**Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

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How sad that we want the champagne to be acid instead of poison because we're tired of poison as way to kill someone. Are we sick or what? Either way I can't wait for the season to start.
How come there are no spoilers on Calleigh?...and or Eric? Like them together! That's all I really care about. Like I care about the other CSI's, but they are my number one concern.
Csi Miami season 9 premiere date is Sunday, oct 3rd that's almost 2 weeks after the other shows premiere I don't think any csi has ever premiered in October it's practically 2 months from now
poisoned champagne?

I'm a bit bored of the poison.....I'd rather the champagne spill on someone & eat thier skin off or something :p

Someone replacing the champagne with acid. Now that would be interesting.

Acid would be cool but they did the pool filled with acid back in season 7.

And the victim in 902 "Sudden Death" is killed by being drowned by champagne. Basically the murderer force feeds the victim the entire bottle!

And idk if this has been mentioned...I am too lazy to go back however many pages and see if this was posted....Erica Sykes will be in 902. And for those of you who are curious, yes she does interact with Ryan.

As for those who are wondering about E/C spoilers....there are none that I have been able to "see." It doesn't mean that they aren't there. Just means they weren't in any of the spoilers I read.
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And idk if this has been mentioned...I am too lazy to go back however many pages and see if this was posted....Erica Sykes will be in 902. And for those of you who are curious, yes she does interact with Ryan

Thank you so much for this spoiler :thumbsup:

I've been waiting for her return for a while. Though she some times was intolerable, I find her one of the most interesting characters this show has ever had and I can't wait to see how her character will come back :lol:
And idk if this has been mentioned...I am too lazy to go back however many pages and see if this was posted....Erica Sykes will be in 902. And for those of you who are curious, yes she does interact with Ryan

Thank you so much for this spoiler :thumbsup:

I've been waiting for her return for a while. Though she some times was intolerable, I find her one of the most interesting characters this show has ever had and I can't wait to see how her character will come back :lol:

Me too! Her and Jake Berkeley are my favourite recurring characters. They are well written and interesting. Not villains, but not completely on a good side... I was hoping for some new love interest for Ryan though.
Csi Miami season 9 premiere date is Sunday, oct 3rd that's almost 2 weeks after the other shows premiere I don't think any csi has ever premiered in October it's practically 2 months from now

;)True that it's later than usual, but keep in mind that in the tv scheduling world, Sunday is the end of the week, while Monday is at the beginning. So, there's actually only a one week lag in premiere time. 2 months more is a long time to wait. I haven't checked, so forgive if this has been mentioned. Somewhere I read that the CSI M reruns would start showing in the 10 PM Sunday slot on August 15th. I also have noticed CBS has had virtually no promos for Miami's new season; not one this past Monday.

I'm glad to see Erica Sykes is returning. She's a terrific character, brings another interesting layer to Ryan. Poor celibate Ryan; I hope they at least have a roll-in-the-hay.
Oh brother. Not THAT road again. I thought the Erica/Ryan thing was DEAD and BURIED. Please... :mad:
I agree with you. Erica did nothing to help endear Ryan to the fans.I remember seeing quite often(from non Ryan fans) "Ryan ratted to Erica about blah blah blah", I've seen it in the past year. I hope at least he doesn't end up looking like an ass when dealing with her.If not,hopefully she will be less of an ass.
csi681....Last year CSI premiered on Oct 9th. But they still had their preview on in Aug. Yeah, Oct 3rd seems far away, but I'm sure we'll all live.

I'll be anxious to see Ryan and Erica interact together, it's been awhile since we've seen her.
Erica Sykes will be in 902. And for those of you who are curious, yes she does interact with Ryan.

:sigh: I really really hate this idea.

However, she could end up getting killed. Kind of like how on Bones, that one DB turned out to be Cam's ex fiance. Maybe her interactions with him will be flashbacks. Like maybe she comes to him and says someone is following/stalking her and she wonders if there's anything he can do about it and he tries to help her, but in the end whomever is stalking her ends up killing her. And maybe that brings on some angst/guilt from Ryan, which would be different and interesting. Like maybe he'll feel guilty and feel like he didn't do enough to save her. And of course Horatio will have to step in and say, "You did everything you could for her, Ryan. This isn't your fault, okay?" Kind of like he stepped in and said comforting words to Natalia after Nick was killed.
Poor celibate Ryan; I hope they at least have a roll-in-the-hay.

Maybe he's practicing to join the priesthood? I always thought he seemed more of a protestant type of guy, but who knows, he could've seen the light in the Catholic persuasion. :lol:
I kinda like the idea of having Erica back. I like seeing old faces that suggest that tptb actually do remember what they've previously written.

Ryan will be fine. I have no worries. Erica's return could be a sign that he'll have a storyline this season....that's better than nothing at all, so I will most definitly take it.

*random thought* I wonder what Walter will think of her :lol:

Without giving too much away, is there anyway of knowing why Erica's back & in what form?
I like seeing old faces that suggest that tptb actually do remember what they've previously written.
Too bad they had to remember Erica.
I have no doubt she'll try to use him again.If there is a storyline that involves her,hopefully the writers will have Ryan just a little wiser this time.
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