you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

You know you watch too much CSI when you notice someone's hand print on a glass door...and wonder why it's there and if they're a sex offender....
samjojo_011 said:
people ask you to explain greeklover,yobling :D :D :D :lol:
I tried to explain shipping to my sister and she looked at me as if I was totally mad. :lol:

You know you've watched too much CSI when your crossing the days off you calendar until the new season starts *yay* :D
You know you're addicted to cSI when you are too late at school because you HAD to watch an episode before you went to school.. (that really pissed my parents off; they weren't there to send me to school because they had to leave early :lol:)
All you have to do is see the beginning helicoptor shots, and you already know which episode it is.
You know when your addicted to CSI when you sleep with a realistic toy gun under your pillow. *cough cough*

And when you tell everyone about your *cough* intimate *cough* dreams with the characters, people start to tell you to stop watching CSI (Miami).
when you have a perfectly perserved thumb print on your rear view window and you won't let your DH take it off


you find a hair with a piece of your DNA (a skin tag) on it and won't let him get rid of it either

and the best...

when your five-year old kids know what GSR is **and not GUN SHOT RESIDUE!**
You know you're addicted to CSI when you can tell an episode by someone's brief description. You can name it, put it to the season and the episode number.
You know you're obsessed with CSI when you pull out a strand of your own hair just to see the skin tag when you're bored. xD
You pull into a parking spot at the supermarket, and parked next to you just happens to be a Denali, and you just smile and the CSI theme song starts going through your head.
When you take a piece of skin off a finger on a drawer and mention to your mom that you wonder if the skin is still there 'like on CSI' and that your DNA is there lol

When you know the circulation desk staff at the library have got to be thinking you're wierd by now because of all the books on various aspects of forensics and dead body stuff you request. (I request my own but they have to check them in lol)And you shudder at all the trace and DNA that's got to be under the shelves from candy wrappers and garbage while you're shelving (or worse pulling books out from under there. Ewwww lol We have these round rotating shelves the books are always getting behind or under. When we finally move into the new building they'll be gone and I'll be celebrating lol)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

when you watch 4 whole episodes(which you've just gotten somewhere) back to back and you know you have to stop and start on your homework..
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

oh i've got one more!!

when your friends don't even bother to invite you out on saturdays nights anymore cuz they know you'd say NO! cuz you're contented just watching CSI reruns on your comp all night long.

haha..i'm not saying its me.. =p