Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

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Yeah...I realize how much 24 episodes is...I just low balled it...because just in case she wasn't in every one. That's a lot of money in my opinion. :eek:
Well, I know for sure that part of this article is in-accurate. they didn't fly in Marg for the "weekend' as a matter of fact. her and WP were here for a WEEK. I live here, and this is from The Las Vegas Review Journal Carol Cling..Shooting Stars colunmist.. and their itinerary was as follows.. they were at The Venetian. on Monday..4/16 the Riveria Le Bistro, on Tues.. the Bonaznza Gift Shop..not sure when, and downtown at The Fremont Street Expierence.. so my point is, if the Vegas part is wrong.. how much else is as well, and I remember when her and George were 'fired' and at that time it was reported that she made $225,000 an ep.. as well as the rest,[excluding Paul and Robert] didn't state their's.. with the exception of Marg.. who made $250,000 and WP $500,000.. so that's two inaccurate comments in this article that are wrong!.. oh, and when you see the finale , look for them at these locations.. ;)
xfcanadian said:
For the amount they get paid, they better work a lot! I really can't feel sorry for actors you know how much ER doctors work?

Yes I do. I also know how much other people who are not actors work. But the thing that sucks is that often times those jobs aren't pulling in the billions that a television show or movie makes. Now, would I rather see most of that profit go back into the show itself rather than in someone's pocket? Sure. But that's just not how it works. I'd love to see people like ER doctors and teachers and police officers and firefighters really get the money that they deserve.
Well that's cool...I was wondering if the article was true considering noone else seems to be reporting about it. did say they flew her in on the is that a lie?
quit'll have to catch your breath...and there is no reason to be winded. :D I understand that they were here for a week...but that doesn't rule out that they didn't fly out MH on the saturday before the start of that week. never know if during that week they were filming a second scenario. Anything is possible.
Jorja probably hasn't gotten a raise in years. So I'm one person who thinks she deserves one. I have no idea how much she's requesting or demanding, but Sara is an important character on the show, and as much as I dislike GSR, I still think Sara is needed on the show. Les Moonves should just quit being an ass, give her a raise and continue to let the show be a success because the show will surely lose some fans if Jorja's character is killed off.

If Sara does get killed, the show will have jumped the shark big time.
I completely agree Toots. Lately, I think CSI has been showing it's age lately. While some shows have indeed recovered in their ninth or tenth seasons after two or three subpar seasons but if Sara Sidle were to be killed off, that would pretty much send CSI into the ash heap of history for me. Or perhaps if they killed Sara Sidle off, it's frickin "Grey's Anatomy" from here on. :mad: :lol: :mad: :eek: :rolleyes: ;) :p :D
Personally, I'd miss her, but I'd keep watching. I can see the show going on with out Sara Sidle simply because this is a crime show, and it would be almost normal for one of them to die.
I'm not sure I trust it either, based on the whole Star thing and some of it being inaccurate. I don't think we'll know what's really up with the finale though 'till it airs...not that it makes me happy lol
I'm conflicted. On the one hand I want her to be killed off because I'm sick of GSR. On the other hand Sara used to be one of my favorite characters, so I don't really want her to go.

But, I don't like the direction they're taking the character anyway, so she might as well get killed off, I guess.

Interesting how many people are threatening to quit watching if she leaves. I got slammed for threatening to quit if GSR was revealed. "OH...MAH...GAH...IF U RLY LYKD THE SHOW AND U WER A RULL FAN U WULD WATCH IT 4 THE CAYSES!"

Seriously, though, I highly doubt she's going anywhere. I'm sure we'll have another season full of Sara and all her relationship mess next season. Joy. :rolleyes:

I would like to add that at 100k/ep, Jorja is grossly underpaid. 2.4mil a season might sound like a lot, but once you consider taxes and agents and clothes and transportation and beuty needs and lawyers and outrageous California adds up. She should ask for a raise.
There's a big differnce (IMO) between characters becoming Canon in a relationship, and a character leaving or getting killed...
But, is it, though? What's really more annoying: watching a character you love get killed off or watching a character you love slowly morph into a character you hate?

Plus, a true CSI fan watches for the cases, not the characters.

Not my words! I think characters play a major role in the entertainment value of the show.
Opinions, opinions. :D

From what I've seen over the years, most people would still watch the show no matter how they threaten to quit watching...until they get really bored, that is. They might hate it, but they'd still watch just to diss it. *coughs* A few of the C/G shippers and Speedle fans I know are doing that. *coughs*

I hope the content of that article isn't true. As much as I don't like GSR, I do appreciate Jorja as an actor and the article is making her look bad. And I'm not going to take it seriously until it's confirmed. I don't really count on papers like the New York Post or the Star since both are considered tabloids.
Wow. So now a big percentage of fans are NOT true fans because we like to watch the characters? Yes - I love watching the characters evolve. I'd rather see a character morph into something I hate - than them being killed off. I love the cases - but if the cast wasn't the way they were - if it wasn't the actors who are acting, I really doubt I'd be so interested in the show.

I likely wouldn't give a big damn if it were any other show than CSI: I could care less who gets killed off Miami, or NY since I don't keep up with them. But CSI: is one of those shows where I FEEL would not be as successful if the actors didn't play the characters the way they do.

The characters are a big part of the show, without them... You'd have no show. So, before saying a true fan watches for the crime - not the characters, I'd say maybe they should figure out what makes the show in the first place?

I do think it's totally silly for people to say "Well, ohh myy gooodddddd I HATE GSR so I hate CSI. I hate watching it, it makes me puke.. I gag everytime I see them" :rolleyes: If you were a fan of CSI (As a whole) I doubt you'd be saying the show makes you puke everytime you see a 47 second scene.

However, nobody is in the right place to say "You are not a fan" because you dislike a ship, a character, or you watch the show for other reasons besides, well, crime - not me, not anyone. Gosh, if Grillows had become canon, I sure as hell wouldn't be sitting here saying how ridiculous it is, and how STUPID the show is now because TWO CHARACTERS got together... Because you all know if YOUR ship becomes canon, you'll be in heaven - and that's really all there is to it.

Of course, then there are those who don't watch for that - and do care less.. I know plenty of people who just watch for the show itself, and don't care who gets with who..

I've heard many casual fans (That don't go on the internet and talk on the boards and such) that this is THE best season they've ever seen. So what one may love, another may loathe.


ETA: With Lady Heather returning, you know it's going to pull in many, many fans who ship those two - even though GSR is together. I love Lady Heather (Don't like her when she's around Grissom, but..) and I'm glad to see she's returning, if only for a ratings stunt.

However, there's three more episodes until we have no more until September :(
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