CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

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Hello All,

Although I promised to myself that I won't visit this thread(due to major spoilers revelation) 'till I see the premiere I couldn't resist. Anyway.

I also agree with what is being said before about how a possible relationship would cheapen Stella's char. I would trully hate if this will happen because for me she is like an examplar of the modern woman. But Stella, like all other women, has needs and feelings and when the world is upside down and filled with grief she will try to seak normality, and normaility could come through a relationship. But, a relationship with the wrong man can have the opposite effect. Instead of normality could bring even more problems and hard situations to the ones already pilled up.

Regarding D/L and how they will handle the new situation. I think we are a little hard on Lindsay. Lindsay has too much to figure out in too little time. Stressfull job, marriege, motherhood is all new to her and all came in her life rapidly. I will not blame her if she whine or complain because Danny being on wheelchair will add another issue to deal. Trust me all this is not easy. You can't be 100% focused in your demanding carrier, in your needy home and in your much needy husband and Lindsay will get caught in all these things. Danny on the other hand will be devastated because since now he tried to give 110% of himself to his carrier and to Lindsay and now this trauma will leave him weak. He is a strong man and he will be like a wounded animal. Of course he will direct his anger to Lindsay as well, he is deeply hurt, not only physically but emotionally, and he can't and will not hide it. If they break up for me will be sign of weakness of them both.Besides they promised "for sickness and health for bad and for good" not long ago.

I like all the characters for what they are and how they act and react with the things that happen around them. I am so intrigued for the upcoming season! Can't wait to see what this season will bring to all!

P.S I appologise for the mistakes in my post. :alienblush: :alienblush:

Originally Posted by PerfectAnomaly:
What you're saying is that because Danny really wanted to marry Lindsay enough to go to the lengths he did it somehow makes him more responsible for the marriage. That's not true. No matter how persistent Danny was Lindsay always had the choice to say no and walk away. They're equally responsible

What I'm saying is that Lindsay was completely right when she said no the first time (and personally, I'm pretty disappointed in her in "Green Piece" when she lost her balls and went back on that); those two are in no way ready for a marriage, and I'm sorry, but a baby is not a good enough reason to get married. Since she's the only one of the two who even came close to acknowledging that, then yeah, I think it's more on him. If he'd left it at where they were in "Triangle", they wouldn't be in this mess now. And I did say earlier that Lindsay made her own choice, and she's responsible for it too.

Where did I say it was "solid proof??" I was talking about why I personally don't have sympathy/empathy for Lindsay as a character. Like everything else it's an opinion and interpretation. If everything came down to convincing one side to agree with the other this board might as well shut down.

You never really clarified that, but sorrry, my mistake :) I was responding more to an idea posted earlier in the thread, about how even Lindsay's most devoted fans would hopefully recognize that she has responsibility now as Danny's wife to at least try to reach him and put up with his moods, unlike S4 - I was trying to point out that Lindsay-fans (or me, at least) would see no more reason now than I did in S4 to give Danny extra leeway for something that I think wouldn't fly for Lindsay, even if Carmine pulled off an Emmy-winning performance in doing it. When you're in the wrong, you're in the wrong.

When I understand where a character is coming from and the performance is nuanced and has depth I will have more empathy. Understanding what a character's motives are and being able to see what they're feeling has a huge impact on the level of empathy/sympathy a viewer can/will feel. IMO Anna always comes off as pissed off and bitchy. She never comes off as doing/saying anything because she's hurt. I'm not going to have empathy for a character I find to be bitchy. It's not gonna happen. And yes, it's personal bias. EVERYTHING comes down to personal bias in the end. Why do you think there are different interpretations of canon events?
Your views are a result of personal bias as well, but that doesn't make your views any less valid than mine, so why do you feel the need to try and invalidate other people's opinions if you don't agree with them?

