Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*happy dance* I just saw Coffin and I saw the laptop combusting for the first time! I could have sworn I saw sparks fly...

A fake funeral? Man, TPTB are going all out! Hmm, a potential CaRWash comforting scene? I like the way you think, hahaguy...

Oh, and just to start a discussion so we don't end up on the second page, 1) what parts of Ryan's past would you like to see? and 2) what secrets would you like to be revealed?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

i would like to see more of his personal life. We really never hear any talk about his personal life or his family.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Well, we learned about uncle Ron, who taught him how to crack safes when he was eleven, and Ryan's niece, who Calleigh bought the iPod for, but we never did see them. Other than that, we got nothing about Ryan's past. Hmm, I'd love to see his niece visit him at the lab. Ooh, and maybe hear some of Ryan's embarrasing childhood moments from uncle Ron... Calleigh ought to get a laugh out of that!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Sometime last week I wrote a reeeaaally long post here, but my computer decided it needed to restart itself just before I pressed submit. *sigh*

1) what parts of Ryan's past would you like to see? and 2) what secrets would you like to be revealed?

Anything and everything. I'm not fussy. Just as long as it's Ryan, and there's Calleigh to help him out. :p

To seriously answer your question, Karu, I would love to see some more of Ryan's family. We know he has at least one sibling, because he has a niece... but is that sibling a brother or a sister? Are they older or younger? How many siblings does he have? I'd love to get answers to those questions.

In my mind, Ryan seems to be a youngest sibling. There just seem to be a lot of elements of his personality that go with traits that I can see my youngest sister has developed through trying to keep up with her two older sisters.

As for secrets... I don't know. My thinking is that next season we might get something about Ryan's patrol days, because he has mentioned those more in recent episodes than he did before. That would be quite cool. I'm not so sure that I want Ryan to have a really really dark secret. I think he deserves to be happy for a bit.

Obviously, a secret that I would love to be discovered is that Ryan and Calleigh have secretly been dating all this time. Somehow I don't think TPTB will go for that...

Oh, just thought, something else I would really love to see developed is Ryan's OCD tendencies. When Ryan first came, I thought that was such an interesting route to go down with a character, but nothing seemed to become of it. I don't mean as a major storyline, but I would like to see a few mentions of it, or maybe a minor storyline in an episode.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

So many great possibilities... now if only TPTB take them into consideration...

Anyways, I was reading the latest CSI article when I unfortunately came across this...

"Let's just say that Ryan Wolfe (Jonathan Togo) may be playing both sides," writer Corey Miller told TV Guide. "He may be taking an opportunity here to get ahead."

Oh god, I really hope they don't turn Ryan into the bad guy. Corey even said Ryan was one of the suspects for Horatio's shooting. Frankly, I'm tired of Ryan going through this... what are TPTB thinking? I wanna see Ryan as the good guy again, you know, solving crimes and flirting with Calleigh as usual.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

It's been over a week since I watched the season finale and I'm finally feeling calm enough to talk here. All your theories about Ryan actually being in on the shooting with Horatio or just being blackmailed by a gambling punk made me feel much better. However, if the writers make Ryan into the next Cooper, mark my words, I will stop watching CSI Miami Any worthwhile news from an episode I can just get here and if miracle of miracles, we actually get worthwhile CaRWash, I'll expect someone here would either provide a link or post screencaps.
BTW: Is anyone going to post any CaRWash screencaps of the past few episodes? I'd like to re-visit the hand touching and the shoulder touching.

Oh yeah, and the whole Horatio getting shot things was a bit surprising but, come one, he's the leading man. I know he's going to survive; he's SuperH! :cool:

Saya Raya, that manipulation is beautiful. Oh, and to answer karu_mila's questions:

1) what parts of Ryan's past would you like to see? and 2) what secrets would you like to be revealed?

1) I'm with everyone about more family life revealed for Ryan. I don't know what else I can add that hasn't already be said... Oh! It would be interesting to see him interact with Calleigh's dad again. :) Her dad would be all gruff with him because of all the heartache he's caused her with his gambling and that brief time where he worked for the news but then he'd tell Ryan that she used to consider him such a close friend - and still does.

2) That he secretly has a Calleigh shrine. :lol: I don't know. As long as it doesn't hurt CaRWash, I say, bring on the secrets.

One more thing to keep up the cheer: FRUITY COSMOS FOR EVERYONE! Take whichever you'd like!


(Add your own liquor if you're of age - I will be in a week and a half! :D)​
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Oh, that article is upsetting Karu. I don't want Ryan to be using this as a chance to 'get ahead'. We've already had him fired and generally portrayed as the black sheep of the CSI family... I don't think I could cope with much more.

Wait, Ryan's a suspect for the shooting? But... he was just receiving the text... he wasn't actually anywhere near Horatio... was he? I really refuse to believe that Ryan was actually the one who shot Horatio. I mean, there is the slim chance that I might accept that Ryan had something to do with it. But actually being the shooter? That doesn't fit with his character at all. At all, I tell you!

Give us happy Ryan, and happy CaRWash!

*takes a Fruity Cosmo and adds liquor* Well, I'm of age over here.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*takes fruity cosmo as well* No liquor for me... I'll be of age in mid June.

He couldn't have shot Horatio, I know. He was just coming out after leaving the interrogation when he got the text, and Horatio got shot at almost the same time. So unless he can teleport, that rules him out. But according to Corey, TPTB are treating him like a suspect until further notice... all I can say is make Ryan the hero, damnit!

