Typing and then posting, as usual.

ETA: I think I put the cursor in the wrong place to type some of the comments for early in the episode, so they might be out of order. Whoops!)
~ Angell!

*ravages* You so funny, girl.
~ Danny with no glasses. Meh.
~ Yes, bb, you should have stayed home and watched TV.
~ Mmm, Sheldon and Flack are so pretty.
~ "Game over." YEAAAAH! Oops, wrong show again.
~ "Money to burn" - YEAAAAH!
~ LOL, Flack said 'doobie'
~ Aww, Sheldon is so pretty.
~ Haha! I love Angell - oh, bb, I missed you. *snuggles against your bosom*
~ She's glad not to be a lab rat, and I can't blame her.
~ SID!
~ Aww, poor baby is so nervous. *snuggles*
~ Oh, Adam.

*wipes away a tear*
~ Oh, Mac. *loves you* Take care of my baby. At least they have time to figure things out.
~ Oh, Adam - he's glad Mac didn't make the choice. *cuddles him and makes him cookies*
~ Admit it, he was adorable in that scene. And he was about to cry - it wasn't quite flowing man-tears followed by a big man-hug from Mac, but at least I got some almost-tears. [/shameless]
~ Oh dear, they were all set to stand trial - dun dun duuuuun. *le gasp*
~ Haha! Poor Adam, getting stuck with all that broken glass. Oh Danny, you big meanie.
~ "Bang. Bang."
"I never get to play with guns." :lol:
~ Ew, cockroach. *climbs onto chair and orders Mac to take care of it for me*
~ Hee! "Usually, I'm a lot less charming." Oh, Mac.
~ Danny sure does love that green shirt.
~ LOL "Five hundie"? :lol:
~ Hahaha, Flack got Danny's jacket for him? Oh, my slashy senses are tingling.
~ Whoo, pushing him off the swing. Awesome.
~ And now Danny is swinging. Oh dear.
~ And Flack - oh dear, you boys. :lol:
~ Don't call my Angell a bitch, bitch! She'll jack you up fo sho!
~ Stella/Angell ladysex would be hot, y/y?
~ Mac is pissed off nao.
~ Gawkers? Tsk tsk.
~ "What Adam brings to the lab is worth waiting six months." Aww.
~ "I'll take Adam every time. He works his ass off. Losing him will cost the city even more." Oh, Mac. *love*
~ Oh, poor Adam - he heard what Stella said.
~ How much do I love that scene? And the Danny/Flack scene in the park (which I think was filmed in NYC)?
~ Mmm, Stella with a big gun. Rawr! :devil:
~ Aww, Mac was sweet with her. *hugs Mac*
~ Dayum!

They cut her face up.
~ Aww.
~ Mac is pissed off again.
~ Someone removed evidence - I wonder if that's the same person that removed the USB in 5.04?
~ Ooh, pissy!Mac. They were both right, but still...
~ I like that Mac is fighting things he can't control in this one.
~ Stella, uncover the boobies, plz.
~ 3 brothers, 3 murders - dun dun duuuuuun!
~ Danny looks like a waiter or something in that white shirt. Bring back the glasses, bb.
~ Aww, Adam basically just said the machines were more important than his job.
~ Can't say I feel too bad about what the lawyers did.
~ Aww, Adam.
~ Oh, how cute - they all gave up their vacations to save my bb. Sheldon, go reassure Adam with hot mansexuals. :devil:
~ Also, *fondles Stella* You did good, bb. You guys will figure something out when the time comes.
I didn't get a preview, and I don't remember if there's a new episode - the station screwed up here either way, I think. (
ETA: 5.07 should come on next week - so boo on CBS not showing me the promo!)
Overall, it was a good episode with some nice little character moments. It was nice to see Mac angry over Adam losing his job - poor Adam. I know they'll figure something out. (AJ's five-year contract pretty much demands it.) But it'll be interesting to see how this all works out. I'm also interested to find out if the removed evidence relates to the missing USB from "Sex, Lies and Silicone". If so, they're doing good with the continuity this season.