Makes sense, and of course canon is being viewed through millions of different eyes, hence all the different interpretations. But that's where making sweeping statements about how Lindsay's never garnered any sympathy/empathy from the audience and how she really needs to step up to the plate this time doesn't work, gets really pointless in fact. How to decide when she's stepped up to the plate? And/or not look down on Lindsay-fans when (no matter how she handles the upcoming wheelchair storyline) they feel she's stepped up to the plate already, even if you don't agree? I don't completely agree, but for a lot of people she and Anna have already garnered that sympathy and stepped up to the plate at least ten times over throughout the show, because of their interpretation. So it won't really matter what she does in regards to Danny during the upcoming storyline - any action can be twisted any which way, people can forgive something in one character that they would condemn in another character (happens all the time). Lindsay could shove Danny out of his wheelchair and some will still view her handling of the wheelchair-storyline as completely selfless. Or she could save 60 kids from a burning bus and others will still see that as completely self-centered. That's what I'm trying to get at - it's fair if anyone thinks she's done more to make herself unsympathetic than sympathetic, but if others don't agree, that doesn't make their interpretation or their personal bias any less valid.

And obviously if you go to bat in a debate with someone else with only personal biases as the arsenal, then talk about a no-win situation. So if I'm debating, I try not to bring the personal biases to the yard, try to stick to fact. (Although I'm not kidding anyone - I know I don't always succeed.) Acting can be better, actors/actresses can be various levels of hot, empathy can be felt for any character that I like or recognize myself in, but fact is that if something is wrong for one character, it's wrong for all characters. That's just the way I think.

It's not about totally losing empathy/sympathy for a person. Again, it's not all black and white. Stella knows that Mac went through hell when Claire was killed. But after a while we saw Stella trying to get Mac to work less and go out more. We also see that Stella doesn't take any bullshit from Mac and will call him on his behavior when she thinks he's out of line. She can still have empathy for Mac and realize that it's been eight years and he can't get away with the same behaviors he could have the day of the attacks. People can't treat someone the same way eight years later that they treat them the day of said trauma. If they do, no one would ever move on and deal.

I can't agree with this because I don't think the way people move on depends on the way others around them treat them. Obviously people in pain need moral support, and I know sometimes people really down in the dumps might need a "wake-up" call or whatever, and people will obviously be careful with the sensitive topics trhey talk about around the traumatized person, depending on what the trauma is. But I think they usually get that kind of consideration no matter how long it's been since they've been traumatized. Using the Stella example again, no I don't see her taking BS from Mac - ever. I don't think she'd let him pull anything on her in 2001 that she'd let him pull now. And I can't see her just blithely talking about Claire in front of him even now - in "Taxi" she got a really weird look on her face when Reed mentioned Claire in his blog, and in "The Closer" (S1) it had been six years since Claire died, at least, and the way she brought up his wedding ring, you'd've thought Claire died a month ago.

Also, empathy/sympathy is not an all or nothing deal. People are complex and they also change all the time and someone can empathize with a person in one situation and not another. People are complex and to say that if you don't empathize with a person in one situation you'll never empathize with them or vice versa to me seems like you're reacting to people like they never change or never should change and that makes no sense to me.

It's more that I sympathize with the situation(s) the person is in, rather than the person themselves; that's the constant that doesn't change, which is why if I didn't feel sympathy to begin with, I wouldn't feel sympathy ten years later, or vice versa. Losing someone you're close to is horrible no matter who you are, so if I know a person who's lost someone, that person's obviously going to get my sympathy. Doesn't mean I'll find it okay if they pull any type of crap. And ten or twenty years later, the constant is still there - that someone they lost is still lost to them, so I don't know why I'd suddenly feel differently about that. I'd still feel bad that their someone is dead. On the other hand, losing a dog that ran away from home is not nearly as bad, and I'm certainly not going to feel sorry for someone because ten years ago their dog ran away from home - that's because I didn't feel much sympathy to begin with.

