I couldn´t agree more. The cast of CSI NY is not the problem, it´s the stories. Some of the best episodes were those written by guest writers, because they are not constantly occupied with writing for NY, so they can view things from a different angle.
Exactly and they somehow have a different point of view on the characters, or at least respecting them in a different way and doing them better justice than someone like PV did all season 6 long. I also think that both CG and MK did a good job. MK had a little bit too much stuff in her episode, so it was all a bit cramed and CG had too little going on so everything was stretched (and that's also part of the directing which wasn't their fault) but the basics were good.
Maybe it´s once more a budget issue, because freelance writers might be more expensive than NY´s regulars, I don´t know, but the show would desperately need some new creativity and inspiration.
Do you think? I have no idea. I guess it depends on the name. Most of the writers I didn't know. Well... I didn't know any of them.
But all of the CSI shows need inspiration, it's not just NY. NY desperately needs to get a grip on their characters and not play string-puppets with them.
I guess, if we wanted to be very poetic we could say MK didn't want to be a puppet anymore and clipped her strings
I agree, if it had been just a matter of payment, I´m sure, MK and CBS would have found a way to meet each other in the middle so that both sides would have been happy with the agreement.
Surely Melina wants to get paid in a range that she has established as a well known TV actress and she wouldn´t accept one pay cut after another, but I think her main view lies on the artistic aspect. If she´d get a low budget offer which has a great storyline then she´d accept it, like she did with "Into the Fire".
Whatever... can you tell - I'm not much of a TV person
However, I agree. I think she already was working on a pretty low budget and earning the fewest of the lead actresses of the CSI's, thus the fewest of the leads, since GS was earning more than her. I'm not sure about Procter. But in any case, I think, a pay cut was in no way justified.
CBS might not have gotten though that it's not just about the money.
I agree, if it had been for the money, she could have easily said "Sod it, for that bunch of bucks I can bear to play another season of crap"

, but she chose to leave and take the risk of being unemployed for a while and get out of the public eye. But rather than that I think she deliberately wants to take some time off, and maybe there are already new offers for shows, who knows.
I certainly would hope so for her sake. At least, I hope she's getting something, too.
If she invested her money wisely, she shouldn't have a problem. She doesn't seem to have the problem Helgenberger has. Of course, she wasn't recently divorced, however, she also doesn't seem to have a money problem in general.
Pay cut and storyline going South... well... I also would think there were some other things which weren't quite right... I don't know, when she mentioned she asked Veasey if she liked her (because Stella was always put in danger) - even if MK was joking, it's still odd in a way because I guess to start joking about it you have to start thinking about it. And you don't start thinking about it without a reason.
One thing is for sure - her exit did come as a very surprise and she hadn't decided to move on before negotiations started. The way they're going to write her out shows clearly that they whipped something up and weren't prepared for it. So, at least, that question is answered
Agree, one would think that Sela as an accomplished and award-winning actress could do better than accepting the role as new detective in a perhaps soon has-been-show. I haven´t been following her career, so I don´t know how she has been in this business recently- does she either consider it as a good chance to come back with a new (co)-leading role, or as a challenge to refresh the show? But like you said, for the producers she might for now be rather easy to handle, as the new character she won´t demand much in her first (and last?

) season of NY.
In any way, as I wrote somewhere else, maybe the time for the CSIs is just generally up and the format is worn out.
I would agree with that. Look at Vegas, that show's run out of ideas as well, now Helgenberger leaves... The show has been sort of a mess for me for the past season; it lacked structured, sort of like they didn't know where they were going. Same for NY.
But how could you make a come back if you're on a show that declines in popularity? From the comments I heard SW didn't really appeal that much. Sure there were the ones who said they were going to watch now, however, if you look at the overall picture, it's more "won't watch without Stella" and "didn't like MK but won't watch with SW either". Not really good for the show.
It would be very arrogant of her to think she could refresh the show with the popularity Stella had. I don't want to think she would think that.
The weird thing is that CBS didn't "test her out". They didn't leak any rumors of MK leaving and SW being the replacement to see the internet reaction to it.
Though I think that entire ordeal was meant to limit the damage done by MK's exit. Make MK's leave public one day and then announce SW the next day so people can't think too much about MK leaving. Too bad that it didn't work.
You mentioned dance before and your nick suggests it: So are you a dancer, even a professional?
Dancer, choreographer, actor, take your pick, at least trying to be. Have had jobs without pay but finally decided not to do that anymore, thus why I have been talking about not selling yourself for less than you're worth.
Well, I´d expect the CBS heads to be a shining example and cut their salaries, too

