"Leaving Las Vegas" Discussion **Spoilers**

i think that catherine's sexuality has always been an underlying current just waiting to burst forth. there are numerous references to her past as a dancer and she knows how to turn on the charm. her past as a dancer helped when the model was killed and her killer would only talk to catherine b/c of her showgirl past. she's a little on the cocky side too IMO b/c greg said in one epi that he thought that he might have seen one of her shows as a teen or younger adult and she said "if you had seen me you would remember" or something to that effect.

by the time "leaving las vegas" came around and the guy was found not guilty, i think the tension between her and the attorney had gotten so thick that she was willing to take her clothes off just to prove that his client was, indeed, guilty. at the end, the attorney said something to the effect of "i dont know which made you happier, that he was guilty or that i was wrong" and she said "it's 50/50"

i'm not cath bashing here, i like her character, i just think that she is a bit on the self-centered side. like real people, everyone has different traits, some good and some bad. that just happens to be one of her bad ones. but i still like her. :)
I was under the impression that Catherine had to do that style of interrogation because aside from the fact that she wanted to nail the killer and get a revenge on Novak, she was on a time pressure. Grissom said she needed to be back on the lab before he leaves, so we see her and Nick in a hustle the whole time they out of town. That was the fastest and most humane way she could get info out of the suspect. So by showing a little skin she nailed the real killer, saved an innocent man and followed the orders of Grissom and arrived to the lab on time.
And, regarding the promos/commercials for the show, they were such teasers! They showed the hug between Nick and Gris and it made it look like it was going to be a sad moment. Then when it showed the single car driving along on the highway at the end of the promo, it made you think that it was Grissom driving leaving Las Vegas. But no, it was just Cath and Nick driving to the other town. hehehe Talk about a tease for a show! haha
Yeah I agree the teasers were so misleading. Although I would've loved it if the goodbye scenes were more dramatic, they did a good job lacing some humor on this one. I specially love the scenes with Grissom and Nick and Grissom and Hodges.
you're right, catherine was on a time schedule, she had a long way to go and a short time to get there but she succeeded.
eszmanda_luver said:
My problem with it is, CSI has always been about the violence. It is, afterall, about a profession that deals with that stuff. The only problem I have with all the breast and sexual things is that CSI has rarely ever done that, but a lot of it is suddenly happening this season.
There's been a lot of other stuff that's happened in the last two seasons that CSI has rarely ever done previously. Romance between two main characters, an episode some would consider a comedy (Rashomama), talking corpses, a view from a tv show perspective (I like to watch), a main character in an extensive legal battle (Greg), etc. I dont see why this one is getting so much attention, considering the fact that Sofia did it previously - and note that it had been Jim Brass' idea at the time with Sofia and he seemed to have no qualms about Sofia doing that. And what makes that one even worse is that it was in front of those tv camera crews in the episode as well. But I had no qualms about that one either.

But anyway... it just seems like these days since it's Catherine here, people don't remember previous instances and double standards. Remember at the beginning of her visit, the guy specifically said "unless you're here for a conjugal, I'm not talking". If she hadn't already had her plan in motion, she wouldn't have gotten one word out of him - and Jay Finch would have still been a not-so-innocent free man.

OK, onto other things that I don't think I've previously mentioned. It looks like Catherine still has her office. She & Nick were in there at the beginning when discussing how they can get Jay Finch for a second crime. And I also like how Nick was concerned about Catherine in the parking lot when he saw Novak talking to her outside the vehicle.

I like it when the CSI's get dirty - this time when Cath & Nick process the rabbit house for the bullets.
Overall, I thought it was a pretty good episode.
Wish there was more Warrick and Greg, but they have a big cast and only so much screen time

Thought it was great to see Hodges NOT being annoying. the writers are doing a great job devolping him beyond just the irrating lab tech

Nick's scene with Grissom was pretty funny. Loved that Nick was overreacting and Grissom wasn't quite sure how to respond at first.

Liked that Grissom was still giving Greg advice and that the case was mentioned again.

