EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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Too bad Campbell's widow smacked Calleigh instead of Eric. He seriously needs some sense smacked into him. Dude, you belong with Natalia. Get with the program! :lol:
Too bad Campbell's widow smacked Calleigh instead of Eric. He seriously needs some sense smacked into him. Dude, you belong with Natalia. Get with the program! :lol:

Speaking of which, I actually thought that Eric was the one who was gonna get smacked! Though it'd be funny to see Natalia do it to him... I can just picture him with wide eyes and a what-did-I-do expression on his face as she stalks off.
As much as I think Eric needs some sense slapped into him, I do not want Natalia to do it. I don't think she ever would anyway, she knows all too much about being smacked around....so no slapping...unless it also involves tickling :p

So, question:
In 'Burned' Eric was looking at a picture of a happy couple (a man & lady both with brown hair ;)) when he said something about "things changing so fast".
Anyone else get the feeling he was thinking about him & Natalia splitting up? He looked so disappointed & a little sad when he said it - like it hit a little close to home ya know - just a thought ;)
In 'Burned' Eric was looking at a picture of a happy couple (a man & lady both with brown hair ;)) when he said something about "things changing so fast".

Hmm, think that could be hinting at something? In Cheating Death, when Calleigh said that girls like flowers while she was telling him about Ryan sending flowers to Dr. Price to apologize, it was obvious that he was thinking hard. Maybe he'll send some flowers to Natalia...
My god it's too quiet in here :wtf:

Well, we'd better be getting some EDeN scenes here soon or chances are TPTB might find bags of dog doo smeared all over thier desks ;) Sorry, but that is as sweet as I can be at this point .

Anyway, back to the magic that TPTB once intimately wrote themselves that wasn't just a tease & spoilerish hogwash - our EdeN :p

Hmm, think that could be hinting at something?
If anything, I'd suggest it meant that Eric was disappointed over what had happened between him & Natalia - as if maybe he didn't quite understand what went wrong either. Could very well be the reason he's settling for what he thinks is just a mere safety net.

Maybe he'll send some flowers to Natalia...
hehee, I wonder what he'd send her.
But ya know I actually think Natalia would be the type to just accept an apology from him as long as it was sincere - like in 'Collision'. :p
All she needed was his smile, his apology (that was totally from the heart) & he showed his concern - that was enough for her - she accepts Eric for who he is. Surely there are things they both wished had been a little different, but for the most part she wanted him as he was & he didn't need to drastically change just to get her attention - personally, I think that's the way it should be when you love someone ;)

:DEDeN in the END:D
Wow...it seems like ages from the last time I possed...
Well it's not totally my fault, my computer crashed and I had no internet for a week...
I am a bit pissed with the lack of EDeN scenes...but I can handle it for a little longer! *pokes TPTB* Don't you guys see the chemistry between the two?? The chemistry that lacks from C/E?? (without offence to anyone)
About the flowers comment...even though that I am a woman I am not that much into flowers....Nat might be but I still don't think so! I agree with MJ...all she needs is a sorry and a smile...unlike others....*coughs*
all she needs is a sorry and a smile...unlike others....*coughs*
:lol: Exactly!!!

Good to have ya back, Nati! :)

Nat may have the big house & all, but it doesn't appear that she's very materialistic in the love department. When her & Eric were together, he was flat broke from taking care of Marisol & that didn't seem to bother her. His sweet gesture of buying her the bottle of Midori & keeping it at his house was enough for her (& for me)! :p
She did make her little "out in public" comment (in 'Dead Air'), but I think that was just out of bitterness because of all the mishaps that went on in that epi :rolleyes: **BTW - I'm still not over that, PTB**

Given her history with Nickhead, I think she looks more for something sincere & symbolic. ;)
Hi everyone, i wanna write in this thread long time ago and finally do it :)

Why i want EDeN happen in show? Well, when i start watching it (actually it was end of season 5, but our stupid Russian tv then show season 4 and season 5 again:lol:) they was together, and it was so passion between them and can't help my self and asking writers: "WTF???":scream: Why they do it EC thing when you already have beautiful EDeN? After get shot, Eric start thinking about settling down i can understand this, but why Calleigh, Natalia the one who already knows you like boyfriend and think that was more right if he wanna start relationship with her again.

It's all i wanna tell for now, by the way i like this ship name EDeN, it's real eden ;)
Maybe I should support this ship more often! ;);)

Orla! *tackles* Good to finally have you in this neck of the woods... hope to see you here more often!

hehee, I wonder what he'd send her.

