Top41 said:
Do you have any caps once Danny plops that delicious little butt of his down? :devil: As
Ghwazee said in the spoiler thread, it really was an intimate move. No one else would dare sit on Don Flack's desk. But Danny? Danny knows his bubblebutt is always welcome.

I sure do!
Here's Danny yipyapping to Flack as Flack writes his report, and
juuuuust about to sit on Flack's desk. This scene proved once and for all that Flack is left-handed. And ya know, that he lets Danny plunk that bubblebutt onto his desk in full view of everyone else. :lol: :devil: What was adorable about this part of the scene was that all the while Danny was babbling what he was and waving his hands around like he always does, Flack would glance up at him every few seconds to make sure Danny knew he was listening to him. Yes, Flack, the kinka-poodle likes constant attention and you know it, don'tcha?
And here's Danny seating himself onto Flack. I mean, Flack's desk.
Huh, I just noticed how close Danny is sitting to Flack too. His thigh is well within reach of Flack's long arms and big hands. :devil: Knowing this, it makes Danny leaning sideways and forwards to get closer to Flack as they talk even more cute, no? :devil:
Uberniftacular said:
Case in point, if you listen to the commentary on "Consequences," Eddie says something to the effect of "Hey, that's my desk! So that's what they do when I'm out of the office" (or similar, don't remember the exact wording). And though I haven't paid tons of attention to other episodes, I'm pretty sure nobody else has the privilege of borrowing Flack's desk when he's not around.
:lol: I remember that! It was particularly amusing because it'd been Danny at his desk when he said that. I'm not sure Danny had been looking through the drawers of Flack's desk in the scene though. I seem to recall Danny doing something like that.
ZhuShuaijie said:
I mean to say, that is very very very sweet with romantic .
Ya know how they look like to me in this screencap? I swear it's as if they're on an afternoon date after a long, tiring night of work, and at the same time, right there and then, both of them just made the decision to reveal their feelings to each other and think they'll be punched in the face for it. :lol:
Danny: Oh geez, this is it, this is where I can tell him or I dunno whether I'll get the nerve to tell him ever again ...
Geez, Flack has huge hands ... It's gonna hurt like hell when he punches me ... Maybe I should make a break for it before I mess up our friendship ...
Flack: We're here and we're alone. When was the last time I got him alone to myself like this? Should I tell him now? Is he gonna hate me once he finds out how I feel 'bout him?
Silly boys, you should learn the art of effective communication.
jay said:
So, was I the only one thinking Flack was THIS close to coming out to Sam in the bar? She says something along the lines of "With that gruff, tough exterior, you're never gonna attract the ladies." Cut to Flack giving a grin the size he seems only to only reserve when he's thinking of Danny (see the "You've been hanging out with Danny too long" scene from a while back) and laughs. Then the camera seems to spend a lot of time on Flack looking back and forth between Sam and the bar, like he's holding something in. It seemed to me that he thought he wanted to tell Sam something. Now given what happened later in the ep it could be something else, but my mind goes queer real quick :devil:. Then the next scene with Flack is him practically skipping to "Danny" holding a huge piece of evidence! Tell me I'm not just seeing things!
You brought up a really interesting point! After I read your post, I saw the kissing scene in episode 5x07 in a very different light. How about this for food for thought in accompaniment to
jay's statements: Flack just found out something major about his sister, something he never expected, something that made him realize his sister would understand what it feels like to be unfairly judged/prejudiced against. That moment would have been a fantastic moment for Flack to reveal to his sister something major too ... oh, like him having secrets too and revealing he's been gradually figuring out he's bisexual?
Now, after it's clear he
didn't tell Sam anything, he talked with Angell a bit but didn't get into the car with her. Then, out of the blue, he walked back and then kissed her, as if it was a casual afterthought rather than him actually expressing interest in her. And you know what might actually support what's been said so far? The fact Flack said 'thank you' to Angell after the kiss. Maybe right there and then, Flack finally figured out which side of bisexuality he leaned more towards ... which brings us to the immediate scene of, as
jay put it eloquently, Flack skipping up to Danny going, "Danno, Danno!"
While holding a huge, somewhat phallic object. :lol: :devil: