Lori K.---->
. They´ll feed us with a few lines in the premiere of what Stella is up to- and that was it. 
Yeah, I quite liked both CG´s and MK´s episodes, too, and I agree that Melina tried to stuff a bit too much in it, that would have been rather for two episodes, but generally her ideas were good. Carmine´s story was also nice to watch, though he gave away the plot too soon; I think, it was too obvious who killed the girl- anyway for me. But still it was much better than much of the stuff that the regulars had written.
Oh, yes, that´s very poetic: clipp-clapp, and off were MK´s strings and off was she
Somewhere I read that MK earned about 200000 $ per episode, sounds like very much for us
, but compared to the 400000 bucks that Mariska Hargitay earns for every "Law & Order" epi e.g., it´s peanuts. A few years ago I saw a ranking with the best paid TV actresses in the US and MK was on No. 9, not too bad, but not on top, either. And like in almost every profession, the guys like GS get higher payment- yeah, of course, because they are the bosses of the show, we know, we know
But yes, there was no reason why she should have accepted another pay cut, it doesn´t make her look greedy, it´s just a matter of principle.
Yes, I´m rather optimistic that she will get offers to continue her career; maybe at the moment she´s deliberately taking some time off to get some distance to the business before she decides to return. I bet she got quite some offers for interviews, but at least for now she prefers to remain out of the limelight.
I suppose she´s still very much a down-to-Earth person who doesn´t waste her money or lost it in bad investments like many other actors who fell for Madoff etc., so she could afford to leave NY and probably can afford to take some months off.
Interesting point; maybe she was more serious about it than we thought when she recalled her dialogue with PV about whether she likes Stella at all, because she puts her in peril ever so often. Maybe it was actually a slight hint that MK wasn´t that happy with the script of RIP MG, maybe she had discussions with Veasey and others about this particular storyline, but also about Stella´s appearance in general in S6.
Yes, the way it is now it looks very much like a surprising departure of MK, though she might have thought about it before, but gave it another try, but then something went wrong during the negotiations and she called it quits. And MK is a fair person I suppose, if she had decided already long before the beginning of the negotiations that S6 will be her last one, she would have told them right in time, so that they would have been prepared.
So yes, SW arrives not at the best time, and though many are curious to watch at least the premiere to see what she´s like and quite some think that she´s a good choice for the show and will help it to rise again; the majority is either generally fed up with the show or won´t watch because Stella´s gone, let alone the bad new timeslot. But SW must have a motive to accept the offer for NY, maybe it´s just as simple as that she needs the money
True, CBS didn´t spread her name to test out reactions and responses like they did with Sarah Carter and Mädchen Amick, very strange considering she´s a co-lead. But I agree with you that this was really maybe a tactic to announce her right the day after they had to announce MK´s departure, so they tried to keep people from being too shocked about this bad news by giving them what they thought were good news straight after that. Well, it failed.
, but of what I read MK just got three minutes and twelve words or so
A show, yes, sounds good, her own show with her as lead.
. I didn´t really mind Aubrey too much, I thought it would work the same way as it did when he had Peyton, it didn´t influence Mac´s and Stella´s friendship then and it could have worked this time, too, but since the writers went crappy, they didn´t manage to balance between Mac dating Aubrey on one side and Mac´s and Stella´s friendship on the other side, and on top of that they even brought back Peyton, so Stella was completely pushed aside.
According to CG it all will be "smoothly" solved in dialogues, so what does that mean, they will "talk Stella out" with a few lines and that´s it? Well, I fear that´s it, because they didn´t manage to show much of their friendship in S6 when Stella was still there, so how are they´re supposed to do so, now that Stella´s gone?
The horse thing was illogical and stupid, first Mac was adamant and wanted the bullet out of the horse immediately, then with this new method to make a copy of the bullet he suddenly said he wanted to delay the operation as long as possible to save the horse and yelled at Stella when she was angry about this.
With GS, I´ve seen him in a few movies and he was pretty good, so I know he can do better and I was a bit negatively surprised that his acting as Mac is often so one-dimensional and that he doesn´t make more of this character, and I wonder why he as a producer does not intervene and demand better storylines for Mac, unless he´s happy with the way it is.
. Yes, true, it was Mac, Mac and Mac and the Flack episode was another of many disappointments.
, but I wouldn´t want a mysterious disappearance either, to be honest, that would be just another Mac-hero story and soon the story would fade away like so many others before, when they´d feel it´s now safe not to mention Stella anymore after a few months have passed.
And why would she so suddenly decide to go to NO, to arrest the oil and beware the fishermen to kill each other? She is a good and helpful girl, we all know that, but I think she´d have limits as to how far her readiness to help would go
So yeah, a big argument with Mac might have made her want to leave, but it´s not that they never had arguments before and some were pretty big, but they always made up again, they are after all sensible, grown up people who wouldn´t give up such a close friendship so easily. So that´s also not a good excuse; nothing really is and the writers went just for the easiest exit that doesn´t exhaust their brains too much.

Yes, don´t even dare to dream of it, they´re TPTB, the masters of disastersAnd with the way things have been going there will not be an indepth explanation I'm sure!
I agree, new lights through old windows as they say, and especially PV would really need a break, I´d say. She´s really written some good episodes in previous seasons, but in S6 she lost it, even more than the other writers.Exactly and they somehow have a different point of view on the characters, or at least respecting them in a different way and doing them better justice than someone like PV did all season 6 long. I also think that both CG and MK did a good job. MK had a little bit too much stuff in her episode, so it was all a bit cramed and CG had too little going on so everything was stretched (and that's also part of the directing which wasn't their fault) but the basics were good.
Yeah, I quite liked both CG´s and MK´s episodes, too, and I agree that Melina tried to stuff a bit too much in it, that would have been rather for two episodes, but generally her ideas were good. Carmine´s story was also nice to watch, though he gave away the plot too soon; I think, it was too obvious who killed the girl- anyway for me. But still it was much better than much of the stuff that the regulars had written.
I don´t really know, it´s just an assumption, but you´re probably right that it depends on the writer; established screen writers might be pretty expensive. But I wonder if it shouldn´t be worth to CBS to hire two or three very good authors if this would improve the storylines- of all three CSIs, after all they all went downhill. In return they should fire the lousiest writers, that would balance the budget outDo you think? I have no idea. I guess it depends on the name. Most of the writers I didn't know. Well... I didn't know any of them.
But all of the CSI shows need inspiration, it's not just NY. NY desperately needs to get a grip on their characters and not play string-puppets with them.
I guess, if we wanted to be very poetic we could say MK didn't want to be a puppet anymore and clipped her strings![]()
Oh, yes, that´s very poetic: clipp-clapp, and off were MK´s strings and off was she
Me neither, I can only ever guessWhatever... can you tell - I'm not much of a TV person![]()
However, I agree. I think she already was working on a pretty low budget and earning the fewest of the lead actresses of the CSI's, thus the fewest of the leads, since GS was earning more than her. I'm not sure about Procter. But in any case, I think, a pay cut was in no way justified.
CBS might not have gotten though that it's not just about the money.
Somewhere I read that MK earned about 200000 $ per episode, sounds like very much for us
But yes, there was no reason why she should have accepted another pay cut, it doesn´t make her look greedy, it´s just a matter of principle.
Yes, I´m rather optimistic that she will get offers to continue her career; maybe at the moment she´s deliberately taking some time off to get some distance to the business before she decides to return. I bet she got quite some offers for interviews, but at least for now she prefers to remain out of the limelight.
I suppose she´s still very much a down-to-Earth person who doesn´t waste her money or lost it in bad investments like many other actors who fell for Madoff etc., so she could afford to leave NY and probably can afford to take some months off.
Interesting point; maybe she was more serious about it than we thought when she recalled her dialogue with PV about whether she likes Stella at all, because she puts her in peril ever so often. Maybe it was actually a slight hint that MK wasn´t that happy with the script of RIP MG, maybe she had discussions with Veasey and others about this particular storyline, but also about Stella´s appearance in general in S6.
Yes, the way it is now it looks very much like a surprising departure of MK, though she might have thought about it before, but gave it another try, but then something went wrong during the negotiations and she called it quits. And MK is a fair person I suppose, if she had decided already long before the beginning of the negotiations that S6 will be her last one, she would have told them right in time, so that they would have been prepared.
As I said, I stopped following Vegas quite some years ago, so I can´t comment on that, but reading the comments shows that it suffers the same problems than NY and Miami.But how could you make a come back if you're on a show that declines in popularity? From the comments I heard SW didn't really appeal that much. Sure there were the ones who said they were going to watch now, however, if you look at the overall picture, it's more "won't watch without Stella" and "didn't like MK but won't watch with SW either". Not really good for the show.
It would be very arrogant of her to think she could refresh the show with the popularity Stella had. I don't want to think she would think that.
The weird thing is that CBS didn't "test her out". They didn't leak any rumors of MK leaving and SW being the replacement to see the internet reaction to it.
Though I think that entire ordeal was meant to limit the damage done by MK's exit. Make MK's leave public one day and then announce SW the next day so people can't think too much about MK leaving. Too bad that it didn't work.
So yes, SW arrives not at the best time, and though many are curious to watch at least the premiere to see what she´s like and quite some think that she´s a good choice for the show and will help it to rise again; the majority is either generally fed up with the show or won´t watch because Stella´s gone, let alone the bad new timeslot. But SW must have a motive to accept the offer for NY, maybe it´s just as simple as that she needs the money
True, CBS didn´t spread her name to test out reactions and responses like they did with Sarah Carter and Mädchen Amick, very strange considering she´s a co-lead. But I agree with you that this was really maybe a tactic to announce her right the day after they had to announce MK´s departure, so they tried to keep people from being too shocked about this bad news by giving them what they thought were good news straight after that. Well, it failed.
