alls thoughts on this?

My gosh they better not leave! Both characters are the great strengths of the show! I would make up a petition for them to stay on the show!

But then again Sara and Grissom were very major to the show...but then again it has been said that romance on the CSI shows doesn't really work out right and if I'm not mistaken Emily said that this could work...

There is no doubt in my mind that they could make this relationship work. It may be true that romance doesn't work in other CSI shows but it has to work in this one. The actors want it to happen and of course all the fans want it to happen. If they either one were to ever leave I seriously think that there would be hell to pay.

We are on the verge of something major, we are finally getting our payoff. Just another couple of weeks :scream:
I definitely think this will work all I was asking is what is next. TV relationships always have to have something happen, even if they stay together till the end(and I know E/C will!). TPTB always try to shake things up(think Ghost Whisperer right now, they had a perfectly fine relationship but they had to make it more interesting!)

So were do you think E/C will go?
Hey guys just got an email from Corey....

Thanks Jackie. I appreciate the note. It was weird not to further the E/C/ thing, but it just didn't fit with all the crazy shenanigans. And Diddy was only available for 15 and 16. But in 16 we at least get some Delko heritage stuff
So Marc Dube wrote 716....anyone know what else he has written for the show??

At least we know he wanted to do some E/C but in all fairness and being realistic I don't think it would have fit in the ep and been believeable. With all the justice they have been giving E/C as of late, to force it into the ep would have ruined it. IMO anyway ;)

Delkolover, thanks for sharing that with us. I've never even heard of Marc Dube.

Still, we know that we'll get EC in this ep. Even if the scenes change and are not the same as the ones in spoilers, I doubt they would just throw them out. You know that the spoilers for 7.19 just became better.

Delkolover said:
We went from if, to when to FINALLY.....I am still in awe :lol:

You're right. I sure am in awe. I've always knew, but now I KNOW.

HipHuggers#1Fan said:
So were do you think E/C will go?

I don't really know. I hope writers don't break it off. It would be stupid after all these years. I guess they'll come across some bumps in the road, but that they'll always be together. At least I hope so.

P.S. I know that we'll have to wait for 3 weeks for a new epi, but we'll get a promo in two... So it's not that bad, right? Okay, it is, but still... Do you think we'll get something in the promo?
I could definately see this work, why not? I have to admit my biggest fear is that they would break up. I'm always: yes get them together, get them together but I always forget the possibility for a break up. ALthough not with Eric and Calleigh, they are meant for each other. You can see that in the way the look at each other and also because we know Calleigh wouldn't just jeopardize her friendship with him...Does that make sense?
They will stay together!:) yes, there will be problems, maybe a some small bickering or something but they will survive!

This is the perfect time for a kiss, first holding hands when she visits him, then finally a kiss when she picks him up. I think it's so cute she's the one picking him up and not H... Let's hope the spoilers won't change..

I can't wait for it to air!!! and yes, I'm also in awe
I think that the EC romance has a good potential for working out cause it's been done so differently when compared to the other CSI's romances. The fact that it's taken so long, IMO, let's us know that the writers don't want this to be a mere fling to heat up the screen and get some good ratings for a round of episodes. I think that after building it up for so long the probabilities increase for them to stay together cause it would be really counter-productive that after all this time they just break them up, say, next year. :rolleyes:

I definitely see them having bumps in the road...drama, drama, drama :rolleyes:. At some point people will start to notice, Stetler will probably come to hunt them, Jake may come back, they could have different types of disagreements over cases... There's a great number of possible things which could create tension and drama without them having to break up. I really do have high hopes that this is the kind of romance that could go all the way.:thumbsup:

Thanks Jackie. I appreciate the note. It was weird not to further the E/C/ thing, but it just didn't fit with all the crazy shenanigans. And Diddy was only available for 15 and 16. But in 16 we at least get some Delko heritage stuff

It's good to know that Corey felt it was weird no to adress EC after 7.14 cause it let's us know that he knows it has to be adressed. After our discussions here and his response I do understand where he's coming from.

Marc Dube, huh? :confused: I'll go check him out.

Ok, I'm back. I went back to just season 5 cause, well, too many episodes. But here's what I found:

Episodes written by Marc Dube:

Season 5:

-5.02: Going Under
-5.07: High Octane
-5.19: Bloodline
-5.23: Kill Switch

Season 6:

-6.01: Dangerous Son
-6.09: Stand your Ground (with John Haynes)
-6.12: Miami Confidential
-6.19: Rock and a Hard Place

Season 7:

-7.05: Bombshell

So he gave us SYG wich was a good EC episode but the rest are kind of, meh on EC. Though I can't remeber if High Octane was the one were Calleigh called Eric Hot Stuff :confused:...
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My god i dont even wanna think about that, now that they are finally gettin together i dont even wanna think about them breaking up, thats just to sad :(

And of course they'll have arguments i mean what relationship doesnt, right? But i do think that they'll work it out.

Anyway i hope we see a kiss soon, maybe in 716 im so waiting for one :). And i agree that its time Calleigh showed her feelings, c'mon Calleigh what are you waiting for!;)
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