Sure, because executives always take pay cuts when the budget is tight
Yes, and I feel it was a kind of evasive reply to a fan´s question; he wanted to answer without being too revealing.
He wasn't as evasive as GS. Now you can't get any more evasive than his reply

But I think Harper should have opted for something like that as well because no one's believing that anyway.
Yes, please no more Lightning Thieves-crappy sequels

, she can do much better if film studios just would let her.
That bad? But Pierce Brosnan was in it

Though he's getting old...
I didn't watch it but there were so many actors in it... I'm never a fan of that because I fear it gets too chaotic.
I agree, she´d be great in such films, very demanding and challenging roles, exactly what she´d need, but I can also imagine her in a great comedy and since she once said that she´d love to do comedy when CSI NY is finished, it could be realistic that she will do something like this in the near future.
I so hope she gets the chance to do so because she would deserve it. Maybe we can open a petition on twitter: Sign MK on for a great big screen movie
Or if not a movie than a show that has her as the lead. So, sort of her show.
Probably not, and Melina was happy enough with NY for a long time, but I wonder what would have been if her contract hadn´t ended with S6- given that she was unhappy with the storylines, would she still have continued with clenched teeth, or would she have tried to "buy" herself out of the contract?
Since she stuck around for all of season 6... I'm not sure actors have that much negotiation on existing contracts. Unless something major happens, as I said, I don't think they can get out that easily. Both network and actors need to have their reassurances.
But the problem also is if you don't like it, things like getting up at the oddest hours and filming until late at night, all of that, is getting a lot harder and the smallest things are upsetting you. Thus your performance is suffering because you don't want to anymore.
There was now limit downwards and there is never any anywhere, anyway not for TPTB, that was the bitter truth to learn

