What Books Are You Reading?-#3

Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Now I'm reading a book by Nicholas Sparks called "The Lucky One". It's about this guy Logan Thibault who goes to war in Iraq, and he finds a picture one day of a woman and keeps it after no one claims it. His superstitious friend tells him that it's his good luck charm and he should always keep it with him, and it does seem to keep Logan lucky during war. He survives a lot of things that other soldiers with him died in. Then when he gets home from war, he decides to use the clues in the picture to find the woman, because he believes she's his destiny.

It's really good so far, but I love all of Nicholas Sparks' books. I'm not too far in, but there's a really cool triangle in the book between three people that you figure out almost right away. The characters don't know about it so you wonder when they're going to find out. :) One reason I love Nicholas Sparks' books is because even if they're all romances and have similar beginnings, they all end up completely different than any of his other books. And the endings are never expected.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I have just finnished reading Sickened: The Memoir of a Munchausen by Proxy Childhood, by Julie Gregory.
Its her autobigoraphy of her chilhood and how her mum used make her ill, or try to convince her she was so she could get symphathy from doctors and the people she knew *Munchausen by Proxy* Its also about how disfunctional her family was because of how her mother treated Julied compared to the rest of them. Its so sad, but really interesting.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Am reading YET another jodi picoult lol :lol:
called keeping faith abut a girl who starts speaking to angels and performing miracles when her mothers life is falling apart.Is better than it sounds
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Well... I was reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, but I was having such a difficult time with it that I decided to take a break and move onto the next book on my list - Harvesting the Heart by Jodi Picoult.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Well... I was reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, but I was having such a difficult time with it that I decided to take a break and move onto the next book on my list - Harvesting the Heart by Jodi Picoult.

I know what you mean about Pride and Prejudice, we had to read it for English at school. Luckily i've seen the film, else i'd of had no idea what was going on.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

You could try the alternative version- "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"! :lol: You might find it more entertaining. :)
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Okay, I'm reading The Origin of Species by Nino Ricci.

How can I describe this book? It's a typical Canadian book, dark, thoughtful, angsty and depressing.:)

It's the story of a man named Alex who is a graduate student in Montreal, majoring in Biology, during in 1980s at a time when Quebec was going through political turmoil with a provincial government seeking to separate the province from Canada. By the way, that battle still rages on today, just in a smaller degree but that's another discussion.

Alex is a very troubled young man with a dark secret which at this point of the book, I have no idea what, but it is something to do with his time in the Galapogoes Islands hence the title, this is the same island which inspired Darwin to come with his own Origin of Species.Alex reminds me very much of the protagonist in Catcher of the Rye, as he a very cynical view of the world and it shows in his dealings with people. The only person he appears to like is a neighbour in his apartment building named Esther.

I don't know what it is about Canadian authors and their love for deep, angsty writing, you like Margarat Atwood, Yann Martel. Strange, must be the free health care.:lol:
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

^^^ Yeah, we're all dark socialists! :lol:
Margaret Atwood is another depressing one- have you ever read The Stone Angel? You'd never know Canadians are as easygoing as we are if you went by our literature! :lol:
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

^^^ Yeah, we're all dark socialists! :lol:
Margaret Atwood is another depressing one- have you ever read The Stone Angel? You'd never know Canadians are as easygoing as we are if you went by our literature! :lol:

Oh God yeah the Stone Angel! What a sad book..:(. I had to read that for grade 10 English. Oh, what a drag!

I think you're right Baba, it's because we're dark socialists, or maybe it's all the snow we get which keeps Canada in the dark for most of the year! I wonder how many of these books were written during the winter months.

Actually, in my last writers' course, the instructor told us dialogue must be 'he said', 'she said', 'so and so said' or 'asked' if it's aquestion-anything else would be considered, "Giller Killers!":lol:

Guess the Twilight series would fail to win a Giller in spite of the obvious that it's written by an American!:guffaw:

I will add that Origin of Species is beautifully written. The use of words is breathtaking! In spite of the dark tone, it is a well written novel. Nino Ricci is a very talented writer.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

just finished reading The Making of Casablanca. great book. it's more about the immgrants in the movie and how WWII affected the movie business thank it is about the movie but it's good all around. my fave bit of knowledge i gain about the movie is that the guy who wrote "As Time Goes By" was born and died in Montclair, NJ where i go to school.

now i am reading The Red Leather Diary. it's about how the author found this old diary in a Dumpster in NYC. the diary is from the late '20s early '30s, it was written by this girl back then. the author found the diariest who is now in her 90s. the book paints such a fabulous picture of NYC back in the days when things were still new and grand.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

i'm reading wetlands aka feuchtgebiete by charlotte roche. a friend gave it to me as she thought i'd find it funny. it's one of those books that caused a huge storm when it came out (omfg it's so shocking/controversial/blah/blah) but it's not that shocking really - but then i'm really not easily shocked at all. it is very explicit, and it's really gross - every page has involved me going "ewwww" at least once and i often read over lunch but with this book my lunch doesn't stand a chance, but it's actually very funny too. although sometimes i'm not sure whether it's actually funny in itself or just so gross it's funny.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I've just finished reading Twilight because I wanted to know what the big deal was, especially after I've seen the film. Well, as you surely know it's supposed to be a lovestory between a highschool girl and a vampire. I say supposed because it was rather boring and definitely without any tension at all.

Now I'm reading the sequel New Moon :rolleyes:.

I wouldn't recommend any of them and I'm talking about the whole Twilight Saga, although I haven't read all of them. BECAUSE, and here it comes I'm appalled by the portrayal of women. Really, I'm appalled :scream:! Plus, I don't think, the writing is pretty good. The way she uses adjectives ... Well, I guess you'd have to read it to understand ... :p

So, I started re-reading Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane. A story about a 17 year old girl in the late 1800s Germany who gets married to a much older man and starts an affair with a younger soldier. Great writing and although totally out of date it's still gripping. After one page I knew again why I'd loved it the first time I'd read it
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I confess I got stuck with "Twillight" very early on (ok sadly it's not news for me to get stuck ,if I can't read a book in one go ...have at the moment 5 half read books ^^) , but with Twillight I just couldn't stand the teeny girl whining (maybe another time) - sorry at the fans but I think I prefer a movie that's over sooner ^^°

Have started "The Night Angel Trilogy" from Brent Weeks. Liked the first book, it's no really new idea but liked the pace and writing.
It's fantasy, plays in the country Cenaria on the brink of invasion and inner instability through intrigues between the nobles, the king and the guilds.

Azoth, who lives with two friends as a guild rat/thief in the slams of the main city, dreams of a better life. After passing a test he finally becomes the pupil of the famous wetboy/assassin Durzo who works for the guild council.
It follows the usual training, pining after the girl and interactions with charas who all have their own agendas....just some nice fantasy for freetime.
The 2. book slowes me down at the moment because Weeks seems to enjoy his descriptions of all the gruesome acts of the big bad a little too much :rolleyes:, nothing that would shock me - more like annoying ^^
(sry for my english ^^)
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Just finished rereading the Incarnations of Immortality series by Piers Anthony for about the hundredth time...And it never gets old.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

i finished reading the latest CSI novel Headhunter. it was really good i read it in 3 days. i don't watch the show regularly anymore so reading the books brings back my love for the show and the characters.

now i am reading a novel of The 4400. i love this show and miss it very much. it's cool to read about another 4400 not mentioned on the show. it's a good way to keep the series since they never could or did get to all of the returnees.