Originally Posted by Top41:
Exactly--it's not a case of losing sympathy as it is recognizing the need for people to move on. If you're holding on to anger/grief from a ten-year-old trauma to the point that it's as fresh as the day it happened, there's something wrong there. To live a healthy life, you need to at some point let it go--accept what happened, find some way to make peace with it, and move on. To live a normal, healthy life, you kind of have to. And friends pushing someone to do that aren't losing sympathy--they're trying to help. It's simply natural to cut someone more slack in the aftermath of a tragedy than it is ten years down the road--and a lot of that is for the person's own sake.

Yeah, but people don't have the ability to force someone to move on - of course people try to help, even people who specialize in trying to help with the moving-on process, but everyone moves on at their own pace. That's the grey area; if people deal with things in different ways, I don't know how it's safe to assume they'd move on in the same way. I agree that it's unhealthy to hang on to things, but I don't think people outside the situation can make the call on how someone's dealing unless they're living the exact same situation themselves. And if someone is dealing badly and imposing that on everyone around them, it's probably best that they know that from the beginning, rather than be told that six or ten years down the road.
I don't want to read the whole thread, but a simple question: Is Flack's shooting the bad guy last finale addressed, or totally forgotten?
Is Flack's shooting the bad guy last finale addressed, or totally forgotten?
It'll be addressed in 6.04 (here's episode info from the "just the facts" thread).

It could, of course, be addressed before and/or after 6.04, but we'll have to wait and see about that. :)
I don't think it would have been forgotten since Donnie is going to be in a trainwreck. Me thinks notr only for losing Angell but for what he did

I think it's going to be a great story for Eddie and for everybody else because all members of the team are going to suffer the consequences of Losing Jess and the Shooting according to spoilers :)
Less than 24 hours until my favorite NY detectives come back here on the East Coast! :D:D

Sad Flack is sad. :(

Less than 24 hours until my favorite NY detectives come back here on the East Coast! :D:D

Sad Flack is sad. :(


:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: omg I love that!!!! Thank you so much for posting that, that just made my entire :censored:ing day!!!
Less than 24 hours until my favorite NY detectives come back here on the East Coast! :D:D

Sad Flack is sad. :(


haha, love it :D

thanks for the interview too - love how they put "CSI:NY" in the headline at the top, refer to it the whole way through, date it for the premiere date, and obviously interview Pam, and then at the bottom tell us that "CSI:Miami starts tonight" - oops...
What I'm saying is that Lindsay was completely right when she said no the first time (and personally, I'm pretty disappointed in her in "Green Piece" when she lost her balls and went back on that); those two are in no way ready for a marriage, and I'm sorry, but a baby is not a good enough reason to get married. Since she's the only one of the two who even came close to acknowledging that, then yeah, I think it's more on him. If he'd left it at where they were in "Triangle", they wouldn't be in this mess now. And I did say earlier that Lindsay made her own choice, and she's responsible for it too.

Wouldn't that in fact make Lindsay the more responsible party, since she's the one who was self-aware enough to realize the marriage wasn't a good idea? Danny is acting on pure gut instinct--almost survival mode, really, when it comes to his abandonment issues and fear of losing his child--while Lindsay at least seemed to get that the marriage wasn't a good idea. The fact that she knew that and ended up going for it anyway--well, it could be argued that she's the more responsible of the two.

Less than 24 hours until my favorite NY detectives come back here on the East Coast! :D:D

Sad Flack is sad. :(


I love it!!! Awww, poor Flack. :adore: :D

Thanks for the interview, Messers fan. Sounds like Stella's relationship with Adam--if that indeed what is going to happen--might be a seize the day kind of thing.
Thank you for the interview! That was an interesting tidbit, especially the comparison between Hawkes and Stella - him thinking of the future, her living for the moment - you can tell they're both going to be great storylines. I'm guessing that's the effect Angell's death had on each of them? Although it seems a little reckless for Stella (in Season 4, she was all about telling Drew that "aggressive" really isn't her style or a turn-on, now she's doing the aggresive bit herself?).
Yes, thanks for the interview. Very interesting....

