I don't really think Stella is even an option. Veasey mentioned Stella because she was directly asked about it, and her response seemed (to me at least) to be a diplomatic way of saying 'It probably won't happen, but hey, you never know.' All of the 'Triangle' drama is referring to Peyton or Aubrey. Melina herself has said before that the show would probably not put Mac and Stella together unless it was perhaps the final season.
So while the ship has attracted a lot of fans, as any ship between the lead male and female characters is wont to do, I really don't see her as a viable option - especially not when Aubrey is a potential love interest and Peyton has history with Mac. Why overcomplicate things further with another relationship between series regs when you've already got a married couple on the team? I guess I just don't see why Stella is even part of the discussion. *shrug*
Getting back to whether Bella Taylor should choose Peyton Black or Aubrey Cullen (which sounds like it could be an actual name from the book :lol

I think it will depend on how Peyton is re-introduced. The 'Dear John' letter was a crap way of getting rid of the character before, but since Peyton isn't a real person, I can forgive that as a bad choice on the writers' part without assuming the character herself is irredeemable. I mean, who knows how the writers will explain her return to NYC or how she and Mac will interact now that time has passed?
I like Aubrey, and I think she and Mac are a good match. There was something of a rift between Mac and Peyton's needs (or desires) when it came to their relationship, but Aubrey seems like someone who already understands Mac's POV on that situation. They're both career-oriented people, they have military service in their backgrounds - and they're just darn cute together if you ask me.
So for now, I'm leaning toward Aubrey, but I'm not ruling Peyton out. I think it will ultimately depend on who can come back next season moreso than anything the fans say online this summer (because don't Claire and Mädchen both have possible scheduling conflicts for the fall?), but I'm sure the writers will find a way to make it work.
One thing I do
not want to see (almost as much as I don't want to see Mac and Stella become DL 2.0 *shudder*) is Aubrey and Peyton fighting over Mac - I honestly don't expect to see it, though, so I hope I'm right. They are both intelligent women - Aubrey would understand that Mac and Peyton have history, just as I'm sure Peyton would understand that she broke up with Mac and he has a right to move on with his life. Hopefully whatever TPTB choose to do will reflect positively on everybody involved.