CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

OK hands on deck. Who ever said or still says they are never getting married, or ever having children? And if it ever happened it would be WAY later in life?

Well, time changes people. I said it and I got married at age 20 and have 2 kids. Now, at the time with the kids I did cry (and not for joy) when I found out I was pg rated with them. But once it settled in I was, I became ok with it.

I guess if you took him seriously when he made that offhand comment in season one, then yes, you could look at it that way. I don't think he meant it then, so the idea of him being ready for marriage doesn't shock me. I might believe a comment like that from someone like Flack, but emotional, weepy Danny? Come on.

Point to the story......Even Carmine told tv guide he has to go where the writers tell him to take the character, and Danny has had to learn there are boundries and limits. So, perhaps they are allowing Danny to grow up.

By having him accidentally impregnate a co-worker? Teenage boys do that all the time. Not exactly the hallmark of "growing up." ;)

You know, like me, he ain't a spring chicken anymore. And, perhaps they want to have that "told you so" moment with Mac and Danny. We can't change it, Carmine can't change it. So, let's watch and see how TPTB handle it. Pam Vesey didn't say it was going to be a bed of roses. Who knows, ole Danny Messer might be a fantastic father. But, for the record, I personally can't wait to see what the future holds.

Oh, I'm curious, but I can't help but think that on the surface, it sounds like a bad idea. The fact that it sounds like it's a complete 180 from what had been planned for this season alone makes me wary. Add to that not one bit of Danny and Lindsay's relationship has been mature or stable, well, it sounds like it has the potential to be a bona fide disaster.

I think the implication of Lindsay assuming that Danny won't be a good dad is based on what she apparently says to him when he confronts her and she tells him she's pregnant. At the moment it's only a brief snippet that's without context and (for me, at least) is open to interpretation at this stage. I personally think it's natural that a woman be nervous about telling a man she's pregnant, it's life changing after all, especially if she's not together with that man or if things are rocky between them.

I think she supposedly tells him she doesn't expect anything from him and I'm pretty sure whatever she says is wrapped up in her mistrust of him and his feelings for her rather than because she thinks he's going to be a bad father.

Again, yet another reason things last season should have been more clear. Mistrusting him because he withdrew from her during his grieving process makes her look like an asshole, especially when compounded with the fact that Danny felt responsible for a child's death. It just makes her look mean, like she's twisting a knife.

On the other hand, mistrusting him because he slept with someone else when she thought they had something would be completely valid and understandable. But if she doesn't find out about him sleeping with Rikki between now and 509, I think she's not going to come off well.

That being said, I think it's not uncommon for a woman to offer to not expect anything from the father of the baby if she's made the decision on her own to keep the baby. The guy looks like a jerk if he takes her up on that offer, but I think we all know Danny's not a jerk.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Point to the story......Even Carmine told tv guide he has to go where the writers tell him to take the character, and Danny has had to learn there are boundries and limits. So, perhaps they are allowing Danny to grow up.

By having him accidentally impregnate a co-worker? Teenage boys do that all the time. Not exactly the hallmark of "growing up." ;)

:lol: Adults do accidentally get pregnant all the time too. No, it's not the most mature action, but perhaps the "growing up" will happen afterwards.

That being said, I think it's not uncommon for a woman to offer to not expect anything from the father of the baby if she's made the decision on her own to keep the baby. The guy looks like a jerk if he takes her up on that offer, but I think we all know Danny's not a jerk.

Yeah, I don't think Lindsay is thinking that Danny will be a bad father per se. The spoilers indicated that Lindsay deliberately avoids Danny when he sees her at the clinic. So, when she found out she was pregnant she made her own decisions without talking to Danny. If she and Danny aren't in a relationship at that time (which I'm assuming they aren't) then maybe her first response wouldn't be to talk to him about the baby. She wants the baby, and doesn't automatically assume that Danny will need to or want to be involved. It doesn't necessarily mean she thinks he'll be a bad father.

