Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

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The chats are trickier, honestly. They're kind of dependent on the actor being pretty flexible...the ones who we've done chats with are ones I've gotten to know a bit better through the interviews and are willing to work with me over the phone to get them set up and in.

Interviews are something most actors and actresses are willing to do (save for the big cheeses--they're pretty picky about who they'll talk to!), but chats are something extra. That's not to say that AJ wouldn't do it...maybe at some point down the road.
Alright, the scrapbook search is finally over...but I'm an indecisive person, so I'm leaving it up to you guys to choose which one I buy. :lol: I made a post on the 'Adam Ross' LJ community here where you can see both books and leave a comment (anonymous comments are accepted ;)) with your choice. :D

Once we've decided on an album and I've ordered it, I'll get the guidelines to a mod and they can open up a fan project thread here for it. :)

(Don't forget to check out the pictures of AJ that BlueGirl posted in the NY Pic thread :devil:)
At least your willing to try. And something tells me he would love to try and chat with us. Especially now that he knows he has fan love here. ;)
I think you're right, I think that AJ would take the time to chat with us if given the opportunity. And I'd love to participate! He's become a vital part of the show, and I think everyone is starting to notice when he's missing. He's no Danny, but even so, it always sucks to be watching an episode and think "Adam should be doing that" when he's not in an ep.

Anyway, I'm excited to get this project going!

EDIT: **new AJ pics from his myspace**

Ooh, lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing, dd. ;) (Although now I'm curious what magazine they were from, and why that silly woman's hand isn't drifting northward. :devil:)

I'd love it if AJ did a chat--you know I'd be there. ;)

He's no Danny, but even so, it always sucks to be watching an episode and think "Adam should be doing that" when he's not in an ep.
Exactly, Adam is definitely one of my favorite characters (obviously ;)), and I can't help wishing they'd put him in more episodes. :lol:
Thank you for posting those pics! AJ looks stunning in them. i'm starting to look for his name in the beginnig credits now to see if he is appearing!
On a side note I bought In Enemy Hands the other day (basically cos Carmine is in it) but I squealed when I saw AJ in it!! He was good in the slight scenes he had!
I wonder what magazine that's from. Sweet pics of AJ! I wish AJ hadn't cut off part of that article in the second pic when he scanned it onto his MySpace page. :p I like to read the articles, too! ;)
It finishes: "Don't be fooled--he still lives next to Fay who is, by all accounts, a naughty little minx." :devil:

Hey, that could be what it says for all you know! :lol:
"On AJ's other side is the delectable DD, who brings over baked good and makes sure she always has an extra cup of sugar for her neighbor." :devil: :devil:

sorry, "Pour Some Sugar on Me" was playing on my iTunes.

Dude, we'd be the bestest neighbors EVAR!!! :lol: Tons of fun and all that jazz. ;)

And now that song is stuck in my head. *throws something at you*

That picture is hilarious. Neighbor-on-the-other-side-of-AJ, methinks we should jump in and rescue him...and perform CPR. Just in case, of course. :devil:
Oh yes, I think just to be on the safe side, a little mouth-to-mouth recession should be done. I mean, what if he's not getting enough oxygen to his brain?


I can't wait to see him on this next ep!
Top41 said:
I wonder what magazine that's from. Sweet pics of AJ! I wish AJ hadn't cut off part of that article in the second pic when he scanned it onto his MySpace page. :p I like to read the articles, too! ;)

Thank you Top. I was trying to figure out if my monitor was screwing up by cutting off the text. :duh: :rolleyes:
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