Season four was good for its action packed episodes, maybe I mainly like it not for the relationships but for that. I agree that Calleigh and Eric were torn apart in that season. You know what brought them back together right? When Ryan got fired... I think that's when the love started to surface. Dont u think?
Wow, I've been gone for a while :shifty:
I think this did bring them a little closer because Ryan was gone and in season 4, Ryan and Calleigh worked a lot of crime scenes together. They did gain back that special bond, so when Ryan screwed up the first time, that set her back and made her seek out familiar ground with Eric. When Ryan finally got fired, she visited him at the news station and ripped him a new head. You could see the look of betrayal in her face and body language. While he was away, she started working a few cases with Natalia but mostly with Eric.
IMO, they were always close, just lost the closeness a little after Speed died. I think when they really started getting close again was when he started having problems with Gina and when his sister died. Even though her reaction to Marisol's death was a little odd, I think behind the scenes she became a shoulder for him to lean on. When he went to Brazil, you could see the chemistry in just that conversation they had on the phone alone. Then she got nervous when she couldn't reach him and called Horatio.
They had other little moments that showed their closeness too. When he got in the bar fight, he told her what happened with his wages and Calleigh could tell that was hurting him. But....the most evident start of it all was when he got shot. Her reaction and visits to the hospital showed her feelings for him weren't just friendly ones. From there on out, she looked out for him, encouraged him to build back his self esteem and assurance. She wouldn't let him fall.
With that being said, I think that season 4 was a great season because of all Eric went through (plus he was sooooo handsome in this season :hugegrin

and what Calleigh had to overcome. We got to see a lot into Eric's personal life as well as Calleigh's struggle in dealing with Hagen's death and regaining strength to face her demons by reclaiming her ballistics lab. It was a growing stage for both. It was also a buildup season for their relationship.
I could watch all the episodes over and over up to season 7. It's the earlier seasons that didn't sit too well with me. Season 1 and 2 were feel out seasons. The only thing we really got was an occasional flirt between Calleigh and Eric and the hiphugger moment. Season 3, they all had to deal with Speed's death, Ryan coming aboard looking for acceptance from the team, and Calleigh had to deal with Hagen's death. It was a transitional phase for everyone.
I just can't wait to see what season 8 has to offer, and I sure am getting fidgety waiting for it to come.
Oh, sorry for the rambling if none of this made sense