As always, Fay, I am totally amused by your responses! I love your comment about Promogate. Yes, it's a scandal!
As much as I was soooo, soooo sad about what Adam is going thru, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the interaction between Gary and AJ!
Totally did not suspect the lawyers ("Killing clients can't be good for business" - YAY Mac, great line!).
I agree, PerfectAnomoly - there is no one who compares to our X-Factor!!!
Yes, I thought AB was showing, just a tad. I know it was filmed several weeks ago, but I could NEVER look that good pregnant!
I didn't notice the line about "Mac turned me on to him", but if I had heard it, yes, I would have thought the same thing! :devil:
If other techs are being let go, find someone to replace Adam in that list of techs leaving. PLEASE leave poor Adam alone!
Yes, the famous underwear line. If you're in an accident, you will have an accident. So, what's the point of wearing clean underwear? And, who would wear dirty underwear anyway? Always a conundrum....
Hawkes and the Scooby Doo comment. Aww, a softie at heart. I always thought he was a softie. I love Hawkes! :adore::drool:
JellyBelly - too much creepy time with Sid? That gives me the shivers. How can anyone spend that much creepy time with Sid? No one should have to spend creepy time with Sid. But, we still love our Sid!
Privatename - I was trying to figure out how someone got hold of those guns, too. I was starting to wonder if they were being held in evidence, and our friend who stole the USB drive also stole the guns. Ooh, now that would make a great ep, right? Nah, they won't carry a story over into another ep, would they?
Danny w/o glasses. Say it ain't so! Maybe his vision improved and he only needs them once in a while? Nah, not Danny. BRING BACK THE GLASSES!!!!
Love the whole "So, what if it were
your sister" conversation. Aww, Don, it's nice to know you would do that for Sam, even if you don't approve of how she lives sometimes. That's a wonderful Big Bro! Can you be my big brother?!
Yeah, Mac needs to learn that he isn't the one who makes all the decisions. Sorry, Mac, you need to step back a bit. People respond better when you offer to negotiate rather than yell at them. Breathe in, breathe out.....
Stella, when will you learn that Mac defends his group, and you won't win that argument? Tsk, tsk. But, I like what you did in the end. That was a nice gesture! So, did Mac buy you dinner?!
Overall, great episode. I just wish I didn't have to explain everything to DH. He kept asking questions. I finally told him that I knew nothing that he didn't know. I saw exactly what he saw. Seriously, I didn't see a different camera angle, or even the ending. I was watching it with ya, pal! LOL! I love him anyway!