Wow. Tons to catch up on

From Ausiello:
Exclusive: CSI: NY boss promises a 'noble' exit for Stella
former leading lady Melina Kanakaredes may not be returning to wrap up her storyline, but producers still plan to give Stella a dignified send-off.
“We’re giving her a noble exit,” says co-executive producer Zachary Reiter. “We chose not to go the route of killing her off or having her go missing. We felt that would weigh too heavily on the team.”
According to showrunner Pam Veasey, viewers will learn in the show’s Sept. 24 premiere—which picks up several months after the finale—that Stella relocated to New Orleans. “She left to run a lab there,” says Veasey. “And she picked that city because it’s the city of Katrina, the city of BP oil, the city where people are looking for someone to lend a hand.
“She’ll essentially be Mac in New Orleans,” she continues. “We wanted to do something that was respectful and made a lot of sense.”
As previously reported, Emmy winner Sela Ward has been taped to fill the void left by Kanakaredes.
Having taken a sec to mull this over, I don't really have any problems with the send off. I think there will be the inevitable chewing over of the EPs' choice of words

, but I don't mind Stella going to New Orleans.
I'm glad they didn't kill her off, or have her go missing. I also think going those routes might have been harder without the participation of MK, and also would have held a focus on a character who's departed, instead of focusing on the integration of the newer character. Dunno if my own choice of words was particularly adept there :lol: but I hope what I meant was reasonably clear.
They could have gone the route of having her teaching, or having her remain in the city, but I also sorta saw her character as one not likely to leave policing altogether, and that having her remain in New York could have led to expectations of potential future appearances. (I think Aiden was a little different, they left her in the city to enable her final exit from the show thru the murder of her character and arrest of Pratt). I'm not surprised at all they moved Stella on. I do like that she was promoted upwards and outwards though.
I think the choice of New Orleans as a city comes across as a litte Cute, but also acute. I think the words "Noble" and alluding to BP & Katrina are a little laden, but meh,
NY, after all, was set in New York, just a few short years after 9/11, with a key element of the character heading the labs being widowed by the tragedy. So why should New Orleans, Katrina and BP be somehow off-limits or so easily dismissed or sniffed at.
Despite the phrasing of Reiter & PV, my initial thoughts were not about Katrina or BP. What I think perhaps works most for New Orleans as a fictional choice for Stella, is all the news of the top to bottom overhaul of the police department by the mayor, who invited a federal review of it no less, as well as the recent news of indictments of past officers for corruption, violence, and cover-ups. All combined, the three facets do showcase the light and dark extremes of what people are capable of, and the challenge of getting on day to day while faced with issues of epic scale. (It was possibly too much for a show to resist

NOLA Mayor Landrieu from mid-July: ""The oil spill's much worse than we ever thought," Mr Landrieu told the New York Times. "The budget's much worse, the dysfunction is much worse, the NOPD is much worse. But, you know, that's why I signed up."" No, I absolutely don't think Stella will somehow "save" New Orleans :lol:. But, in the show's realm, it would not be too far-fetched for me, to picture Stella headhunted from a prominent lab, to aid in re-establishing and leading the facilities and department in NO, amid very troubled waters. [Other tidbits: New Orleans was also the host for the last triennial IAFS Conference, in 2008 (albeit with mixed reviews for overall success). Plus, there's even COMSTAT for BP'd pelicans now.]
Meh. Some will like it, some won't. I think there probably woulda been a negative reaction from some viewers no matter where they sent her or how they chose to writer her out. To me it does seem as if some consideration has been given to Stella's departure, and the improv works pretty well for me. Treme NY is not. But as an exit for a character, they could have done far worse for a write out. Guess we'll see how it plays. I have some bones to pick with the show, but not really any here. Just two personal copper pennies.
William Keck has some information on Sela Ward's character:
Sela Ward says her new
CSI: NY character is divorced. "And she has a son who is 18 or 19 who she adopted from a person she helped put away," says Sela, who suspects the child's parent most likely will be sprung from the slammer wanting to reclaim the kid.
I find the hooha over who said what kind of amusing :lol:. And everyone but the writer of the wee tiny snippet, William Keck, was pointed at. I'm thinking both Sela Ward and CBS can probably be let off the hook.
I think it's interesting Jo is divorced, and that it also gives a certain freedom to write for her character. There's the default prototypical dramatic twizt with the criminal aspect, but she's also the first in the show to be divorced and essentially a single parent. It's a good mix in the group actually, most of the bases covered now. Sid's happily married w/ grown kids, teh Messers have a young family, Mac, and Flack essentially were widowed, and teh rest of the gang are single. And at least we already know the possible Dread Sekrit for Jo

A little something from TV Guide:
...As for next season on CSI: NY, Giovinazzo says the first episode "introduces the new character [played by Sela Ward] and deals with the repercussions of what happened in the finale. I think this new character is a positive thing — although the writers now have to scramble and make it work last-minute, I think in the long run, it's inspiring and infuses something new for everybody." He adds that Melina Kanakaredes' departure is dealt with "simply and smoothly. She's moved on and somebody else has moved in." When asked if Kanakaredes' Det. Bonasera dies, he jokes, "She's a victim in Episode 1. She's our crime scene. It's very exciting."
I am personally really looking forward to Sela joining the cast! It is unfortunate that Melina has left, but Sela joining could definitely help rejuvenate the show.
Agree. And bless CG's fuzzy head and humor :lol:. It's also nice to see both the acknowledgement of what's happened and support for the transition voiced.
7.04 "Sangre Por Sangre": ....The episode seems to take place in Spanish Harlem....
Spanish Harlem? Hispanic people on CSI:NY?!?!

