Lab Technician
If they break up... they'll still be professionals. Definitely. That's just who they are. Specifically, I think Eric will still have his angsty moments when he looks at her and a thousand emotions play across his face all at once but he will, for the vast majority of the time, keep his head in the game. Calleigh, well... she's become noticeably less cheerful as the series has progressed. If she loses this relationship, she'll become ULTRA-professional. I don't think we'll see her smile for an entire season.
Your speculation or whatever about Calleigh just really bummed me out. After Speedle's death and then after Hagen's suicide.. that just started her whole down spiral to being like less cheerful and way unlike the Calleigh we saw in the first two seasons of Miami.
She finally seems happy (despite having all these bad things being thrown at her), and Eric definitely does have a lot to do with it. She just seems more human again.
Hey hey, I'm not saying she's miserable in comparison, but I think we all know that her cheerfulness has dwindled and even though it's coming back, she hasn't quite reached that "seasons 1-2 perkiness".
I completely agree that she's coming back out of her shell, that she has more of a reason to smile these days. Who in their right mind could KEEP from smiling if they were dating Eric/Adam??
I'm saying that this obviously DOES mean a lot to her, more than Hagen, more than Jake, and if she loses this, well, in terms of devastation, it may be on the same level as losing Speed.
I happen to like this happy, more human side of Calleigh that has made some fans (mostly the 'dislike' crowd) lose respect for her. I really don't want to see it end anytime soon.
Ah yes, this new Calleigh apparently makes some people feel like barfing.
I also think that if they break up, they will no doubt keep professional about it at work. But I think that it will effect Eric in a more obvious way, however, because he wears his heart on his sleeve and Calleigh doesn't. So while he'll stay professional.. I'm sure we will see him look sad and heart-broken. (like in Born to Kill)
Precisely. Weird, huh? That the guy would do all the moping and pining and lip-quivering instead of the chick!