The case itself was actaully interesting and I was glad to Novak again. What Catherine did in the prison scene didn't suprise me considering her background & her determination to catch the killer.
I have to admit, the Nick/Gris hug scene completely made up for the snore-fest crime plot.
Aww.. the look on Nick's face was so cute when Grissom was like "I'm coming back, stop hugging me!" hehe.
Anyway, I sincerely hope that he does return, even if it's for a brief period, because the show is definitely not the same without him.
As for Catherine's scene, I thought it was more unethical than demeaning because she obviously had no qualms about stripping for a possible murderer. I understand that TV shows aren't suppose to be plausible but that was just a bit too far-fetched. The writers need to start brainstorming more creative plots than use her sexuality to get ratings.
Aww, I thought that the whole shirt thing with Catherine was funny! :) A little awkward when watching the show with your mom, but funny. lol.
It shows Catherine's personalitly. Not that she's like white trash or anything, but she can be flirty yet do her job. Know what I'm saying?
Okay, I'll start with something that'll I have to say, but remember it's only my opinion: I didn't like the hug!! Why? I guess I was expecting more from the promos. It seemed sweeter. I guess I was thinking Grissom gave Nick some words of wisdom or possibly told him that he was never disappointed with him, but no. But then again, I guess it was very Grissom. Gris really has never known how to react to Nick being so in touch with his emotions. Grissom has had a tough time with reaching out (hence the Sara scen. I never like GSR but it the scene did seem appropriate. He couldn't even tell her how he truly felt). The other reason I felt disappointed with the hug is he did give Greg advice and tell Warrick he was the rock. What did he tell Nick? to stop hugging him.

I think Catherine purposely did not return in time to say anthing to Grissom. He didn't bother to tell her his plans, knowing he had made this decision a while ago. She also knows of his emotional detatchment. So why put her in that situation anyway? Again, just my opinion.

I liked Catherine and Nick working together. They seemed so at ease. Nick not sure of Catherines convictions, but he decided to support her all the way. Catherine knew in her gut that guy was guilty (I don't think it had anything to do with Novack or that they lost the case), and wanted to prove it. Remember, Catherine has always been beyond science and has encouraged Nick to go with his gut (and be different that Grissom). Showing Nick's power of observation finding the bullet in the bench and then the rabbit was great. His defending Catherine was so Nick.

I had no problem with Catherine's tactics in the prison. She used her head. She knew what it would take. She showed him much less that she'd showed other men before! Remember, she's never been ashamed of her body. In fact, you could say she'd been more afraid of loosing her looks. She knew what it would take to get answers, and she used it. As soon as she got what she wanted, she covered up and left! She only let him think he was going to get more!

The case was good on one end, but shaky on another. I notice several were a bit confused. I haven't watched it again, but may need to to catch all the details. It was a bit hard to follow, though I got the gist of it. I also think they never solved the other mom/daughter crime (though it would have been cool, but then again, sadly so many crimes go unsloved.)

I'm not sure about the mini crime scene. We'll have to see it play out to know.

Another disappointment...for Grissom's last episode for several weeks, it would have been nice to have had a team crime. I miss them working as an entire time.

Still another disappointment, why did they think they have to bring in yet another character to "replace" Gris while he's gone?
To give my two cents:

my girlfriend and I just watched the episode. Few things, I love the trickle down of information about Grissom leaving. Hodges knew, then Cath, then Nick, Warrick found out from Hodges probably... etc.

As for Novak coming back... excellent... I loved it, and the actors played it perfectly.

As for Catherine's buttons... absolutely no problem. People complain about it being un CSI like, or the writers are being too risque. I have found this season to be more enjoyable than almost any other season, maybe except 4. I have absolutely no problem with risque peeks into characters, it gives them more depth, especially when you look at it over the course of the WHOLE series. Catherine is a very good CSI, but is willing to do what it takes (also, how is Catherine unbuttoning her blouse any different than Sophia unbuttoning her shirt in 'I Like To Watch'?)

Now on to the big thing, I don't care about the ships for the most part, they are back burner stuff to me... what I want to know is wtf is up with the package on Grissom's desk?

Chalk me up on the list for people who are loving this season more and more with each episode.
Indeed, I'm loving this season! I thought LLV was one of the best this year. Nick hugging Grissom, Grissom not telling Catherine he's leaving (how stupid is that?) and the goodbye scene at the end. The crime story didn't interest me much, but I thought Catherine and Nick were a great team. And I like that they're on to Grissom!

