Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

Discussion in 'Shipper Central' started by Adzix, Jan 14, 2007.

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  1. MadLilMe

    MadLilMe Hit and Run

    Jan 31, 2007
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    I'm a newbie to this site and I just want to say hi to fellow GSR shippers!

    My fave scene in the poll has got to be TOYD. It was great sexy scene!
  2. chocolate_bunnys

    chocolate_bunnys Police Officer

    Oct 13, 2006
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    welcome MadLilMe.

    Adz posted a spoiler? *faints*
    Adzix[/b]'s goes, the spoilerfree will fallow]LOL dude that is too funny.I agree it would be ooc,unless eckile was going to see grissoms beard and sara's beard burn and put 2 and 3 together.But i would like it cuz it would be putting the 2 things i suport together: them cleanshaven and gsr(the only thing better would be not posting this spoiler...hay this is the first and hopfully last spoiler i ever posted.)

    Oh and i voted Way To go and Swap Meet

    I would of voted Invisible Evidence and Time Of Your Death like everyone else, but those arnt looks of love they are looks of.......somthing else :p :devil:
  3. BurnedToast

    BurnedToast Coroner

    Jan 15, 2006
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    I've come out of my college induced lurk-mode for five and a half seconds. Be happy.
    This is pretty much because I was just glancing over the GSR page, and I saw the titles for all of the spoiler boxes...not to mention Adzix's lovely icon.
    It reminded me of just how freakishly [edited for adult content] we are. Buwaha.

    Okay, so, here is the imagined beard-be-gone scene...Twas the night before Thursday (namely Wednesday) and all through the appartment, not a creature was stirring, except for Sara the possible mouse. What? You don't like that story? Come on, it's a great story. Okay, fine. It would be hillarious if Sara super stealthily rolled out of bed, and snuck off to the bathroom, grabbing the shaving cream and a razor. And then GASPO-statta! That made no sense at all. o_o;;

    - AllyX
  4. nameless

    nameless Hit and Run

    Jan 29, 2007
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    Hey, I just wanted to pop in and tell you that I voted for WTG and GG - maybe it's 'cause I loooove WP's deep blues and in both scenes we have him on focus... Damnit, Billy... {}

    Aaaanyway, I should get back to history studying. Something about Napoleon... or something
  5. brass_lives

    brass_lives Prime Suspect

    May 11, 2006
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    :lol: That is so wrong. You guys are funny. It's so nice to be on team bi/tri/any facial. I even like him as Grissly Adams.

    I agree! Which is why I haven't voted yet. I'm too confused. I also don't remember what the hero look is. :confused:

    We get the flashback scene tonight, don't we? I can't get into YTDAW anymore, so I get my spoilers all mixed up. Sara remembers Grissom telling her he's that right? Do we know if it was something he said in his office or at "home"?
  6. Sidlreiana_15

    Sidlreiana_15 Lab Technician

    Jan 22, 2006
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    i think that is the office for a lot of books lol ,in the promo only we see 5 second of grissom and i think that is the offices but only is my opinion ;) , more this night :p i want flash-back :lol:
  7. saraXsullivan

    saraXsullivan CSI Level Two

    Jan 30, 2006
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    We get some GSR tonight? I wasn't expecting anything, which is why I'm not schoolgirl, screaming until my throat bleeds excited. Like I usually am. I kinda just figured last week we got the gift, we get a hug when he comes back. Those are pretty big scenes, so I shouldn't expect anything in between? We might see what she does with the gift this week, did you guys ever think of that? It's just speculation, not based on any spoiler that I've read.


    I'm an idiot. I probably should have guessed we'd see Grissom if his face is in the promo. Wow.. that flew right over my head.

    Edited because I have memory problems of things I've seen only two minutes ago.
  8. sarahvma

    sarahvma Captain

    Oct 11, 2005
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    Sorry to anyone who doesn't already know, but the flashback was never filmed. For a very simple reason - WP had a beard when he came back from Rhode Island, and before he left, Grissom was clean-shaven, making a flashback impossible. There is current NO word on whether Grissom's appearance tonight will contain GSR, how long it will be, or whether we're even really getting one that will air. Sorry to everyone who had their hopes up, but think about it this way: we may be sacrificing angst in the flashback for fluff with the shaving scene. And personally, we've had a lot of GSR angst. We've never actually had them intimately touch each other. So I'll take the beard and the shaving scene over clean-shaven flashback angst.
  9. brass_lives

    brass_lives Prime Suspect

    May 11, 2006
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    And sorry if I got anyone's hopes up. I thought the promo last week meant that they had actually filmed it. I was really looking forward to seeing Billy's face (hairy or not) on the show tonight. *sigh* guess I'll have to settle for the credits.
  10. katjo

    katjo Witness

    Nov 17, 2006
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    Is it 9:00 yet? It's sad I was working today and thinking about CSI coming on tonight and I went past my exit and went about 6 miles too far. Plus it was snowing pretty hard. Boy am I an accident waiting to happen or what? Good thing I own the business, I don't have to worry about being fired. ;)
  11. sarahvma

    sarahvma Captain

    Oct 11, 2005
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    No problem - I didn't mean to "attack" you, I just wanted people to know that it wouldn't be on tonight. I don't know why they showed a shot of WP, but I think it was likely to try to drive up ratings during February sweeps, to be honest. They used the same tactic in The Unusual Suspect when he wasn't in that episode, and in Gum Drops and Hollywood Brass. For all I know, there is no GSR tonight.
  12. MadLilMe

    MadLilMe Hit and Run

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Here's a quick question if anyone fanies answering it. So far this season (7), which episode has the best GSR scene? I have only seen BTK part 1 and 2 so far. I'm hoping for some GSR scenes before LLV!
  13. sarahvma

    sarahvma Captain

    Oct 11, 2005
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    It's all rather subjective, but I'd say that my favorite GSR scene in Season 7 was probably the Fannysmackin' one where she and Grissom just kind of flirt before going on to regular business.

    Even though we've had a ton of interaction between them, not a lot has "happened" this year.
  14. ginascar

    ginascar Rookie

    May 12, 2006
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    I remember reading that there is still a scene tonight, just one to accommidate WP's facial hair. Well atleast it was filmed, so it should be on there tonight. Its suppose to be a lot more telling than the supposive flashback scene they were suppose to have.
  15. katjo

    katjo Witness

    Nov 17, 2006
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    I liked "No Dear" the "Ecklie knows look" and the chainsaw experiment. They were all pretty cute scenes.
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