Recent content by chikitorocks

  1. C

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    If I were Lindsay, I would have said yes! Danny's being adorable, i cant' understand why she said no. LOL actually I can, but it would have been hard for me to say no to him
  2. C

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Maybe he would! and I am will be utterly delighted. :p on another note. So that's how the Meter and PottedPlant started! LOL!!! you guys are hilarious! :devil:
  3. C

    Flack #9: An Officer and a Gentleman

    Flack always has the best expressions of all the csi's. too adorable!:guffaw:
  4. C

    Grade 'The Box'

    I graded The Box and gave it an A. Why? Because I find Mac talking about the Law of Thermodynamics very adorable (the nerd in me really appreciates it). and because, I love how the writers wrote Danny's unloading to the vic's parents. It actually struck a chord on how real it is. I have met a...
  5. C

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Hear hear. you guys lost me at NAKED SHOWERS. which I like BTW. :bolian::thumbsup:
  6. C

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    I saw that in star world too! i think Tag Jones is adorable!
  7. C

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    if anyone has that, would you please scan it. THANKS :D
  8. C

    Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS!!!)

    Re: Your Thoughts on the upcoming Danny/Lindsay development (SPOILERS!
  9. C

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    Who doesn't? THANKS ZhuShuaijie for the beautiful pictures.
  10. C

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    I know! I got so excited when i saw the article, only to be disappointed that Carmine (and Hill) weren't interviewed. :(
  11. C

    Danny's Glasses??? *Possibly the Most Minor Spoiler Ever*

    i miss the glasses too. can't we make a petition for that? that's how much I miss the glasses. I'd be willing to sign the petition. :(
  12. C

    Grade 'My Name is Mac Taylor'

    I gave it a B+. It's good, but it wasn't what I expected. I guess I wanted much more 'thrill' since it is the 100th episode. Just sayin'. :)
  13. C

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    I am speechless. :drool: thanks for that!!!! :D
  14. C

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    can i ask where you guys got the carmine and eddie pictures at the rangers game? thanks! i'd really appreciate it. :D
  15. C

    Grade 'Dead Inside'

    I loved the kissing scene with Don and Jess although I wish they would stay flirting with each other. It's much more fun that way. :thumbsup: AND CHEECH AND CHONG WITH DON AND DANNY WOULD BE HILARIOUS!