Now that´s very interesting, good luck for you, fingers crossed that you´ll have a good career :thumbsup:. And of course, you´re absolutely right not to work without payment, dancing is work, hard work and every work deserves fair payment.Dancer, choreographer, actor, take your pick, at least trying to be. Have had jobs without pay but finally decided not to do that anymore, thus why I have been talking about not selling yourself for less than you're worth.
Oh, yes, in a better world they would do this :lol:.Sure, because executives always take pay cuts when the budget is tight![]()
:lol: that´s true, that was rather like a professional press statement. Hill just seemed to think quickly what he could reply.He wasn't as evasive as GS. Now you can't get any more evasive than his reply
But I think Harper should have opted for something like that as well because no one's believing that anyway.
I didn´t even watch it, don´t like this kind of films anywayThat bad? But Pierce Brosnan was in itThough he's getting old...
I didn't watch it but there were so many actors in it... I'm never a fan of that because I fear it gets too chaotic.
Yes, let´s do thisI so hope she gets the chance to do so because she would deserve it. Maybe we can open a petition on twitter: Sign MK on for a great big screen movie![]()
Or if not a movie than a show that has her as the lead. So, sort of her show.
A show, yes, sounds good, her own show with her as lead.
Yes, quite probably there are no clauses to opt out before a contract ends, so if Melina would have had a contract until season 7 ends, she would have been stuck in the bad work and like you said it makes the hard work even harder if you don´t enjoy anymore what you´re doing and then it shows in the performance.Since she stuck around for all of season 6... I'm not sure actors have that much negotiation on existing contracts. Unless something major happens, as I said, I don't think they can get out that easily. Both network and actors need to have their reassurances.
Oh, they don´t think they have to learn, that was up to usQuestion is, did they learn?
I agree, after S5 we thought this was another big development and we had reason to look forward to S6, because it could only go on like this- little did we knowWell, the problem in season 6 was that they didn't follow up what had happened in season 5. GFD was sort of a step to something more, at least, it deepened their bond but then in season 6 the focus was so incredibly on Mac and everything else was so forgotten... then suddenly there was Death House and Second Chances and The Formula and then there was Aubrey and it completely destroyed everything. Aubrey was suddenly replacing Stella, there were scenes with Aubrey which would, in other seasons, have been done with Stella, just for the sake of moving that love triangle forward. There was the problem, that love triangle which wasn't in any way natural. It was for the sake of a lot, Mac and Stella's friendship a part of it.
It was what upset me the most in season 6. Not that Mac and Stella didn't finally get together after Second Chances but that their friendship was treated so poorely and was pushed into the background. Hell, they did such a great job in season 3 when Mac was dating Peyton. All of that was gone in season 6.
And I fear it will be forgotten now as well and we Mac-Stella fans (whether it's their friendship or more) won't even get treated to phone calls or mentions of her or other's asking Mac about her.
It's why I wanted her to get an off-screen relationship with Mac because then I would have known their friendship wouldn't have been forgotten, sort of. It's kind of silly but their bond was so special and the characters have grown on me because of that bond, so I don't want them to lose it.
According to CG it all will be "smoothly" solved in dialogues, so what does that mean, they will "talk Stella out" with a few lines and that´s it? Well, I fear that´s it, because they didn´t manage to show much of their friendship in S6 when Stella was still there, so how are they´re supposed to do so, now that Stella´s gone?
Yes, he didn´t use the same measures for himself that he used for StellaYes, and it was always okay when he was outraged for whatever and when Stella had her Diakos case, he yelled at her for it. He did the same thing. He didn't yell at himself for it![]()
Yes, Stella was always fair, she considered things from both sides and tried to draw the right conclusions, even if it were the inconvenient ones.Exactly. When she was wrong, it was human and she always managed to not be wrong in a way. When she argued about Adam vs the machines I could still see her point. While I, as I said, didn't see Mac's point with the horse.
But she was thinking as a woman in that scene with Adam. And her stubbornness was also very natural. And never over the top.
The horse thing was illogical and stupid, first Mac was adamant and wanted the bullet out of the horse immediately, then with this new method to make a copy of the bullet he suddenly said he wanted to delay the operation as long as possible to save the horse and yelled at Stella when she was angry about this.
Yes, yes, yes, you´re sooooo right, that was so annoying, it was as if he was mocking Stella, telling her how right she was and that he had to hear it from her, and then he walks to Ella. That felt as if he didn´t take Stella seriously and just pretended to do so, it felt like an abuse of their friendship.But that scene when Mac asked her about Ella and she told him we can't save them all or whatever and he said he needed to hear it from her - why on Earth did he go see her afterwards? That didn't make sense. Why did he ask her then if he was going to do what he wanted anyway? It's all those details which made him the less symapthetic character.
