Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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Well, I can't wait for the episode to air. It's really unfortunate that I'll be on vacation and will have to watch it online the next day, but I guess you do what you have to do. The speculation has been fantastic - now let's sit back and see what actually happens ;)

The case sounds very much like a typical one: another wealthy Manhattan citizen getting killed in another interesting way. When does it air again?
ah yes, I little information makes for lots of speculation. :D It gets us through the days as we're waiting for new episodes. Who knows how much will actually make it to the episode. :p

ETA: The projected airdate is February 14th.
This is the firt spoiler I've seen all season getting this much attention. I'll get my popcorn too. Bring on the rest of s3.
ok so ive been reading these past two pages..and in MY OPINION. alot of people say that the D/l relationship has no chemistry, shes been there for a friggin year and a half and they still have

well all of a sudden tptb bombard us with this D/A crap [i mean it in a way not to offend..sorry] They been together for what like a few eps. or whatnot..and to me that seems like its being rushed..i could care less if some of you dont like lindsay.or perfer angell or whatev. but i think its rediculous...this is lame..This seems to me like a way to just add more drama..and i seriously consider not even watching this anymore..its not worth it..

I ship DANNY AND LINDSAY..obviously..and i enjoy and hearing my ship just get bashed like this kinda...well sucks..i know this is a big deal for a lotta people..and they totally wanna see D/ me its just another Danny/aiden sorta thing..and ya'll can dissagree with me till we are blue in the face..but nothing can change my mind..

To me this SUCKS!
sorry im bitchy but this is how i feel..
good day
and yes i know im hypocritical..we all are..oh well
Ah well, "a lot" of people do feel that there is no chemistry between Danny and Lindsay, so it can be a bit annoying to see two characters pushed together in a way that seems both contrived and forced.

On the other hand, the "D/A crap" is potentially a relationship or, at this stage, just an interaction where people see something. In the end, we all see what we want to see. There was a potential moment with Hawkes and Angell in the first episode as well... maybe. And, if many of us had our druthers, Danny and Flack would be a couple.

At any rate, I don't see too much bashing of your ship in here, so much as discussion of why TPTB are suggesting that there is something between Danny and Angell. I would love to just wait for the episode to air to see where it takes us. It seems like such a long ways away!!

Edited because I have problems writing sentences.
Allie, shipping is supposed to be fun, and the show is supposed to be fun, and I hate to see people getting all worked up over speculation. Nobody has said anything about a Danny/Angell relationship being in the episode, it's just one scene that's being discussed. We won't know until the episode airs exactly what that scene means, if anything. That doesn't mean it won't be very significant to a later pairing between Danny and Angell, but it also doesn't mean that a future pairing is set in stone.

Danny and Angell haven't been 'together' in a romantic sense before or in the episode we're talking about. They've known each other since at least prior to the start of season 3, so they aren't strangers. This isn't a scene of her batting her eyelashes and him smiling back at her and giving her a compliment or something like that. It's not them flirting with each other--it's something that happens unexpectedly. As in, there isn't supposed to be a real build-up to it. *shrug* That's how I see it anyway...

But I'm going to be waiting excitedly until the episode airs, because I'm interested to see where this is going.

By the way, someone mentioned the cases being typical NY fare in an earlier post--that's very true. However, I hope they're still interesting. ;)
I can understand why people might see Danny and Angell together. Personally, I like Danny/Lindsay alot more, but I suppose Danny/Angell's good too. I don't hate Angell's charater, we haven't seen much of her to actually tell. So how this all plays out, who knows?

But it's all speculation, right? So it's still too early to say.
^True. We've all got theories, but at this point, it's all speculation. It's fun to speculate on, but we're not going to know anything concrete until the episode airs. People have some info on the ep...but no one knows how it ends. For all we know it ends with Danny and Angell going on a date, or Lindsay calling Danny. Or, more likely, none of the above. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Funny that this episode airs on Valentine's Day! :lol:

ka990 said:
I dunno - all this speculation about Danny/Angell/Lindsay/Mac/Peyton/Stella - makes me glad I'm a Flack fan - you don't have to worry 'cos nothing ever happens with him! ;) :(

He's so clearly smitten with Danny that it would be hard to sell a love interest for him at this point. ;) :lol:

On a serious note, where is the love for Hawkes and Flack in the romance department?
Top41 said:
On a serious note, where is the love for Hawkes and Flack in the romance department?

I dunno ... but I def. thought Hawkes and Angell had somethin' going on there in the season premiere ...

But maybe it's just me.
^I didn't really see anything, but I wasn't looking for it, so I'd have to rewatch to say for sure one way or another.

Just so this debate doesn't totally dominate the spoiler thread, I started a love triangle discussion thread. That way, we can discuss this to our hearts' content, and yet new spoilers won't get completely buried/ignored by said discussion. :)
1CSIMfan said:
I have more info on Episode 16 - Heart of Glass

This time it's about the cases. Sorry, I got all excited about the Danny/Angell thing, I totally forgot to check out the cases. :eek:

Here's what I've found out:

Danny and Angell are working the case of a woman found dead in a bathtub. There's some confusion as to who owns the apartment and who would have killed her. BTW, Danny and Angell work this case ALONE. :p

Mac, Stella, and Hawkes are working the case of a man that was killed in his apartment (which was totally trashed) and his sister saw the whole thing. Flack is working with them. :D

Poor Flack--reduced to being an afterthought in the episode spoilers/promotion blurbs.
midnight_tiptoes said:
Wait, wait, WAIT!
Danny's straight?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

A triangle? Man I think that'll be just a No CSI thing, I don't know I can't see it. I'm not much into D/L but poor Lindsay, Danny should behave while she's not in town :p, although they're not a couple yet *thinks carefully*, *goes to the triangle thread*

ETA: Yeah, I wanna know more about Flack too :(, we don't get many spoilers about him. And to know more about his life outside the lab :)
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