I am very happy that there is finally going to be a crossover with all three shows, but I do not like the fact that they said it was only Langston going. I hope Nick or Greg go with him to Miami and New York.
You might as well give up on Nick going. :lol: George will not do it just like Billy wouldn't (unless someone can change George's mind, but I doubt that'll happen lol). Eric isn't opposed to it, however. So, I hope he goes with Ray. That will be the only thing that will make it bearable. :lol: It would be stupid to have Ray go alone.
There's 3 episodes I'll miss. Never have been able to stay awake during Miami and I started falling asleep during New York last season. The one thing I hated the most about the Without a Trace crossover was that it was only Grissom on WAT. I don't expect it to be anybody other than Langston for the simple reason that they will probably use it to push this rapid rise through the ranks that they want him to have (after all he's going to become a level 2 in his 15th episode! :wtf