Flack/Angell #2 - We Got Game.

I'd hate to be the nag, but remember to keep all comments about future episodes in spoiler tag, folks.

In honor of the five days left until Angell dies, I suggest that we have a daily F/A picture on the thread. Anyone can post at any time, but no repeats. It's the only way I can think to keep sane. :)

I'll be carefull. :)

Forgive me for not waiting until tomorrow to post another picture, I can't help myself. :p Someone posted this picture of Eddie and Emmanuelle with a fan in the middle. I'm so jealous of her I cut her out of it. :lol:
Here's the result:

awwww...sweetie. thanks in advance. you'll give me a good night sleep for tonight.

and what a lucky fan! and i gotta say that is a cool, cool manip:thumbsup:
I'd hate to be the nag, but remember to keep all comments about future episodes in spoiler tag, folks.

In honor of the five days left until Angell dies, I suggest that we have a daily F/A picture on the thread. Anyone can post at any time, but no repeats. It's the only way I can think to keep sane. :)

I'll be carefull. :)

Forgive me for not waiting until tomorrow to post another picture, I can't help myself. :p Someone posted this picture of Eddie and Emmanuelle with a fan in the middle. I'm so jealous of her I cut her out of it. :lol:
Here's the result:

Actually, it wasn't a fan - it was one of the other actresses on that episode; the reception who 'came to see why they were taking the house on a little detour' [gosh I cant actually quote that whole scene but I can't spell the lady's name thus my omission of it... XP]
But still love the editing. Nice skills XP Do you mind if I actually nick that for an icon maybe? Please and thank you =D
oooh. the curly brunette? no wonder the back looks familiar?
thanks for the heads-up.

jeez, just looking at them makes me melt. not much words for these two

damn. my laptop just exploded. :lol:

rita minetti (sp?) right? haha. aww these two guys are awesome. this was when angell told flack she met sam the other night or something.

and btw, AppleJack, can you also post the original pic? just curious. :p but really nice editing! i didn't know it was edited until i read the post! haha.
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Actually, it wasn't a fan - it was one of the other actresses on that episode; the reception who 'came to see why they were taking the house on a little detour' [gosh I cant actually quote that whole scene but I can't spell the lady's name thus my omission of it... XP

Now I remember! I should have noticed that. :brickwall:

But still love the editing. Nice skills XP Do you mind if I actually nick that for an icon maybe? Please and thank you =D

Well, okay, you said please. :p :lol:

and btw, AppleJack, can you also post the original pic? just curious. :p but really nice editing! i didn't know it was edited until i read the post! haha.

Posting this picture full size will probably screw up the lay out so I made a thumbnail:

no one has put up a new pic? : ( I shall put one on. this one was a dream come true:thumbsup:
no one has put up a new pic? : ( I shall put one on. this one was a dream come true:thumbsup:

Mmmm, I remember when I first saw this pic....http://i415.photobucket.com/albums/pp233/LyzabethSay/97534_0099b.jpg
....on a spoiler site, by accident, I was smiling for weeks just waiting for the episode to come out just to make sure it wasn't them playing jokes on us.
When Don was walking away from Jess before kissing her I was totally freaking out that it wasn't going to happen but I guess all our dreams came true in the end =D
Defiantly a wonderful, memorable moment of FA. One best thing the producers have given to us so far XP
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My internet connection at my grandfather's house sucks. Your pic almost melted my computer, Lyzabeth, and it unfortunately wasn't because of hotness. *laughs* Don't feel bad, though, because I have seven YouTube'd episodes of Digimon (yes I'm a geek) loading at the same time. That probably doesn't help. XD

Yeah, when I first saw that pic I firmly believed that he was going to hug her because I didn't trust TPTB to do anything but mock us with it. When he turned away I was cursing the loss of a perfectly good excuse for a moment, but then he turned back and kissed her and I almost fell out of my chair. :lol: I actually didn't see it the first time. I saw him grab her and I jumped and was so distracted by not falling on my face that I didn't actually see it until the next day. I knew it had happened, because I saw the very beginning, but still. It was rather funny.
This is such a beautiful pairing and it was never forced on audiences. I would even say that it is the only ship that rivals SMacked or even GSR (For Vegas fans too) in my opinion. The opening scene of 'Prey' just made me fall off my living room couch, backwards into the gutter that opened behind me.
Hey guys,

Please keep in mind that you still need to have three lines of on-topic conversation even when posting pictures.

One of my favorite moments ever:
pic 1

Well, we're getting closer to it, guys. *sigh* I have a feeling I'm going to be using my "mute" button more than normal. I just feel so bad even though the episode hasn't even aired yet. It's almost insane for some TV show, but still.

Yeah, Prey was rather amusing. I knew basically what was going to happen, but actually seeing it was a whole other ballgame. What was especially amusing for me was the fact that in the fanfiction I was doing at the time (oh yeah, still haven't finished...) there was a joke regarding handcuffs and I had posted that only a few days before that episode aired. I'm, like, "oh great everyone's going to think that I read spoilers...". :lol:
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i remember how much you swooned on that brief bliss, Alex. And admit it, we weren't prepared for that change ~ momma gone hot n' heavy over Donnie boy in 'Prey' (i know i wasn't)
It's really sad :( they're are so cute together....
But I dunno...after the Finale Flack is alone....without Angell...this makes me soooo sad...we need a new Girl for him....but I just want Angell
Like the pictures! That last one was when Flack said to Angell she looked good in a vest, right? Love that scene! :adore:

First I was in denial but that changed into 'I won't believe it until I actually see it'. The spoilers, and the discussions, make it really hard to believe she's not going to be the one who dies. i still have a tiny bit of hope left, even though I know that's not at all realistic. :rolleyes: When I actually see Angell die I'll have no choice but to accept it. I'm not ready for that. :(