You know you're
colombian when:
- You're passport gains you instant street cred in a foreign country. If you're a girl: all the other girls in that country think you're there to steal their boyfriends and you don't know why because you're a prude.
- You dunk cheese in your coffee or chocolate.
- If you're a girl, you're good looking. No matter how dorky, nerdy, etc... you are.
- You try to tie a fridge to a bike and transport it... and succeed.
- The decimal point is a comma, unless you are using US produced software. You separate thousands with a dot, and millions with an apostrophe.
- You can get a "semi-free" product.
- You consider a billion is a million times a million.
- You learned to dance salsa before you learned to walk.
- In a foreign country, everybody asks you if you're a drug dealer. Naturally, you've never even seen the stuff but you don't say anything because it gains you "respect" (i.e., fear).
- A pound is exactly half a kilo.
- Lunch is the biggest meal of the day.
- You don't consider McDonalds to be the cheapest place to buy food.
- You don't leave messages at the beep. Machines are not meant to be talked to.
- You don't know about welfare and unemployment payments.
- If you have homework or a deadline of some sort, you will say at the last minute "so, it was due TODAY?"
- Showing up at someone's place is not uncommon nor considered rude.
- You're adressed as "Dr." just because you have a college (or high school) degree, or money, or because you're in formal wear.
- You want to live in a first world country (that's SOOO true!). If you succeed, the first thing you do is locate all the colombian stores wherever you are.
- Family parties go until 5 a.m.
- Any reason is a good reason to party.
- You don't care about your politicians' sex life. Really.
- You consider ants to be food (Hi Grissom!

), and aphrodisiac at that.
- You believe in personal freedom in an individualistic way. You don't see any connection between this and politics.
- "Winter" is when it rains and "summer" is when it doesn't.
- Neonazis aren't considered offensive at all. Kinda cute if you like them, kinda laughable if you don't, but you don't take them seriously either way.
- You get mad when someone calls you "mexican".
- You get mad when "Colombia" is misspelled as "Columbia".
- You don't speak english, but you "understand" it.
- You make the sign of the cross everytime you pass by a catholic church.
There's more, but for now, that's it.