like kefir right? i think that's what they call it in russia anyway, i can't remember about poland. i visited krakow once, i *love* that city, it's one of my favourites, and the food was amazing. i only had 4 days though, i was going by train to vladivostok (from london) and it was just a stopover. god, polish is a difficult language! russian i can handle but polish was baffling!
yeah, it's very similar to kefir

that's really nice that you've been to Kraków and like it

it's my home town, I'm living in it for 20 years now and I really love it

I've been once to London (last year) and totally fall in love with your underground! Not only because it is the best way to travel in the city (fast, without traffics etc. my city doesn't have it, only trams

) but mostly for the atmoshpere - it was so much better than in other cities - hard to explain it, but I think that it is very unique
and about the polish language - yes, I hear it kinda often

that it is horrible language to learn

and it is impossible to get a difference between "ś" and "sz" cos both sound like English "sh" and only poles can tell them apart

I guess it is one of the most complicated languages right after Hungarian and maybe Finnish in Europe (cos they are from completely diffrenent group of languages)... but Russian? for me it's hard because of the aplhabet and I can't read it, but when I hear it is very similar to polish sometimes
and back to the topic - you know you're polish when no matter in what country you are, you always meet someone from your homeland

(I guess Poles are just everywhere