IMO, it does depend how they ultimately portray it on screen. Considering their apparent "love", which I'm currently not buying into, my initial response is that Lindsay not sharing news of a baby with Danny is odd, and a little selfish. But then again, it's adding to the drama, and if they aren't in a relationship then it isn't that weird, babies bring people together anyway, right? :rolleyes: I'm sure they'll both end up happy about it (Veasey said as much) and I can't see them deliberately wanting Lindsay or Danny to come across negatively in this. He'll step up to the plate eventually, even if his initial reaction is one of shock and probable fear.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Elsie said:
Yeah, I don't think Lindsay is thinking that Danny will be a bad father per se. The spoilers indicated that Lindsay deliberately avoids Danny when he sees her at the clinic. So, when she found out she was pregnant she made her own decisions without talking to Danny. If she and Danny aren't in a relationship at that time (which I'm assuming they aren't) then maybe her first response wouldn't be to talk to him about the baby. She wants the baby, and doesn't automatically assume that Danny will need to or want to be involved. It doesn't necessarily mean she thinks he'll be a bad father.

IMO, it does depend how they ultimately portray it on screen. Considering their apparent "love", which I'm currently not buying into, my initial response is that Lindsay not sharing news of a baby with Danny is odd, and a little selfish. But then again, it's adding to the drama, and if they aren't in a relationship then it isn't that weird, babies bring people together anyway, right? :rolleyes: I'm sure they'll both end up happy about it (Veasey said as much) and I can't see them deliberately wanting Lindsay or Danny to come across negatively in this. He'll step up to the plate eventually, even if his initial reaction is one of shock and probable fear.

I don't think the intention will be for Lindsay to come across as being bitchy, condescending to Danny or selfish to the audience, but I have a feeling Anna Belknap's complete lack of warmth and empathy in her performance will make it come out that way regardless. :rolleyes:
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Elsie said:

I don't think the intention will be for Lindsay to come across as being bitchy, condescending to Danny or selfish to the audience, but I have a feeling Anna Belknap's complete lack of warmth and empathy in her performance will make it come out that way regardless. :rolleyes:

It isn't that she feels that Danny is worthy of being of good father. She's scared. I know. I've been there. If you aren't on the best of terms the indication might come across as "You're trapping me!!" Lindsay just doesn't know how to tell him. She probably has to get over the initial shock first. I know I did.:eek:
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

It isn't that she feels that Danny is worthy of being of good father. She's scared. I know. I've been there. If you aren't on the best of terms the indication might come across as "You're trapping me!!" Lindsay just doesn't know how to tell him. She probably has to get over the initial shock first. I know I did.:eek:

That's actually how I can see this storyline going, although I don't think Danny will think she's trapping him, as that wouldn't reflect well on him (or even if he might think it, I'm not sure they'd say it). Unplanned pregnancy probably isn't (at least initially) the greatest news for either the mother or the father. It wouldn't surprise me if Lindsay not immediately telling Danny about it is explained by Lindsay being shocked and initially scared by the news that she is pregnant and trying to come to terms with it herself first.
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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

It isn't that she feels that Danny is worthy of being of good father. She's scared. I know. I've been there. If you aren't on the best of terms the indication might come across as "You're trapping me!!" Lindsay just doesn't know how to tell him. She probably has to get over the initial shock first. I know I did.:eek:

That's actually how I can see this storyline going, although I don't think Danny will think she's trapping him, as that wouldn't reflect well on him (or even if he might think it, I'm not sure they'd say it). Unplanned pregnancy probably isn't (at least initially) the greatest news for either the mother or the father. It wouldn't surprise me if Lindsay not immediately telling Danny about it is explained by Lindsay being shocked and initially scared by the news that she is pregnant and trying to come to terms with it herself first.

I agree. Especially if they were just starting to try and make things work, she might have panicked. Even if I was in a happy relationship I would panic!

Plus, wasn't he with Stella when he saw her at the clinic? I would have booked too! Can you imagine how that conversation would have gone?

Stella: Oh hey Lindsay! What brings you here?

*Danny and Lindsay just stare at each other awkwardly*
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Regarding the second appearance of Samantha Flack and inexplicable speculation about her and another character, I can only say this:

Maybe I'm just an intransigent curmudgeon, but I hope Adam doesn't have a connection to Samantha Flack. I'm sure Eddie and Miss Munroe would do wonderfully, as would A.J., but it smacks of yet more(OMG, moar)pointless personal drama. Not everyone on the show has to be connected to the personal lives of everyone else. Sometimes, folks just work together.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

You don't need to use a spoiler box in here. You can discuss spoilers openly as that is why people visit the thread. :)

Reminder about other threads in the forum: Please, everyone, use a spoiler box when you are discussing spoilers outside of here. Not everyone reads spoilers, and some people really do like to stay spoiler-free.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

:lol: Nobody ever answers my questions.