Hmm, not sure... but you can look up flower meanings on Flower Meanings and decide for yourself. It's too bad that Natalia didn't mention what kind of flowers she likes... I think she'd accept the flowers if Eric gave a sincere apology. Not that she needs flowers for an apology...
Welcome Orla!! Good to have ya here, grab a chair & have a Midori cocktail:thumbsup:

they was together, and it was so passion between them and can't help my self and asking writers: "WTF???":scream:
That's a question we've ALL been asking!!
But the way I see it is - it aint over 'til The Who sings that theme song for the very last time...& that's going to be a while so there is always hope for these two to be reunited. I would expect that if EDeN was a dead deal then Natalia would have been long gone at the end of season 4 like every other love interest that passes through......& she is not gone!!! :)

Ok, I just read through them all & really there isn't just one to sum up EDeN - so- we need roses in the colors of red, orange & lavender; & a few carnations in deep red!! Read the color definitions & you'll see why - they all define our EDeN! ;)
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Welcome Orla!! Good to have ya here, grab a chair & have a Midori cocktail:thumbsup:

Thanks :)

they was together, and it was so passion between them and can't help my self and asking writers: "WTF???":scream:
That's a question we've ALL been asking!!
But the way I see it is - it aint over 'til The Who sings that theme song for the very last time...& that's going to be a while so there is always hope for these two to be reunited. I would expect that if EDeN was a dead deal then Natalia would have been long gone at the end of season 4 like every other love interest that passes through......& she is not gone!!! :)
Yeah, she still here and our hope is alive, very alive because they have very cute flirting dialog sometimes (about Tara and his comment about her, his joke about waiting baby). So, tptb still teasing us, it's should mean something. :rolleyes:
So, tptb still teasing us, it's should mean something.

Well, personally I think it does mean something for the simple fact that Eric & Nat were together. It's always been fun for TPTB to show little hints of flirting between all the characters, but it isn't typical for this show to actually put all thier characters in bed with each other. So, methinks there's a big reason for it.

Plus, Natalia was an "add on" to the cast, she didn't replace anyone like Ryan & Tara did. She wasn't a "needed/fill in" character, so I have to question the significance of her role. They also don't use her "CSIishness" to the advantage that it should be used if it was the case of needing another CSI. She has slowly developed being a CSI, but TPTB certainly don't put forth a whole lot of emphasis into it.
So, because of all that, I do believe it's highly possible there's a bigger reason for Natalia, & bigger for what they already did with EDeN in season 4. :p

Last night's epi:
Who else wanted to kick Horatio for interupting our EDeN binkie bonding moment in the park?!?! :evil: Seriously, he did NOt need to be there! I was shooing him away the whole time. GO AWAY RED, shoo!!! :angryrazz:
They said each other's name at least.

I fully enjoy the fact that we had Natalia with the baby stroller scene, & now we had her processing the baby overalls & THE BINKIE.
Hmm...lots of baby stuff seems to be waltzing her way, huh?!!:angel:
MJ likey!!
I fully enjoy the fact that we had Natalia with the baby stroller scene, & now we had her processing the baby overalls & THE BINKIE.
Hmm...lots of baby stuff seems to be waltzing her way, huh?!!:angel:

Let's hope that TPTB aren't being evil 'cause Natalia and the baby stuff was so adorable! It doesn't seem like much of a coincidence... *daydreams about EDeN babies* Anyways, it kind of made up for Eric and Natalia being onscreen together for exactly three seconds-- I counted. Why couldn't Natalia have been in Horatio's place when they found the binkie? It would have been a great moment...
She was thinking she was pregnant Eric's baby, maybe we see real pregnant next time?
Oh we defintily need a 'Skeletons' part 2!!! :thumbsup:
I can see it now - Natalia barfs at every crime scene, Eric asks if she's ok -then this... "Eric....I don't have the flu this time" :angel: heeheeeheeee DO IT, PTB, DO IT!!!!

You all know that would make the most awesome season finale seeing her go to Eric & say that & then they just end it there - mwuahaaahaa :devil:
I would bow to TPTB & kiss thier feet I would!!

It doesn't seem like much of a coincidence... *daydreams about EDeN babies*
Ya know, I don't think so either. ;) I mean we have Natalia who was once questioning whether she & Eric would be preggers, she's obviously the marrying/breeding kind of gal :p, & now she's all around this baby stuff ...:shifty:
I think I'd be happy even if she got pregnant (kinda accidentally?) by another man, of course that man MUST be evil & DIE after she finds out, then Eric can play Daddy ....I know he totally would :p
I'd still rather see baby Eden though - continuity is always good...
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