Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
It's been over a week since I watched the season finale and I'm finally feeling calm enough to talk here. All your theories about Ryan actually being in on the shooting with Horatio or just being blackmailed by a gambling punk made me feel much better. However, if the writers make Ryan into the next Cooper, mark my words, I will
stop watching CSI Miami Any worthwhile news from an episode I can just get here and if miracle of miracles, we actually get worthwhile CaRWash, I'll expect someone here would either provide a link or post screencaps.
BTW: Is anyone going to post any CaRWash screencaps of the past few episodes? I'd like to re-visit the hand touching and the shoulder touching.
Oh yeah, and the whole Horatio getting shot things was a bit surprising but, come one, he's the leading man. I know he's going to survive; he's SuperH!
Saya Raya, that manipulation is beautiful. Oh, and to answer
karu_mila's questions:
1) what parts of Ryan's past would you like to see? and 2) what secrets would you like to be revealed?
1) I'm with everyone about more family life revealed for Ryan. I don't know what else I can add that hasn't already be said... Oh! It would be interesting to see him interact with Calleigh's dad again.

Her dad would be all gruff with him because of all the heartache he's caused her with his gambling and that brief time where he worked for the news but then he'd tell Ryan that she used to consider him such a close friend - and still does.
2) That he secretly has a Calleigh shrine. :lol: I don't know. As long as it doesn't hurt CaRWash, I say, bring on the secrets.
One more thing to keep up the cheer: FRUITY COSMOS FOR EVERYONE! Take whichever you'd like!
(Add your own liquor if you're of age - I will be in a week and a half!
