Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Thank God you guys stopped saying you were mad at Jorja. She HAS had her share of bashings hasn't she? I've read things where people say that the show as ruined for them when she came on. It's so stupid, because there was one episode before they brought her in. And if one of the characters ruins the show for you, you shouldn't watch it.

Anyways, I'm trying not believe this stuff, Jorja herself said not to believe all the gossip. I'm hoping maybe we can go back to talking about GSR now.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hey guys where is everyone? We've slipped way down the page.
I noticed that Jorja said she can't talk about future eps because she's under contract, but didn't her contract expire in May? Man. the can't let GSR slip away. What would Gilbert be without it. A boring little scientist. Well maybe a hot boring little scientist. :devil:
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

So, I'm just going to table all the Jorja stuff and launch into a GSR disquisition.

I thoroughly enjoyed the finale, which I have now watched top to tail twice. (Though I have watched the final part of the episode about 348 times.) I loved the way it ended: the hand holding and the relief and love flooding Grissom's face. It was so entirely apt. Hand holding seems to be the way these two express themselves physically at times of high emotion; looking into each other's eyes seems to be how they chart their love. So, I found the helicopter scene utterly rewarding. It was better and more fitting than any kiss or confessional could possibly be.

I also liked how when Sara opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Grissom's name on his vest. It was a fitting counterpoint to the earlier uncovering of Sara's vest. Then, seeing the name "Sidle" produced anxiety and distress: they had her vest--the sign that she had been there--but they didn't have the woman that badge represented. When Sara saw Grissom's name, she knew the man himself was there, and it was a moment of joy for both of them. I thought that was a particularly effective motif.

And how squee-worthy does the next episode seem? We get to find out all the juicy details of their relationship via Ecklie, our proxy perv! I hope he is particularly prurient, so we get loads of dirt. ;) But really, it looks wonderful. And I love that Grissom thinks they have been "intimate" for nine years, while Sara gives the more reasonable and literal-minded two. Grissom probably thinks of intimacy as a meeting of the minds, or some such. Ah, our little Bugman is a romantic--or a spiritualist!--at heart. I'm hoping we get a bit more reaction from the team about Grissom and Sara's realtionship. They didn't really have time to process it in their rush to find Sara, but now I'm hoping we get lots of little quips and remarks about Grissom and Sara's involvement.

As for anything else the future may bring, well, I'm going spoiler free. I don't care when and if any of the actors on this show leaves, provided that GSR is given a rewarding arc. I always loved how they handled Carol's leaving on ER (with Doug's/George Clooney's cameo). If one of the geeks leaves before the other (and I have no spoiler info on this), I hope they do the same thing to resolve their relationship. (Without the intervening break up, of course. It simply wouldn't make sense for Grissom and Sara to break up. One or the other of them might leave to take another job, but that shouldn't cause the dissolution of their relationship.)
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I just watched the CTV promo and it looks good. Nick asks Greg if he knew about Griss and Sara and he says not in so many words, poor Nick looks all lost. And Ecklie barges into Griss office and tells him stop dodging me we need to talk! On a side note it looks like the Cath/Warrick spark might be reunited to those of you who might care
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Butterflied08 in reply to a previous post, jorja Fox, George Eads and Gary Dourdan all got paid the same they were all offered a raise for a 2 year contract, season 7 + 8 George and Gary took it but jorja didnt, she didnt think it was enough for a 2 year contract so now she's Screwed, her contract ran out in may, but she didnt want her character to leave the show in death and wanted to leave her relationship with grissom on a good note. so her contract now ends in november instead of may 08 like everybody elses. :( :( :(
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Well, now that the air has cleared a little and I am thinking correctly, here are my thoughts on Dead Doll

This episode was PHENOMINAL.

I really can't say enough about it.

Everything about it was great.

Here are my main points:

-Hello Gilbert. My fangirl heart EXPLODED.