Question is, did they learn?
So true. Personally I´m glad they never made a couple of Mac and Stella as I feared it might spoil this wonderful chemistry and change it into something rather, well, ordinary, if you know what I mean. The way it was between them was always perfect and extraordinary- until S6, then the writers either lost the plot or the interest to keep projecting their friendship, with a few exceptions.
Well, the problem in season 6 was that they didn't follow up what had happened in season 5. GFD was sort of a step to something more, at least, it deepened their bond but then in season 6 the focus was so incredibly on Mac and everything else was so forgotten... then suddenly there was Death House and Second Chances and The Formula and then there was Aubrey and it completely destroyed everything. Aubrey was suddenly replacing Stella, there were scenes with Aubrey which would, in other seasons, have been done with Stella, just for the sake of moving that love triangle forward. There was the problem, that love triangle which wasn't in any way natural. It was for the sake of a lot, Mac and Stella's friendship a part of it.
It was what upset me the most in season 6. Not that Mac and Stella didn't finally get together after Second Chances but that their friendship was treated so poorely and was pushed into the background. Hell, they did such a great job in season 3 when Mac was dating Peyton. All of that was gone in season 6.
And I fear it will be forgotten now as well and we Mac-Stella fans (whether it's their friendship or more) won't even get treated to phone calls or mentions of her or other's asking Mac about her.
It's why I wanted her to get an off-screen relationship with Mac because then I would have known their friendship wouldn't have been forgotten, sort of. It's kind of silly but their bond was so special and the characters have grown on me because of that bond, so I don't want them to lose it.
I agree, making Mac more human without this heroic and often self-righteous aura, would make him more appealing.
Yes, and it was always okay when he was outraged for whatever and when Stella had her Diakos case, he yelled at her for it. He did the same thing. He didn't yell at himself for it
Only Stella could open him up from time to time and not only because of that I mostly liked her more, even though she was sometimes very stubborn, too, and didn´t accept other opinions if she felt she and her gut feeling was right. But this all happened on a different level; her weaknesses were her strenghts at the same time and made her just the more appealing and adorable.
Exactly. When she was wrong, it was human and she always managed to not be wrong in a way. When she argued about Adam vs the machines I could still see her point. While I, as I said, didn't see Mac's point with the horse.
But she was thinking as a woman in that scene with Adam. And her stubbornness was also very natural. And never over the top.
But that scene when Mac asked her about Ella and she told him we can't save them all or whatever and he said he needed to hear it from her - why on Earth did he go see her afterwards? That didn't make sense. Why did he ask her then if he was going to do what he wanted anyway? It's all those details which made him the less symapthetic character.
Yeah, true, they always seemed to have been more creative with Stella´s storylines and development, while Mac was always the same; he didn´t really change when Peyton entered his life, let alone when Aubrey turned up or Peyton returned- none of them could crack his shell. Stella meanwhile had a remarkable development from S1 to S5; it took some time for me to like her, in S1 she was still pretty much the tough cookie with a few exceptions, but with all that stuff that happened to her, especially the Frankie-stuff, she changed a lot.
I didn't watch season 1 regularly. I don't really know with which season I started, I remember a few episodes I watched, then I watched some in France and some in Germany and it all was mixed up. So, I sort of got to know her character in season 3. I think.
But I also think it's an actresses ability to own that character and to have it develop. It's not like she was given that many storylines which made her develop but Stella still became that very much respected person all the while remaining credible. Mk grew into that role and she made the most of what was given her. I don't want to say GS is a bad actor, however, I wonder if he's got as many facets as MK. I would say he doesn't which is what allowed MK to develop Stella into what Stella was and Mac never really changed.
maybe it's also got to do with how open minded you are in general.
And in a way she summoned it up in that dialogue with her foster sister Mindy Sanchez in "Cold Reveal": she would have arrested her a few years ago, if she had to, but now she saw things in a different perspective and "Sometimes you don´t choose your hell, but are chosen by it". Stella´s life always had edges and twists, she was never the easy going girl, and that made her so fascinating.
Yes, exactly. It's why it was sort of a blow into the face when MK suddenly left. Because you had gotten involved in Stella, she was sort of a like friend, could have been anyone, someone you knew, she was real, in a way. So, learning about MK leaving also destroyed that illusion.
Unfortunately last season they seemed to have lost interest to develop her character even more or ran out of ideas.
I absolutely agree, she wouldn´t have done this one night stand with a stranger.
Ran out of ideas? With a character with as much potential as Stella? If that's the case they need to change the profession
Was there anyone else they had interest in other than Mac? I mean, even the episode with Flack, episode 8, was more Mac than Flack.
Well, it´s just the expected and predictable exit story and "noble" as it may be, the question remains why Stella suddenly would want to move to New Orleans and take the lead of the lab there.
Oh, don't get me started on that "noble" thing. They're such hypocrats. The only reason why they don't kill her is because they don't want to deal with the emotional impact and they've seen what happened to CSI Miami when Rodriguez left.
And the reason why they didn't want a disappearance is because they didn't want to write a storyline that involves Mac (and the team) searching for her. That would've meant they had to mention her regularly and also deal with Mac's emotions and his determination to find her.
Had she not been as popular they wouldn't have given a damn. They'd have killed anyone else, except Mac, without flinching, if it had been convenient.
Like you said, Stella loved NY, loved her team, they were also her friends and only family, there would have to be a really, really plausible reason to explain all this, anyway more plausible than Katrina, and Stella, the sister of mercy hurrying over there to save the people from misery :lol:.
I'm laughing over this. As if those who still suffer from Katrina would care who heads their crime lab. It's, if you think about it, very disrespectful for Stella because they put it as if she thinks it's going to matter if she goes down there. Which it doesn't. Those who still suffer from Katrina suffer because the government distributed the money wrongly. What could she do? Nothing.
Same for the oil spill. She can't do anything for the fisherman who have lost their job and their salary... and I doubt that any of the fisherman care who heads their crime lab because it doesn't make the oil go away and doesn't make up for all the time it'll take for the gulf to get back on track.
Stella isn't in politics, she's not in some environment group or the red cross or whatever. I don't think Stella would think she's making a difference down there and would leave because she's offered the job.
It would have more sense, in that case, had they transferred her to Jersey because then she'd have at least been close to NY and to her "family".
I think it would have needed a major argument with Mac which would have done irreparable damage to their friendship for her to want to leave NY... what they could have argued about though... I don't know. After all, he followed her to Greece after a huge fight, so...
But this is just ridiculous. And doesn't make "a lot of sense" as they said but none at all.
Though we all knew it was going to be difficult to write her out and I didn't really expect them to do it reasonably. I had hopes... tiny hopes... after all, hope springs eternal...
But no need to worry, all answers to our questions will be revealed in CSI:NO

PS: "Criminal Justice" was 6.12, right after "Second Chances"
Thank you