Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hello One, and hello all!

HESTIA :lol: we are delurking and writing more!

I loved that this week we actually had a scene. It was small, but I think the scene between Eric and Ryan was more "CaRWash" productive then even our little scene between Ryan and Calleigh. **It's even brewing a Carwash missing scene story in my head... maybe that's why my head hurts right now. :lol:**

I think that after Eric and Ryan was finished talking to the supects that Ryan went to talk to Calleigh. Not in a "Stab Eric in the back because I got dirty dirt about him" sort of way, but in a comforting "What the hell is going on in the lab, and why am I not involved?" way and that while he was comforting Calleigh he mentions Eric in a subtle Not-So-Subtle way and bring up his feelings toward her and tries to see what Calleigh feels for Eric. If I'm making any sense at all. :lol:

I think that would have been a perfect opportunity for Ryan to do so because he can kind of gauge what his chances were with Calleigh. (And I can already hear Calleigh now, "I do have feelings for Eric, I always have. But I don't know what those feelings mean at the moment.")

I think my headache has confused me.

I'll take a virgin cosmo!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

So that's what the look was! I've been driving myself insane trying to figure that one out. Happilyhappy, that would actually make a great missing scene. I was wondering what was going on in Ryan's head at the time. What do you have so far?

Man, the old CaRWashers are sneaking in one by one... that's great, welcome back!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Oh thank goodness I made sense.

So far I just have a headache with all the characters trying to get formatted at the same time. I almost want to have it be in the lockerroom, just so Calleigh (who's already pissed off because of her situation) will just be so dumbstruck about having two of her colleques come check on her that she'll be waiting for Horatio to jump out of a corner to comfort her as well.

So I'm thinking more of a "catch her outside and take her to lunch to get her to cool off and forget about what happened at the lab" scenario and then have Ryan drop the bombshell there. Who knows how the story will end up.

I still need to rewrite my chapter 3 for Bittersweet Beginnings too, so this shall be interesting.

The way Ryan was looking at Eric, he almost felt sorry for him- but then again the wheels were churning and he was probably having flashbacks to all the instances this year where Eric was really defenive for Calleigh's sake (Anyone remember Cooper?) and the pieces of the puzzle was finally starting to make sense and fit. That's how I saw it at least.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

The 'take her out to lunch' thing would be better... Calleigh doesn't need to be ambushed in the locker room again, not after the confrontation with Eric. Better yet, have them go for a drink... it'll tie in with the end of Deviant nicely.

I'm thinking that Ryan wanted to do something too. He hasn't had his turn yet, it's always Eric who jumps to Calleigh's defence this time around.

Here's what I think- he noticed that Eric has feelings for her and he thinks if she feels the same way, then he's got no reason to coming between their arguments. Since he doesn't want to disappoint Calleigh again, he's not gonna do anything that'll upset his friendship with her. But I do think that he should at least talk to her about it. If he knows, he'll know where he needs to go from there in order to strengthen their relationship to what it was before. Oh, to have Season 3 CaRWash back again!

By the way, did any of that make sense?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

yes it did karu_mila. I agree with you , i'm really hoping for some carwash entertainment is the finale. Maybe ryan could have a talk with calliegh because he can see that she needs some guidance. And they could start from there. Well jus wanted to throw my 2 cents in.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey newbies! We are so glad to have you among the crazy loyal fans that are CaRWashers! ;) Have a virgin (or a real) cosmo, pull up your favorite piece of furniture and enjoy!

As for the weird response Ryan had in last week's episode, I think its because the pieces finally fell together for him about the Calleigh/Eric thing. I think he recognized that something was different between his co-workers before, but he wasn't sure what. I think the look on his face proved that he now knows what is going on. I think he'll keep it quiet for them because he cares about both of them as friends, but I hope he doesn't use that knowlege as blackmail later on to get what he wants (I know TPTB would LOVE to make him that bad guy again :rolleyes:) I don't know what's really going on between Zircon and Calleigh (because as Nikki said, nothing's been set down in stone, just alluded to several times, which is driving me nuts by the way!:scream: ), but I do know that Ryan's going to have to figure out how he feels about it, which could make him realize how much Calleigh really means to him, and could prompt him to take action finally!