The GSR scene at the end felt a little funny to me at first, because Sara seems to be happy his cab is there and that he's leaving... unless that's her being nervous. Grissom looked like a schoolboy asking a girl out, cute! Maybe away time will strengthen the relationship, who knows.

All in all, continuity is great, and I thought this episode ruled. I'll miss Griss sorely, but he'll be back... in 4 weeks. :)
Hottie_Cath said:
I was under the impression that Catherine had to do that style of interrogation because aside from the fact that she wanted to nail the killer and get a revenge on Novak, she was on a time pressure. Grissom said she needed to be back on the lab before he leaves, so we see her and Nick in a hustle the whole time they out of town. That was the fastest and most humane way she could get info out of the suspect. So by showing a little skin she nailed the real killer, saved an innocent man and followed the orders of Grissom and arrived to the lab on time.
And, regarding the promos/commercials for the show, they were such teasers! They showed the hug between Nick and Gris and it made it look like it was going to be a sad moment. Then when it showed the single car driving along on the highway at the end of the promo, it made you think that it was Grissom driving leaving Las Vegas. But no, it was just Cath and Nick driving to the other town. hehehe Talk about a tease for a show! haha
Yeah I agree the teasers were so misleading. Although I would've loved it if the goodbye scenes were more dramatic, they did a good job lacing some humor on this one. I specially love the scenes with Grissom and Nick and Grissom and Hodges.

Teaser trailers, like they want us to want more, only this time they actually teased us. And about the car- I never saw it at the end, I didn't even see it at all. You don't think they'd let Grissom drive all they way to R.I., do you? Cuz he has a limited amount of money and he can't buy gas, multiple hotel rooms, and food on his paycheck unless this trip was pre-planned.... Which would give him enough time to save up the correct amount of money he may need. :D

(I am just writing this because I had to do a stupid brochure on a city in any country of the world in my Spanish 2 class and we had a limit of $8000....)
szmandatogoholic said:
You don't think they'd let Grissom drive all they way to R.I., do you? Cuz he has a limited amount of money and he can't buy gas, multiple hotel rooms, and food on his paycheck unless this trip was pre-planned....
As little of Grissom that we know about, we do not know if he likes to fly or not. He hasn't crossed over to Miami or New York. A famous author, Isaac Asimov, used to write science fiction but personally did not like to fly. Maybe Grissom will fly, maybe not. But nothing in this episode indicated either way.
I have to say that I thougth this ep. was done beautifully. Grissom has been like a father figure to all of the CSI's espically Grego.

Right off the bat, Cat and Gil. Through out the season they have been like husband/wife. You can see the respect they have for one another.

Rick/Gris. Mentor is the best way to describe it. Grissom has faith in Rick and that is why he told him that 'he's the rock of the team.'

Nick/Gris Trust. Nick told Girssom about when he left home but said that he would be back. Grissom told Nick that he was only gone for 4 weeks and that he could stop hugging him.

Greg/Gris. Father/son. Greg is the newest and was unsure what he should do as he has his public inquest while Grissom is gone. Grissom told the young CSI to call his union rep for the inquest. All the department is worried aobut is themselfs and they would shove themselfes under a buss to protect him.

Sara/Gris. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that Grissom and Sara are an item. Sara is hurt when she sees Grissom say good bye to her at the end before he catches his cab.

Hodges/Gris Did anyone think that Gris was getting anoyed with Hodges? That David Hodges was trying too hard to make one last final good impression on Grissom. I don't think it worked to well.
My take on the epi:

Promo people are jerks, but they are good at their jobs: draw people in and make things seem like a bigger deal than they are.

When Gris was boxing up the MCS evidence, I said to my DH that the case was not over and it would be back for sure. I didn't anticipate that it would appear in this episode, however.

GSR was true to form, although disappointing nonetheless.

I did like that the epi answered some questions, mainly about Cath's inheritance and whether anyone (mainly Cath) was aware of GSR.
Greg/Gris. Father/son. Greg is the newest and was unsure what he should do as he has his public inquest while Grissom is gone. Grissom told the young CSI to call his union rep for the inquest. All the department is worried aobut is themselfs and they would shove themselfes under a buss to protect him.
not to split hairs, but gris actually told ryan that the department would shove HIM (meaning greg) under a bus to protect themselves (meaning the dept)