I seriously started following NY after I had watched "All Access", I watched S1 later as a re-run and the difference between the Stella of S1 and the Stella of S2 was very strong; in S1 she was still very much in Mac´s tall shadow, "Officer Blue" was rather an exception and in a way S6 closed this circle, it was as if Stella stepped back into Mac´s shadow again. Yes, MK grew into the role and filled Stella with life, she gave always the best performances, but what could she do with such bad storylines? Nothing, and probably that was why she left.I didn't watch season 1 regularly. I don't really know with which season I started, I remember a few episodes I watched, then I watched some in France and some in Germany and it all was mixed up. So, I sort of got to know her character in season 3. I think.
But I also think it's an actresses ability to own that character and to have it develop. It's not like she was given that many storylines which made her develop but Stella still became that very much respected person all the while remaining credible. Mk grew into that role and she made the most of what was given her. I don't want to say GS is a bad actor, however, I wonder if he's got as many facets as MK. I would say he doesn't which is what allowed MK to develop Stella into what Stella was and Mac never really changed.
maybe it's also got to do with how open minded you are in general.
With GS, I´ve seen him in a few movies and he was pretty good, so I know he can do better and I was a bit negatively surprised that his acting as Mac is often so one-dimensional and that he doesn´t make more of this character, and I wonder why he as a producer does not intervene and demand better storylines for Mac, unless he´s happy with the way it is.
Yes, Stella grew on us like a friend and it was great to watch her development and knowing that this has now come to an abrupt end feels as if we are losing a friend.Yes, exactly. It's why it was sort of a blow into the face when MK suddenly left. Because you had gotten involved in Stella, she was sort of a like friend, could have been anyone, someone you knew, she was real, in a way. So, learning about MK leaving also destroyed that illusion.
TPTB definitely should look for another professionRan out of ideas? With a character with as much potential as Stella? If that's the case they need to change the profession![]()
Was there anyone else they had interest in other than Mac? I mean, even the episode with Flack, episode 8, was more Mac than Flack.
Well, yes, maybe they were just too scared to kill StellaOh, don't get me started on that "noble" thing. They're such hypocrats. The only reason why they don't kill her is because they don't want to deal with the emotional impact and they've seen what happened to CSI Miami when Rodriguez left.
And the reason why they didn't want a disappearance is because they didn't want to write a storyline that involves Mac (and the team) searching for her. That would've meant they had to mention her regularly and also deal with Mac's emotions and his determination to find her.
Had she not been as popular they wouldn't have given a damn. They'd have killed anyone else, except Mac, without flinching, if it had been convenient.
Actually at first I had thought I´d misread New Jersey for New Orleans, until I read it again and saw that they really sent her to N. Orleans :lol:, Jersey would have made much more sense, I agree, it´s not that far away from NY, she could still have been close to her team and friends.I'm laughing over this. As if those who still suffer from Katrina would care who heads their crime lab. It's, if you think about it, very disrespectful for Stella because they put it as if she thinks it's going to matter if she goes down there. Which it doesn't. Those who still suffer from Katrina suffer because the government distributed the money wrongly. What could she do? Nothing.
Same for the oil spill. She can't do anything for the fisherman who have lost their job and their salary... and I doubt that any of the fisherman care who heads their crime lab because it doesn't make the oil go away and doesn't make up for all the time it'll take for the gulf to get back on track.
Stella isn't in politics, she's not in some environment group or the red cross or whatever. I don't think Stella would think she's making a difference down there and would leave because she's offered the job.
It would have more sense, in that case, had they transferred her to Jersey because then she'd have at least been close to NY and to her "family".
I think it would have needed a major argument with Mac which would have done irreparable damage to their friendship for her to want to leave NY... what they could have argued about though... I don't know. After all, he followed her to Greece after a huge fight, so...
But this is just ridiculous. And doesn't make "a lot of sense" as they said but none at all.
Though we all knew it was going to be difficult to write her out and I didn't really expect them to do it reasonably. I had hopes... tiny hopes... after all, hope springs eternal...
And why would she so suddenly decide to go to NO, to arrest the oil and beware the fishermen to kill each other? She is a good and helpful girl, we all know that, but I think she´d have limits as to how far her readiness to help would go
So yeah, a big argument with Mac might have made her want to leave, but it´s not that they never had arguments before and some were pretty big, but they always made up again, they are after all sensible, grown up people who wouldn´t give up such a close friendship so easily. So that´s also not a good excuse; nothing really is and the writers went just for the easiest exit that doesn´t exhaust their brains too much.
You´re welcomeThank you![]()