That was an interesting tidbit, especially the comparison between Hawkes and Stella - him thinking of the future, her living for the moment - you can tell they're both going to be great storylines. I'm guessing that's the effect Angell's death had on each of them?
I don't know...seems like it's also supposed to be an effect of their own near-death experiences with the bar shooting. Stella actually seemed like she was handling the Professor's death and even Angell's death reasonably well. (After all, she was the one comforting Mac in the hallway at the end of "Pay Up.") But after the bar shooting, I guess we're supposed to believe that she decides to let go and live in the moment. :rolleyes:

The part that makies me sad is the stuff about doing what comes to mind for her best interests -- makes it sound like she might be thinking mainly about what she wants and not worrying about the consequences to others. Doesn't sound like the Stella we know, and that's the thing that could make her an unlikeable and unsympathetic character, especially if someone like Adam ends up as collateral damage.

The Hawkes storyline seems like it could be a good one. I can see that it would be hard for someone like Sheldon, who others see as very intelligent and balanced, to admit that he has lost everything because of falling victim to a scam. I'm actually looking forward to this arc.

I don't know what to think about the D/L storyline at this point. I'm sure Danny and Lindsay will have some tense moments, but if he's already walking with a cane after only a few weeks, I wonder how much challenge and stress they will actually face throughout the season.
My head is spinning after reading so many posts. I hope this makes some sense.

1. Adam/Stella:
No.Freaking.Way *breathes* :scream:
I don't believe it for a second, promos are meant to be misleading and pique viewer's curiosity, and that's what I'm seeing here.

I really hope it's not Adam/Stella. The thought of them together is kinda icky to me. The way they've played their relationship up until now it reminds me of a Lifetime movie where a mom ends up banging her son's BFF. Their dynamic is just off for a romantic/sexual relationship.

Definitely share the Adam/Stella concerns. It just seems wrong to me and I'm not sure how they can play it without Stella coming across as using him a little. It's clear he had a crush on her but I've never got the mutual vibe from her before. There's such a power imbalance between them that it feels too weird. I would prefer Stella to be Flack's rebound hook up because it would feel more of an equal footing between them.

Agreed, those are exactly my thoughts. It'll be extremely awkward for both the characters and the audience. I know the actors would sell the chemistry if they had to, but it's not a matter of romantic chemistry: it's a problem of "It doesn't make sense at all".
I've never had the feeling that Stella knows about Adam's crush on her. Adam is awkward and nervous around both Mac and Stella, so I see why she wouldn't even notice. I guess Adam is supposed to be in his late 20s and he still acts like a college student most of the time. Can anyone really picture Stella playing Guitar Hero? I even doubt Stella eats pizza. :lol:
I know the writers want us to believe that she is in her mid 30s (HA HA), but it's not a matter of Stella being older than Adam, is just a matter of Stella being the polar opposite of Adam.
Which brings me to...

I don't necessarily agree that people who are like water and oil can't ever become best-friends, but I do think there's a bit of distance between Lindsay and Stella. I think the distance is Lindsay's fault rather than Stella's though, so I'm hoping if they can ever show her getting over that, the distance could disappear.

That was a poor choice of words and I don't have the excuse that I didn't know how to translate it, because that expression means the same in my language.
What I meant to say --and it fits with the Adam/Stella theme-- is that Stella seems to be more comfortable around men than women, specially strong-willed man, like Flack or Mac. That's why I have some trouble believing that she could be Lindsay's best friend or be attracted to Adam, that's just not who Stella is.

It sounds like they are going for Adam/Stella. Interesting. Am I the only one who doesn't hate this idea? :lol: The guy has been crushing on her for years now. It's definitely not a stereotypical relationship (a la Danny/Lindsay). I'm intrigued.

I could be intrigued if I trusted the writers but the CSI franchise doesn't know how to deal with romance in a healthy, realistic way: no matter what couple, it always ends up in an angstfest and I'm tired of it. It's like the fics where the story drags on and on forever so the reviews keep coming. There's always a new angsty twist in every chapter and even though everybody knows the characters will eventually have their happy ending, they'll have to face a myriad of problems until the end. That's just bad writing, both in fanfiction and in "real" fiction.

Yes, love in real life is not always rainbows and kittens. It's difficult and sometimes doesn't end well. But happy romance exists. It really does, with its ups and downs. It's frustrating to see how every romance in the franchise turns into bad drama. I know the audience wouldn't be as invested if there wasn't a little bit of trouble in paradise every now an then, but these writers just don't know where to stop -- just like many fanfiction writers, they just go on and on with the drama to inflate the story. That's just a cheap ratings ploy. They should know when enough is enough. I'm sure they know that there's a fine line between good drama and soap opera and the more balanced the drama is, the better, but instead they choose to overstep the line again and again.

Just a few examples:
- Grissom/Sara: Good, they are together. Wait, Grissom is leaving on a sabbatical and Sara isn't the least thrilled. Oh, but Grissom is telling her how much he loves her, in the form of a poem, in a freaking letter. Ok, well, they seem to be in good terms after Grissom returns. Oh, no, Grissom is at Lady Heather's again and Sara isn't happy about it. Ok, everything is fine now, they are getting married. Wait, Sara is leaving her job and gives Grissom a f*cking "Dear John" letter and he doesn't seem to have a clue. Grissom is sad, Sara is nowhere to be seen, is that the end of their love? Just wait a second, Sara returns and they seem happy again, they even talk about their future plans. Oh no, did Grissom say that? Ok, he did, and Sara is not happy, she is leaving again, without a word. Grissom is emo again, Sara dumps him via video message and he goes to Lady Heather. Ok, that's really the end. No wait, Grissom is leaving the lab and goes to find Sara. Happily ever after. Just fill in the blanks that didn't make sense.

- Danny/Lindsay: Ok they are together, well, they had sex, so they probably are. Oh my, Danny cheated on her. Ok, wait, they weren't together, were they? So, they probably weren't, even though Lindsay acts as if they were. Well, Danny begs and Lindsay caves in, so they are together again. Really? When was the last time we saw them together, together? Ok, this is crazy, they probably aren't. Oh sh*t, Lindsay is preggers, how did that happen if they weren't together, together? Sooo they were together, but not so really together, does that make sense? Ok, their relationship is in shaky grounds now to say the least, so marriage is not an option. Oh, look, they just got married. Ok, so happily ever after. Let the audience fill in the blanks to explain everything that didn't make sense.

- Eric/Calleigh: Eric loves Calleigh. How cute. They make a great pair, they have nice chemistry and a good friendship, they communicate well and seem drama-free, that could be a pair that the audience will accept. Good, Calleigh knows about Eric's feelings and she's not a quiet person, so they'll probably be having hot sex in a couple of episodes. Uh-uh, why is taking them that long to do something? Ok, why can't they say it already instead of talking in circles? What are they, fifteen all of a sudden? And now Calleigh is flirting with everyone with a pulse and Eric is jealous. Really? Is this high school or what? Ok, this is getting ridiculous, Eric confesses his love to an unconscious Calleigh, so what now? Ok, so they are really an item, finally! Oh, no, Eric is not who Calleigh thinks he is, is he? Oh the dramz! This doesn't have a happily ever after, still, but I'm betting it'll eventually have this type of ending. Again, we can play the game of filling in the blanks to understand what happened in between.

That's just bad, lazy writing.

Besides, women in CSI have the greatest taste in men: psychopaths and/or abusers (Stella, Natalia, Yelina), cheaters (Catherine, Sara), liars or at least shady (Yelina, Calleigh), wackos (Calleigh).

See why I'm not curious at all?

Adam and Stella would never end up together, realistically speaking and in terms of what we've seen so far about the characters, so why pair them, to have them break up later? I'd rather read fics about this odd pairing than see it in my screen. It's bound to piss off many people: fans of the pairing will protest when the relationship ends, and nonfans won't be happy because that's just another angsty ridden relationship that won't last. So why bother at all?

Like others have said, if they are going to pair Stella with somebody from the team, Flack would make a lot more sense, story-wise. Heck, I'd rather see Sid/Stella. :p
Also, I profoundly dislike Mac/Stella pairing, but I'd rather see them together than Adam/Stella. Ok, scratch that. They don't have romantic chemistry and a relationship would probably ruin the show. While chemistry is a matter of personal interpretation, Mac/Stella in terms of storyline is a disaster no matter what. I'd rather sit through Danny and Lindsay pretending that they love each other for ten more seasons than see Mac and Stella together.

2. D/L drama

On the other hand, it's a two-way street: Danny can't do what he did in Season 4 either. And I'm not all that comfortable with the notion of him getting a free-pass to act however he might; whereas if Lindsay doesn't put up with it, she's a horrible person. I get that he's in a wheelchair and has every reason to be beyond pissed about it, so yeah I fully expect him to be difficult. But he pushed for the marriage just as much as Lindsay agreed to it, and he's a father too, so I hope he remembers that. Lindsay's going to have to deal with the difficulties, but there's no such thing as a relationship or a fight where all the work to make things right has to be done by only one person.

Yes, of course Danny is at fault for all the things that had gone wrong with this relationship, just like Lindsay is, but at least he admits it when he knows he has done something wrong. How many times has Lindsay apologize to Danny? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'll say never.

That's what I hope will change this season. I don't want to see Lindsay and Danny arguing all the time and Lindsay leaving him or some type of cheap drama. I hope they both have matured enough to avoid rehearsing season 4. But what I really want to see is the whole team struggling to come to terms to what happened after Angell's death, not just D/L drama, Flack rebounding with the first woman he crosses paths with, or Stella using Adam/Mac to feel better about the situation. It seems that this season is about the team falling apart, and I want to see how this changes their lives, not their romantic lives.

Ok, I've rambled enough and my head hurts even more :lol:

And Maya and Top, I hate you both :lol:
Could you please stop writing for a second? I've been wanting to reply to your posts for days and when I finally got the time to do it, you've written ten more posts! I've forgotten half of what I wanted to say.

I can't with you two :lol:
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Well, first, thanks to Messers_Fan for the Futon article link. Some interesting bits and pieces in the mix there, about the show as a whole and PV's take on it, enough so it was a nice and unexpected change from the usual schpiel. It didn't at all allay my ambivalence and concerns for how the characters could be being handled, but it least helps balance and ease the sacchrinisities of omg!teasers.

I'm not surprised that Hawke's financial woes are being tied into a larger scenario, nor that it will likely be done in such a way as to leave his character unmarred (ie. it wasn't due a gambling addiction or a secret spiralling drug habit for example). I am looking forward to Sheldon eppies.

Next. Very tired, and frankly trying to sort thru all the recent back n' forth on DL & Lindsay in here was seriously making my head spin and eyes glaze over and mildly exacerbating an already grudging good humor :p. I'm just gonna leave off alla that, at least until the season starts and there's more to inform what's being talked about. Not much I feel I can contribute at this point, nor, honestly, am I particularly interested.

Onwards. A bud just sent me a down & dirty copy of the segment from this morning's Regis/Kelly show, with Melina Kanakaredes as a guest, taking advantage of being in NYC for filming, and, weird hours meant I actually got to take a minute to watch it. (And sorry no I can't post it or link it, but I'm sure myriad others soon will have it up somewheres). Was a fun clip, as Melina is always a very entertaining and personable guest :p and it did vaguely cheer me up just cos she's a fun person.

It was short and sweet, as these appearances generally are. Was a platform to promo the movie she worked on, but also was fun to hear her just chat about family vacations etc., the show, and the tidbits CSINY's tacked on/revealed about her character over the years. And they did indeed show a clip from this season. Dunno which eppie, if it's actually the premier or something other.

Lacking my caffeine IV drip, I was initially surprised that the clip chosen relates directly to the nugget that's had everyone in a tizzy anew, whattup wiv Adam an' der Stel. The RK interview actually touched on it directly, if superficially. NY looks to be using this to additionally poke viewers, perhaps because we already know who gets shot. It didn't answer everything, just stirred the pot, as TPTB are wont to do, and that, of course, doesn't surprise me at all.

As it's been broadcast nationally, it's not really giving anything away, but, ...tagging here the rest for those who didn't see the clip and/or just don't wanna know.

The interview did directly broach Melina's "Stella Surprise" with Adam.

The clip the RK segment aired was of Adam and Stella, in the labs, essentially addressing their apparent one-night encounter after the fact. Yadda yada, "was fun, memorable, ...and something we should never do again/you took the words right out of my mouth." My personal interpretation of the flavor of it: Mutually sweetly okay, and not necessarily regretful. Stella did seem a little more preoccupied/concerned by things and possible implications, even after chatting; Adam seemed a little more generally at peace, just really happy at the turn of events, like he'd got the best surprise one-off gift that'll make him smile everytime he thinks of it. And I could see him mysteriously smiling a lot in the labs in days to come. :p:lol:

Hafta admit, the confirmation that the two of them did get together induced a mini involuntary dry heave, which kinda surprised me, but eh, I'd just gotten up :lol: and so thinking about it first thing was a little unexpected :lol:. I hafta also say that in the clip, Adam was looking incredibly adorable and emitting his own Rosco hawtness, and Stella's just beautiful, so who can really blame them. I cannot say that I ever thought Stella would have returned Adam's flirtation, and that it would have led to a night together, but that's just me. And apparently Melina. :lol: and lots of others to boot.

New ponderings on the CBS promo clip now; one might infer from the leeched color, that it looks like that particular Adam/Stella bit could be a flashback, or from a series of them, used in detailing how each character's been dealing, an element in the format of storytelling in the ep. Or mebbe it really is just a snippet from a larger scene between them. Who really knows how else they'll be choosing to address the encounter as the season gets underway, or if that's really all there is.

So. Between the article and the RK segment, we've been bookended. Any physical relationship looks to already be past tense as the season starts, aftermath of already dealing, but there's yet no context for when this happens/has happened. What it adds or alters for their ongoing general relationship, if they're closer for it, if he becomes more of an emotional peer as a result, between the two of them and also within the team, who's to say.

We'll see if/what the show does to expand on what it means, or if it simply leaves it at that, or even sets it up to leave off for awhile, relegated to a certain state, dormant and taunting from the sidelines of resurgent continuity in days to come.

Ya got me, PV, you surprised me too :p.

I find myself both recuperating from a vague nauseousness and relieved and cheered in thinking that it could already be over and as far as it could be going. :p But we'll find out soon enough I suppose.

I bet TPTB are delighted with the timing of everything, the CBS promo, the Ohio article, spoilers and interviews and articles, and indulging in mutual congratulations for lighting up chat boards with regards to the whole thing, lighting up interwebbage leading to the week of premiers. Well played. You goddamn, mo'f*cking, cheeky, cheeky f*cking sonsabitches. Bastards.


I cannot help but laugh.

Last thoughts. Was hugely pleasantly surprised by the House premier, especially as I'd never intended to check out the show at all, NCIS was okay. We'll see how Ponyboy guts the team on CM. I think I'm ready. I think I'm ready to take CSINY again, I think I've worked myself into a state where curiosity's gonna trump the suspicion and mehness gurgling in the background. I will tune in tonight. With everything else set aside. Blank slate for S6. Let's see how it goes.
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