House MD

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*snickers* yeah. it was hilarious how he said the first two names and then pulls out a third and says, "to hell with that." while chucking it away. Very funny.
I screamed so loud when he won, i was so excited, he definitly deserves it, but i have to admit that i was a little suprised that he got it because the people i want to win, never do!

His speech was so funny, defintly the best of the night!

and of course i cant post without saying: House/Cameron forever and please stacy move away! :D
Fantastic article. Thanks for posting.
I didn't know all of that about him. I'm glad he is not uprooting his kids, but I can only imagine how hard it is to be so far away.
Thanks for posting that article. It was a great article. I am glad that he is not going to up-root his kids, it would be so hard on them, but I can understand how hard it is to not see his family. I would feel the same way he does. I am glad he has found so much success here in the U.S. hopefully House will be around for a while.
Ok, I did some watching of movies over the weekend, thanx to my new Netflix subscription and I watched a few H.L. Movies. I rented Maybe Baby and Girl from Rio. Has anyone else seen either or both of these movies? I found them both very good, very funny and a very wide range of just what Hugh can do. I am totally convinced the Hugh is an awsome actor, I am forever a fan now. I am going to watch Flight of the Phenoix tonight, I have already seen it, but I rented it agian anyway, just because it was a good movie.
;-) :)

I like the verbal exchanges in House but has Any episode shown him cure the main patient instantly? He seems to have to get them near death several times, before with 20 bounds they are free. Same every week - so why is he a FAMOUS for his diagnosises? The first 10 diagnosis are always wrong. Empty a chemist full of pills down the poor guinea pigs why don't you, House.
great article! thank you

i am really disappointed though becasue i have not had any House for a while now because of American Idol and 24, anyone know when the new ep's come out, i couldn't even find that!
I like the verbal exchanges in House but has Any episode shown him cure the main patient instantly? He seems to have to get them near death several times, before with 20 bounds they are free. Same every week - so why is he a FAMOUS for his diagnosises? The first 10 diagnosis are always wrong. Empty a chemist full of pills down the poor guinea pigs why don't you, House.

I think the answer is quite simple,if House heals the patient in the first try,the episodes will only last 5 minutes and lost all the interest.

And for CSIFAN1985,you should watch "Peter's friends" that's really a great film with H.L. there.He's also in "Sense & Sensibility",in both films his character is married to Imelda Stanton characters.
I think the answer is quite simple,if House heals the patient in the first try,the episodes will only last 5 minutes and lost all the interest.

No - it will mean more time for the verbal jousting between House and everyone else. The best part. "Party Pants?" Woah! Does "Kerching! mean anything to you?" :devil:
is it just me or does the cameron/house relationship remind anyone of grissom/sara? im no GSR, but i just saw the relationship between both ships. i think im a house/stacey shipper myself, sorry for all those cameron/house shippers with the last eppy! does anyone know an author who writes house/stacey fanfic in house's point of view? all i can find is stacey's view, but i want house's. maybe it's because we're alike. kinda. house is starting to be my new obsession. he cracks me up! i have to say some of my fave quotes are
"I'm gay. well, that would explain alot of things: no girlfriend, hanging around with wilson alot, obsession wit sneakers...",
"Nuh uh, this is just diagnostic. Tensilana(?) erases the symptoms of MG for five or six minutes [patient suddenly starts wheezing again and suddenly drops like a ton of bricks on to the floor. House stands there without raising a hair] Sometimes less. This is exactly why I created nurses. [Calls out from the room] Clean up on aisle three!",
"livers are important Cuddy, hence the name." and
"Patient: the top of my head's killing me. [puts hands on head to demonstrate]
House: hmmm. we spent a week doing 'top of head' Anatomy. i know just where it is." and i sadly missed his speech. anyone now where i can see the video?
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