To reply to Lindsay not telling Danny = her being afraid, sure, I get that. Still doesn't automatically discount it from there being selfish overtones to it, based on what I read of the spoilers. It isn't just what she said, it's the way Danny reacted to her when she just walked away from him after dumping such news on him. You could tell he was not happy. At the very least, to me, there was condenscension in what she was implying. And I agree with whoever said it was a little selfish of her to not tell Danny.

Also, about Danny knocking Lindsay up = him maturing ... :guffaw: Ya know, I'd love to know the thoughts of Sarah Palin's pregnant teenage daughter and her hockey jock sex buddy now forced to be her husband because of the baby right about now. I find the parallels rather coincidental.

And about Sam Flack, wasn't the tie to Adam just speculation? The spoiler was more along the lines of Adam meeting Flack, right? The premiere episode already covered that base. I'm thinking that's what AJ Buckley meant by Adam 'coming out more', in that Adam's shown to leave the labs now and then, and that he did meet Flack.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I don't think the intention will be for Lindsay to come across as being bitchy, condescending to Danny or selfish to the audience, but I have a feeling Anna Belknap's complete lack of warmth and empathy in her performance will make it come out that way regardless. :rolleyes:

That's my concern as well--I think the situation is such that viewers should sympathize with both Danny and Lindsay, but when you contrast Danny's warmth and emotion with Lindsay's cold brittleness, it's hard not to sympathize with one over the other. Rather than limning the nuances of Lindsay's emotion, we usually get shrill unpleasantness from Anna in her portrayal (see "Silent Night," "Right Next Door," etc.). I hope she can pull it off, because if she can't, Lindsay will come off incredibly unsympathetic.

As for Samantha Flack and Adam, like others have said, I think that's all speculation. I'd love to see more of Sam no matter what--or whom--she's doing. :lol: I think she's great!
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

The quote from Veasey about Sam affecting Adam was only this:

...[her presence] will touch a lot of other people, including A.J. and Stella.
Honestly, I think the premiere could be what they're referring to. Not necessarily, but I think it's too soon to assume that we've got another relationship to keep it all in the family (so to speak).
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Yeah, I assumed that the Adam/Sam spoiler simply referred to the fact that Adam told Flack about the car before going to Mac about it. Not particularly interesting, but seems likely to me. I could be wrong, but I don't see a 'relationship' or anything like that for them. Although, the thought of Flack finding out that Adam's dating his sister is rather amusing. :lol:

Right Next Door was repeated in the UK last night, and I was loving Adam and Stella's interaction (he's so nervous and cute around her). So, I'm more interested in seeing what comes of Adam asking Stella out for pizza... I don't know if it's a romantic interest (however cute he is around her, I can't imagine it) but it's bound to be a great scene anyway. :)
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Thanks for the pictures! Flack and Danny both look so purdy-ful in their individual pictures for 5.05, and yay for Sid promos! As for 5.06 - HOLY CLEAVAGE, BATMAN! :lol: When are Stella's girls going to get their own spot in the opening credits? :p

BTW - do the pictures from 5.06 look like the scene where Melina and Gary were talking about having to fire someone because of the budget during that interview? (It looks like the scene where they appear to be arguing, at least, which was used during that interview.) If so, I guess that means 5.06 is the one where Mac is supposed to get rid of someone.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Thanks for the pictures, noealonso! :D I've cross-posted them to the picture thread.

BTW - do the pictures from 5.06 look like the scene where Melina and Gary were talking about having to fire someone because of the budget during that interview? (It looks like the scene where they appear to be arguing, at least, which was used during that interview.) If so, I guess that means 5.06 is the one where Mac is supposed to get rid of someone.

Yeah, I think so. Also, at first that episode had two potential titles, one of which was "Cuts", which kinda makes sense if this is one of the storylines in the episode (even if that title isn't the one that was finally chosen).
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