-The Natalie Smackdown was awesome. I was like "Yeah! Take her down Sara. CHOKE HOLD! CHUCK NORRIS STYLE!"

-Sara getting out from under the car. I could NEVER do it. I'm not as strong as she is. That's why I love her.
-Those flashbacks. I friggin' squeed. I knew they were gonna show the Nick flashback. But the SDD face touch? Holy crap. I screamed so loud.

-Nick finding Sara. I SO wanted that to happen. Only because they share that special connection and he kind of "owed" it to her because she found him.

-THAT HELICOPER SCENE. Jesus. LORD. He loves her. HE FRIGGIN' LOVES HER. Remember how I said my fangirl heart exploded? Well, this scene, it turned into a pile of MUSH. And the hand hold. And the focusing on Grissom's vest when she woke up. Gah! It's too much to handle.

Overall, this is my new favorite episode. It blows Butterflied and Empty Eyes outta the water.

Now I can't wait until next week.

ETA: Are the spoiler boxes not working?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Well it depends on how much CBS love CSI because if Jorja goes because CBS basically screwed up,then they could see CSI off the air next autumn, because the cast will be less likely to trust CBS and Billy will go too.And if things have got ugly Billy is such to say so once he leaves. CBS is in all kinds of trouble as a network right now.
In allowing Jorja to turn down a pay rise to bring back George Eades in 2004 they screwed up and they screwed up in firing them too. The bad feelings and mistrust linger.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Overall, this is my new favorite episode. It blows Butterflied and Empty Eyes outta the water.

I definitely agree. I mean, the GSR was rockin my socks and turning me into mush, but it wasn't just the GSR. The first time I started to cry was when Nick broke down in Natalie's apartment. That flashback scene was beautiful.

And I have the end scene in my mp3/video player. I have to hold back the tears every time I watch. It wasn't just the look. The entire mood and music and mush made that scene amazing. *Sigh*

Well, I don't really feel like talking about Jorja much... She's cool and all, and is the S in GSR, but let's just live in the moment. Please...?
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Yes, it was a great episode & I am so glad that I stayed spoiler free. It was so good to not wonder when such & such was going to happen.
And that GSR moment in the helicopter was so cool. I expected Sara to be neer death when they found her, but the way they resolved it with Sara seeing his name tag & the great look he had & the subtle little had hold. WOW.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I thoroughly enjoyed the finale, which I have now watched top to tail twice. (Though I have watched the final part of the episode about 348 times.)

Wow, LadyDisdain, you must be my long-lost mental twin...I was thinking about posting the same thing (although I must note that the only reason I haven't watched the episode more times is because my computer processes CBS's Innertube episodes so slowly. GRRR. :mad:)!

As an episode, "Dead Doll" blew me out of the water so completely and in so many ways (and, to be fair, my sleep schedule has been so out of whack lately) that I still can't form a nice, long, coherent post containing all the datails of my thoughts and opinions about it, so here are some semi-coherent (I hope) random thoughts:

  • As I said before, this episode blew me completely out of the water...greatest episode for quite some time, IMO. The relentless pacing, the seamless teamwork, the sheer scope and level of emotion...WOW.
  • No matter what has been said about her personally, Jorja Fox beyond kicked butt in this episode...what an amazing, tour-de-force performance! The woman took a physically, mentally, and emotionally grueling role and turned in one heck of an acting effort. She WAS the episode. Saucy, cute, stunned (literally and figuratively), confused, desperate (and desperately trying to reason calmly with a psychopath), aggressive, tough, despairing, grittily determined, smart, strong, never-say-die, exhausted, vulnerable, and finally, hopeful...she did it all. Again, WOW.
  • While I thought this episode felt more scattered, random, and rushed than "Grave Danger"'s more logical, sequential, deliberately paced quest for Nick, I love how every member of the team stayed just focused and sane enough to play a huge part in Sara's survival. I found Nick's effort particularly ironic and heartwarming, from the flashback to the fact that he paid her back for being the one to pinpoint his location two years ago. I'm a GSR shipper for life, but I love the sweet brother-sister connection Sara and Nick have, and this episode made it all the more cute and poignant for me.
  • If Jorja Fox gets the "Best Actress" award for this episode, "Best Supporting Actor" definitely goes to William Petersen. While, like some posters, I was surprised at how well he kept his cool, I also sensed a frantic and uncertain air about him that I didn't feel while watching "Grave Danger." IMO, during "Grave Danger" he was the sanity of the team and truly able to coolly focus on the evidence they had and put it together to get Nick out alive. Even (and especially) at the end, when they had to neutralize the explosives, he took the lead and calmly directed everyone to do what was needed. In "Dead Doll," his control was hanging by a thread the entire time; I got the sense that he did the water experiment with the miniature just so he could focus on something in order to keep his barely-there sanity intact. For the rest of the episode, he hovered on the cusp of losing it altogether while running around in the desert. He was the one to lean on Catherine for support ("Where is she, Catherine?"), rather than the other way around as in "Grave Danger." Just watch the end; when the paramedic says, "She's not responding!", he gets this wild, desperate, insane look in his eyes, as though if he loses her, his mind will break, and so will he. The sheer number and intensity of the emotions he goes through in the helicopter without saying a word...simply amazing. I don't think I've ever seen any other actor manage to look both 10 years older and 10 years younger the way he does when he realizes Sara will be OK. I just wish they had let the cameras run a little longer, so we could have seen him break down into tears, which it was obvious he was about to do.
  • Just a really funny random thought...when Sara answered the phone, "Hello, Gilbert," I had to wonder if it was something she sometimes said "for his ears only" when nobody else was around, or if it meant he was still in the doghouse from "The Good, the Bad, and the Dominatrix." I know, I don't know where I got that from...must just be from when I was younger, and some of my friends had moms who only used their full names when they were in serious trouble. ;)

~ geekprincess
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Well, were are a breed unto ourselves, their totally trashing the ep. and her, and him on the S/8 'spoiler' thread! "one fan said he looked 'constipated' how crude, and so un-true, they were spectatular,, what's up with that? and how are these other fans watching the same show, as us? with this negative overview :mad: sad and so unbeliveable :(

Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

this is a random post, just scanned the posts above (don't be mad at jorja, we should support her if she decides to leave, though i think if she leaves it probably won't be her own decision. she's very happy on the show, and i don't think she would choose to leave it!)
great gsrness and i can't wait to see more

but, i have to say, concerning a certain fanfiction i'm currently reading (and loving) I HEART ROCKING CHAIRS!! omg, hotness guys. you were right
just thought i'd share, i was soo looking forward to that!

5 days two hours? till GSR timeline and fluff and squeeness
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

Hey guys, don't know if anyone posted this link yet. YTDAW Save Sara campaign I think this is a very good, organized, concerted attempt that we all should join. Send the link to any web site that you think would be helpful.

And I thought the "hello Gilbert' sounded decidedly seductive. It was squee worthy.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

If Sara leaves in a good way, I think I actually would be good with that. I have a feeling the show won't go on that much longer either way, and I know it's speculated WP won't stick around very long either way. If they handle it well and give her a good goodbye, I think maybe I would prefer that to the not getting any character resolution with the show just cancelled rather than finished.

Either way, the last episode did give her character a lot, I felt.
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan

I can't wait until next thursday! I think we're going to get some good GSR senes in that ep. And a timeline.

Some people are trashing dead doll? Really? My two sisters loved it, my friend who watches the show regularly loved it, my friend and her parents who never watch the show loved it, and my sister's friend who's obsessed with the show loved it. How anyone not love it?

I loved the "chalk" flashback! And the "hello Gilbert" was really funny. But I still want a kiss/ "i love you". I think there's a good chance we'll get at least one next Thursday.
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