Coco Chanel
Rookie goes..
How to Train Your Dragon 3D - Loved it. I've actually got nothing bad to say about it, it was fun, well written, awesome effects that looked even more awesome in 3D, and the whole thing was adorned with an amazing score. Also love Craig Ferguson and Gerard Butler, so can't go wrong.
Repo Men - Not too bad. Would've like it exceptionally more if I wasn't already such a huge fan of Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008) directed by Darren Lynn Bousman based off the broadway original. It was an incredibly unoriginal story, and since I've seen REPO! so mny times, I could think nothing but bad thoughts the whole time. Although it did have great acting, and effects. Music wasn't too bad either, but it's got nothing on REPO!.
In case you're interested, it's an amazing movie.
Sherlock Holmes - Again, no bad thoughts. I didn't by any means think it was outstanding...but it was entertaining, definitely a good film for Guy Ritchie. Again, I love Robert Downey Jr. so the chances that I wouldn't like it were slim =)
A Nightmare on Elm Street - It's a classic, I love it. I've seen it before, but evidently forgot most of it. I completely forgot Johnny Depp was in it, which was a nice surprise
I'm excited for the remake, but hope it doesn't take anything away from the original.
The Beguiled - Weird. I love any Clint Eastwood movie, and this was no exception. It had a wonderful story to it, but it was difficult to get into because the story was so...wrong. No other way to describe it really, but it was a [little known] Clint Eastwood masterpeice thast deserves more recognition than it has received.
The Departed - Absolutely loved it. Leonardo DiCaprio is amazing, as always. Again [I'm aware that I sound like a broken record] I like almost any Martin Scorsese film. This was no exception.
*takes a break* :borg:
Shutter Island - Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I've never read the book and had no idea what to expect. I was floored at how good it was. The twist was absolutely incredible. I'm actually rendered speachless upon trying to describe it.
And last but not least (drum roll please) ....
SAW VI - Of course I've seen this opening night and about a thousand times since, but it never loses any of it's magic for me. It's not my favorite in the franchise, but it's damn close. SAW I-III are [within the fandom] accepted as being amazing without question. SAW IV is where the questionability of the series start to come into play. I personally loved IV, which was took place during the same time period as III. SAW V is where everything started to crumble, this was when the franchise was taken over by director David Hackl, whose direction went under fire alot as a result. Kevin Greutert took over the directors spot for VI, and completely revived the series. So much that they fired David Hackl from VII to re-hire Kevin Greutert (although it messed up his plans to direct Paranormal Activity 2) and they got the okay to make SAW VII in 3D which comes out October 22, 2010. As of now VII is set to be the last in the series, but it opens on the same day as Paranormal Activity 2, same as last October where Paranormal Activity beat SAW at the box office, forcing this to be the last. However if SAW VII makes a more than decent profit at the box office, Mark Burg is convinced that they will get a call telling them to do VIII.
I know I'm ranting now, and I apologize, I'm not trying to plug it but will you all see SAW VII? Contrary to popular it's not tortureporn. It's got an amazing story that has fueled it for 6 years. It's the reason I'm only on this forum once a month, I'm an active member over on the saw forum (House of Jigsaw), I like it because there's no censors on the forum. free for all :bolian:
SORRY for the rant. Although I'm sure nobody took the time to read the whole thing
How to Train Your Dragon 3D - Loved it. I've actually got nothing bad to say about it, it was fun, well written, awesome effects that looked even more awesome in 3D, and the whole thing was adorned with an amazing score. Also love Craig Ferguson and Gerard Butler, so can't go wrong.
Repo Men - Not too bad. Would've like it exceptionally more if I wasn't already such a huge fan of Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008) directed by Darren Lynn Bousman based off the broadway original. It was an incredibly unoriginal story, and since I've seen REPO! so mny times, I could think nothing but bad thoughts the whole time. Although it did have great acting, and effects. Music wasn't too bad either, but it's got nothing on REPO!.
In case you're interested, it's an amazing movie.
Sherlock Holmes - Again, no bad thoughts. I didn't by any means think it was outstanding...but it was entertaining, definitely a good film for Guy Ritchie. Again, I love Robert Downey Jr. so the chances that I wouldn't like it were slim =)
A Nightmare on Elm Street - It's a classic, I love it. I've seen it before, but evidently forgot most of it. I completely forgot Johnny Depp was in it, which was a nice surprise
The Beguiled - Weird. I love any Clint Eastwood movie, and this was no exception. It had a wonderful story to it, but it was difficult to get into because the story was so...wrong. No other way to describe it really, but it was a [little known] Clint Eastwood masterpeice thast deserves more recognition than it has received.
The Departed - Absolutely loved it. Leonardo DiCaprio is amazing, as always. Again [I'm aware that I sound like a broken record] I like almost any Martin Scorsese film. This was no exception.
*takes a break* :borg:
Shutter Island - Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I've never read the book and had no idea what to expect. I was floored at how good it was. The twist was absolutely incredible. I'm actually rendered speachless upon trying to describe it.
And last but not least (drum roll please) ....
SAW VI - Of course I've seen this opening night and about a thousand times since, but it never loses any of it's magic for me. It's not my favorite in the franchise, but it's damn close. SAW I-III are [within the fandom] accepted as being amazing without question. SAW IV is where the questionability of the series start to come into play. I personally loved IV, which was took place during the same time period as III. SAW V is where everything started to crumble, this was when the franchise was taken over by director David Hackl, whose direction went under fire alot as a result. Kevin Greutert took over the directors spot for VI, and completely revived the series. So much that they fired David Hackl from VII to re-hire Kevin Greutert (although it messed up his plans to direct Paranormal Activity 2) and they got the okay to make SAW VII in 3D which comes out October 22, 2010. As of now VII is set to be the last in the series, but it opens on the same day as Paranormal Activity 2, same as last October where Paranormal Activity beat SAW at the box office, forcing this to be the last. However if SAW VII makes a more than decent profit at the box office, Mark Burg is convinced that they will get a call telling them to do VIII.
I know I'm ranting now, and I apologize, I'm not trying to plug it but will you all see SAW VII? Contrary to popular it's not tortureporn. It's got an amazing story that has fueled it for 6 years. It's the reason I'm only on this forum once a month, I'm an active member over on the saw forum (House of Jigsaw), I like it because there's no censors on the forum. free for all :bolian:
SORRY for the rant. Although I'm sure nobody took the time to read the whole thing