However, if the writers make Ryan into the next Cooper, mark my words, I will stop watching CSI Miami

My sentiments exactly... hopefully it won't come down to that. *crosses fingers*

Oh, and before I forget, I still haven't gotten any suggestions for the CaRWash dictionary... come on guys, bring whatever you got and PM me!
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

make Ryan the hero, damnit!

Agreed. He deserves a turn of being the one to save the day!

I don't know if I would stop watching Miami if they turned Ryan into the next Cooper. I would be incredibly angry and would probably never get over it, but I don't think I would stop watching. I've managed to survive a whole season of Lost without Charlie (still not over that) and he was my favourite TV character of any of my TV shows, so I'll manage to survive a Ryan character-assasination.

Because that is what it would be. A character-assasination. And as I said, I would be so incredibly angry if that was their plan for him. Ryan may have his flaws but he's still a decent human being! He deserves a lot more credit than becoming the overly-ambitious guy who will do anything to get ahead. It's just not him.

So unless he can teleport

Oh, but it would be so great if he could. Heh heh heh... That would be unbelievably amazing.
(Sorry, I read and watch far too much Sci-fi)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hi, Dutchie, I've resurfaced...:thumbsup:. Life buried me under a whole heap of 'detritus' :eek:. My little CaRWash heart was completely broken by the whole Calleigh/Eric/Whatshisface storyline and I was unable to write any more of HiStory.
I've kept my 'hand' in writing about Johnny (Madrid) Lancer (who looked really good in a pink shirt...:lol::lol::lol:)...but perhaps it's now time to finish Ryan's story...soon as I've got Johnny back at home where he belongs...;).
I suppose I'vve regained my hope by reading these posts - as you know we're way behind here in the UK and I did think I'd skip the coming season. But there are CaRWash moments!!! Please let me know which epis and I can record them when they're aired.
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I LIVE! Sorry guys, I've been held back by a couple of things in my life lately, nothing major, just felt like crap for no apparent reason, and to solve that I threw myself into a new addiction (Chase/Cameron from House, MD., if anyone's interested. I swear it's all Carla's fault anyway:rolleyes:), which kind of caused me to pull away from CSI:Miami. That, and the fact I really think they're ruining the show. I haven't watched a full episode in months, only the CaRWash parts.

SelinaKy, please don't give me more plot bunnies!:eek: I have an ongoing multichap I really need to get back into (which reminds me, I'm off to post the next chapter after this) and there's lots of other great writers who could write that missing scene. Seriously, I don't need more things on my waiting list right now:lol:

Annwn, I've missed you! Can't wait to have you back and finally read on in HiStory. (which, btw people, has some really great Ryan background story:thumbsup:)

Anyway, I really liked all your thoughts and views, but I really don't feel like saying anything about it at this time. CSI:M has disappointed me greatly, and there's only one way they can make it up to me: give us one hell of a season 7, in which Ryan is NOT the bad guy.:scream: Thanks much.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Dutchie! *tackles* Good to have you back! Chase/Cameron, eh? I happen to ship that too... welcome aboard! Oh, and I read chapter 6 of Best Day of My Life... I loved it, but poor Ryan. I hope things will look up for him.

Annwn, you wrote HiStory? Oh wow, I'm only on the first chapter, but you've definitely piqued my interest. It's about time we learned more about Ryan. Hope we've inspired you enough to continue.

Oh, but it would be so great if he could. Heh heh heh... That would be unbelievably amazing.
(Sorry, I read and watch far too much Sci-fi)

No worries Salean, though it would be cool if he could teleport!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Chase and Cameron? Im on that one too :)

Dutchie, I read the new chapter too, and it was so sad. I think Ryan had enough trouble and heartbreak on the show already. I think I will watch the last ep, you made it sound really interesting. as for HiStory, I love that one and Im glad you will continue, Annwn

and I so dont want them to make him the bad guy. he is NOT a bad guy. he is trying so hard to do the right thing and they just dont let him

I have no idea what I would like to see in S7 except of the obvious. but I like the idea of exploring his OCD and seeing more of his family - especially the niece. would a scene with an annoyed 13-year old commenting on him and Calleigh being a couple be too much? because I can totally see it.

N: Is she your girlfriend or something? She is pretty. Definitely can do better then you.
R: (sarcasticly.) Thank you.
C: I think woman can do worse then your uncle.

I wanna see Ryan as the good guy again, you know, solving crimes and flirting with Calleigh as usual.

oh, the good all times

Give us happy Ryan, and happy CaRWash!

I definitely second this.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hi carolina, welome to the thread! Now where was I...?

Give us happy Ryan, and happy CaRWash!


and I so dont want them to make him the bad guy. he is NOT a bad guy. he is trying so hard to do the right thing and they just dont let him

I know... it isn't fair of TPTB to put Ryan through this mess. He's a good guy, and despite his faults, he still goes about trying to do the right thing. Hmm, maybe Calleigh will help him pull through...

N: Is she your girlfriend or something? She is pretty. Definitely can do better then you.
R: (sarcasticly.) Thank you.
C: I think woman can do worse then your uncle.

*laughs* I can totally imagine that happening... ooh, or maybe Ryan's niece will ask if Calleigh's her new aunt!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Wow, haven't been here for a while!

Dutchie, I read the new chapter, I like it! Calleigh has to realize she loves Ryan :p
Oh, and I love House too btw, but I ship House/Cuddy :lol:

Well, back to CaRWash ;)

I wanna see Ryan as the good guy again, you know, solving crimes and flirting with Calleigh as usual.
Exactly. I want season 4 back! :( Seriously, if they turn Ryan into the bad guy, I'll stop watching CSI Miami! (Well, maybe that goes a little bit too far, but I will be so mad! :p)

I like your ideas about Ryan's family btw, I would also love to know more about them! :)
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