Oh, and a spot of good news before I go:

Monday's episode is written by Corey Miller who not only is an AMAZING writer for the show (some of my favorite episodes are his handiwork), but he's also a closet shipper for a few couples on the show *cough*CalleighandHoratioandRyanandCalleigh*cough* So I'm thinking that maybe we won't get any EC in this episode which I could love! Also with the possibility of Calleigh in danger again, there's always the possibility of more CaRWash! :D

Keep the love alive!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Actually you're wrong, London, Corey Miller is a huge E/C shipper. Actually like the biggest one. At least that's what I always thought. There was one CaRWash shipper in the writer's group, but I forgot his name. Seriously, wasn't Corey Miller the source of all E/C? He was always optimistic about them in his interviews.

Heather, here's the deal, you write chap 3 of Bittersweet Beginnings, then you write that new fic of yours, and inbetween you keep on RPing with me, K?:D

Of course they are, Hestia, I love you too!

Salean, I totally missed that one. I'm kind of disappointed that all CaRWash has now is working together scenes. We deserve a REAL CaRWash scene again, TPTB! It's been too long. We want our season 4 back!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Heather, here's the deal, you write chap 3 of Bittersweet Beginnings, then you write that new fic of yours, and inbetween you keep on RPing with me, K?

BWahah Deal. *mails*

Corey Miller is the writer behind Under the Influence, Nailed, Fade Out and Shock just to name a few. He's a brilliant writer who seems to have a love for "Ryan" scenes. Any CaRWash scene he has is purely coincidental.

Two writers who seem to love CaRWashi is Sunil Nayar and Steven Maedar. They co-wrote Money Plane. Sunil is also responsible for Silencer, and Under Suspicion. Steven is responsible for Cop Killer and our infamous Recoil.

Otherwise the "CaRWash Writers" are very sporatic and too few.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

So Corey Miller is an E/C shipper, damn. But I'm not so afraid for the finale anymore, 'cause I went over to the E/C thread (couldn't help it :p), and read the spoilers.. But they don't know anything yet. So maybe this means that nothing major is going to happen.. I mean, with Danny and Lindsay in CSI NY the shippers already knew a lot of what was going to happen between D/L in the finale, there was even something about it in the promo..
Ah well, I don't know if this makes sense at all :p

karu_mila, I love the CaRWash dictionary! :D

Btw, I forgot to say in my last post that I really like your idea for the title of the new thread, Dutchie! :)

Well, I hope there will be some CaRWash tonight! :D *crosses fingers*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Debby the E/C shippers seem more optimistic now ( I looked too) Seems there is a little handholding in a promo video. TPTB are really irritating me.

I just realized that this is my very first time posting on any shipper threads!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Oh Lord, let's hope there's some CaRWash tonight...

Sunil Nayar? I thought I recognized his name... so he's a CaRWasher too? Anyways, about Corey Miller, if he has a thing for Ryan scenes, then it's probably safe to say that Ryan will not be neglected this time... I hope!

Oh, and before I forget, welcome to the thread greatfan! Seriously, this is your first shipper thread post? I'm glad you chose us... feel free to post here anytime!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks for the welcome Karu.
I hope tonights episode is great,and we see plenty of Ryan.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Me too... I seriously just stared at the screen after it ended. I don't think I've blinked yet. I.. just wow. Wow.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

First of all, welcome to the thread, greatfan! :D

I just read something about the finale, and watched the last scene of the episode on YouTube.. I'm also speechless. The look on Ryan's face when he gets that message.. I was hoping that he could finally do something right again, but now it looks like they turn him into the bad guy :wtf: I really hope he has nothing to do with it.
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