(But of course it's a gang-related storyline. :shifty
Interesting! Sounds like they're giving Jo a good action sequence right off the bat. I wonder what the deal is with episodes 702 and 703--sounds like they might be filming out of order. Maybe 704 is in NY and they're going to NY right away? Or maybe 702 and 703 will be filmed there, and so they're shooting 704 in LA first.
Soooo, Mac now does house calls to make personal pleas to thwart gang violence? Sure Mac, stereotyped and unnamed Latino gang-banger would surely capitulate, not with defiant bravado and/or credible logic, but cos it's you... :lol:. Meh. It's just that the phrasing in some of these catches me sometimes, not to mention a certain inevitability within pseudo-conflict/meeting of minds/parallel goals scenarios

. (and Gad but I hope the writing for Mac is handled well this season).
Poking aside, it sounds interesting. And the attempt is appreciated to both have more references to New York, especially if they do get the $$ to film some shots there, and also to include a bit more diversity. Unfortunate that's not thru a change in approach to general casting

. Glad to see Jo in thick of things right from the early goings.
Anywho, 702 looks like a pretty big Adam episode!
7.02 "Unfriendly Chat":....
....Looks like a good episode! I'm looking forward to an Adam-centric storyline, but I'm also looking forward to Mac getting stern with a kid about doing his homework. :lol:
BTW, I wonder if this chat thing has to do with Adam's worry in the premiere about his job. In the premiere, he seemed worried that Jo had a file on him, and there was something about a website - maybe he's worried that they'll find out he's been chatting online during work hours?...It seems very plausible, and it's a nice tie-in from the first episode into the second.
Yay for an Adam ep

, but I'm :shifty: on his behalf if he's chatting on shift :lol:. Dude. Seriously. Does also kinda remind me of the NCIS ep where McGee was sent a viral vid of someone (apparently) killed online. Can only imagine how Adam will hafta approach Mac to kickstart the investigation

. I do enjoy Mac/Adam scenes, for both the humor and slight discomfort when they're attempting to kommunicate :lol:. Sounds like the ep is playing to some humor, esp. where Mac's stereotypical characteristics are concerned. I like that they're poking fun at them, but also hope it's a way for him to break from them a little by being able to laugh a little himself, and not be further entrenched. Uncertain about Adam being stalked, unless we get the laptop shot of the killer approaching the webcam ominously to peer in and see Adam. We'll see. Nice that Jo shares the view with her chat guy, a view of Home in a larger sense.
Lots of spoilers. Thanks
. I hope they keep 'em coming, along with fairly frequent interviews and whutnot, help keep the buzz going for a new slot but also a new lease with a new character.
The start of this season is shaping up so great...gotta admit, between 7.01 and 7.02, I'm excited :lol: Hope they keep it up!
Agree. I'm curious, even if not enthusiastic about each element :lol: but damned if I still don't wanna see what's gonna happen.
I've been kind of skimming the spoilers only, but it looks like Jo's getting a lot of neat stuff, too :thumbsup: I like the fact that she's divorced .. a bit cliched, yeah, but for CSI:NY it brings a little more diversity: aside from Sid, she's the only other one who's (presumably) had a spouse she didn't work with and who stayed alive. Sometimes it's interesting to see the effect the job can have on family, so it's good that Jo's going to have that extra dimension.
Agree. I think you said it better than I tried to :lol:.
If Anna's pregnant, congratulations to her and her family! :bolian: Between her and Emily Procter, I'm all happy :lol: Just really...really, really, really, really, no writing it into the show. *crossed fingers* There aren't enough ways to say that.
Agree again. What are the chances :lol:. Congrats to EP.
If she's pregnant, congrats to AB (and if not, cosmic apologies

Back on set for season 7. About to do my first scene with the beautiful Sela Ward
- via Twitter from Aj Buckley.

I iz happee.

Damn. The thought of nervous Adam with a gun is just . . . :wtf: and :guffaw:.
:lol: It is. I think I could also see him handling it not too differently from the Pez dispenser in terms of amusement, especially if it was some uber tech firearm, while all those around him did their utmost to have him retain focus.
Heck. Even watching Adam qualify, perhaps after a round robin of colleague/instructors would be :lol:.
Latecomer here. Thanks for all the spoilers, Fay. It sounds like we have much to look forward to this season. I am hoping that Sela Ward will breathe some new life into Mac and challenge him in new ways. I think they had done all they could with him and Stella and I'm glad the show is moving on to new territory. I would hope to see Aubrey back but am not holding my breath.
I wouldn't mind seeing Aubrey back, either. I liked the chemistry with Mac and I think the way their budding relationship was handled was very sweet. It would be nice to see Mac with a significant other and I think Aubrey is the best fit for that. Although, I don't mind Peyton either, so having her back would be my second choice.
Agree here too. Not necessarily that there was nothing further to write for Mac and Stella as colleagues and friends, but I am glad the show is having to change it up. Also liked Peyton's return, and Aubrey's brief appearances. If there's a concise way to continue to reference and/or include either as a way to keep Mac more multidimensional, I'd love to see either back. But. I do kinda lean toward Aubrey at this point :lol: