So. Polling booths and teeshirts. I'd been doing so well to avoid both :lol: but where's the fun.
...I have mixed feelings about all of this, but would ultimately settle for a voting option along the lines of:
"Mac can schtupp anyone but Stella on his couch for all I care, but schtupping alone I don't wanna hear about."
I don't care if Mac is in a relationship. And for those who want Mac uninvolved, well, if it doesn't work then the option of "Mac should be single" returns as the show's default anyways

. At least he'll have had the chance to be more than his usual persona. I think the writing for him in recent seasons has often made him a cardboard cut out with a fairly predictable range of responses. He's not often given much else to play. I think the efforts the show has made in past seasons to peel back layers from this were a nice change, and I wouldn't mind seeing more of it in future, be it using music, being a Marine vet, interacting with Reed, stuff like racing, tid bits as in learning of his father's WWII service, or yes, romance.
I haven't been keen on this Triangle from the outset. Bring back an old love tied into a dark case, sure, whatever, could be good. Intro a new Interest, dandyo, some new way to poke Mac into being more multidimensional. But. Tossing out that Mac will meet someone, and then tossing out the Triangle crap to have viewers guessing about who the "known & familiar" is before anyone's even caught a glimpse of the new woman, well, that puts the focus squarely on what is by nature an overdone and therefore soapish set up. Scenario, issue, character must deal, gottit. But. We also have soundbites suggesting that Mac won't be pushed to make a choice and that circumstances will largely be the determining factor (within the show realm and also likely by those available in production terms), so it's actually a non-crisis, non-decision, irrelevant crux of soul-searching, in other words a non-essential conflict-that-isn't wot's got high potential to leave soap scum behind, what the bloody hell is the point of it all

. Other than buzz.
All that said.
If the triangle is a minimally imposed dramatic essence, and the characters aren't drowned in their service of it and can actually, additionally
be characters, well, I'll reserve my judgement until that's all played out. I like that the spoilers have received far more attention and focus than any of its related material has onscreen

Couch, I like you :lol:. I
luv the option. But I wouldn't mind seeing Hawkes, or indeed any of the others being given relationship-related material, and so I certainly don't mind that Mac currently is. (Especially with it being introduced so late into the season, that it did not therefore take up too much time, nor overshadow any of the other characters' arcs -- and with Redemptio coming up, I include Sheldon in that. (erm, is it really "Redemptio" or is it "Redemption?" 6.19, whatever it's called :lol

There's no way of knowing why Sheldon's own rumored romance arc wasn't intro'd earlier in the season, as opposed to saying it was only shelved just now. Either way. They kept what looks like the better story option for Hawkes. ...And god, if it had been Mac trapped inside a prison while Sheldon got a two-minute date, well, the current furor would be nothing in comparison to what would have erupted, no doubt :lol

. Couch, with the exception of DL, other relationships have been handled fairly well, ...up until their respective conclusions (misogynistic Frankie, was sorry to see Angell killed off, wasn't keen on how they wrote Peyton out). DL, well, DL just never ends

. Early days but so far so good with Aubrey.
Couch, I
do like you. You're very enticing. But TVGuide also has a part in this. PV teased about the Twizt, TVGuide wrote it up in a vein a la Ntl Enquirer, additionally foisting upon PV the predictable Shipping Lane question, whereupon PV did her EP's job in duly shovelling a coy response. And yes, the show is no doubt curious about viewer feedback. But while PV laughingly offered up the Twilight crap (which while laughable has admittedly given us an absolutely brilliant
Fay poster to head this up :lol

TPTB were not the ones offering free tee-shirts and inserting Stella where she is not (at least currently) an issue. While I'm admittedly a tiny bit perplexed and put off I'm also
huuuuuuuuuuuugely amused by the dustup that has accompanied all this. Most of all I think anything that pushes the show and it's viewers out of an apparent complacency is a good thing.
Couch, much as I understand those who say "crime should be the only focus," NY was always the most character-centric branch of the franchise. I think its most successful episodes are those that have managed to include character moments alongside teh Shiny Procedural stuff, and on rare occasions, have also managed to include really solid mysteries to apply both to. I'm sorry to say, that for the most part, barring those rare episodes, I don't tend to remember the weekly cases in great detail, but will often be able to recall an episode thru character material. When at their best they serve each other. The procedural is a heavily traveled realm, my dear couch, and we've already been together for years. Changing things up holds an undeniable appeal, not just for viewers but likely also for those crafting it. How can I say no to attempts at things a little outside the box that made you famous? That doesn't diminish that old sense of security found in doing most things day to day as they've always been done. That said, couch, I hope you don't mind if I rummage for both Danny's glasses and Don's ties, if only so I knew where they've gone. Couch, I admit that I glance at you from afar still, uneasy in light of this twilit Bermuda Triangle. But. As appealing as you are. That's not enough to win my vote

Peyton? No. Thanks, it was fun, and I'm sure everyone's still friends. Sorry to hear your colleague is in trouble, certainly everyone will help if they can. Great to see you again. Mebbe you'll wanna call next time instead of relying on canaries and nosy neighbors and ex's. And do stop by for liver pate anytime you're in the city. Peyton was good for Mac S3, though there were definitely parts of how she was written that were winceworthy. I don't mind the idea of her return - it worked out for Pino, and on it's own this could have been equally interesting, and a great possibility for Mac to play something similar, given their history, wondering what she was mixed up in and having to find out. Had Aubrey not been a character introduced and the issue were only Peyton showing up attached to this case with residual feelings and an unsatisfactory ending between them they would hafta confront, also fine. So, no I don't mind her returning. But not as part of some triangle. Wasn't the intrigue of discovering her to be involved in a murder case enough that it wouldn't have to be augmented by among the most trite conventions there ever was. Just a tad too much in premise :lol:. My hope is that what's onscreen isn't nearly as artificially heightened for Twilight crap. Guess we'll find out.
What. ...Stella?
Oh. ...Srsly? ...Srsly. Right. Beg pardon then. To answer, no. Not until the swan-song aria wafts over from the Met.
Aubrey? As of now, Aubrey gets my vote.
Aubrey because I like how she's been written in so far, and how she's been played so far. Aubrey because I have no inherent objections to any character getting development thru taking a chance on someone new. Aubrey because her introduction was done thru an approach and direction not seen in the realm of NY before, in other words, it actually resulted in something
different, it took a path not travelled while on a very well travelled path, and the fact it resulted in something new, if cheezilicious, is a good thing for a show undergoing some apparent inner search of/for self. Aubrey because her life is based outside the police department, labs, and medical examiner's office. She offers opportunities to branch things out, not just for Mac but for the show, instead of creating further-insular stories. Aubrey because she is new and unknown, and the only potential baggage between them is what they individually carry. Aubrey because she's funny, and has already had hints of being able to mix well with the other characters. Aubrey because I believed Madchen Amick when she said "Cadaveric Spasm" (looks like her time on ER has served her well; wondering if she was another reason Eriq LaSalle came on board to direct, or whether that was a happy happenstance reunion). Aubrey because she's evidently tailor made for Taylor, and the discovery is fun. Aubrey because I appreciate Amick was keen to do the show despite it being a rather contained and small part, and also because of how she's spoken of what she's come in to play. Whether or not the Fox show works out, she seems a fun sort to have invited on board. Aubrey if only because her arrival has contributed to kicking up so much dust. Guess that's just an added bonus for me
...guess I musta missed that memo

:guffaw::lol::guffaw::lol::guffaw: at the picture! Mac looks like someone from a famous painting! :guffaw::lol::guffaw::lol::guffaw:

. Gary as Twilit Mac has got a sort of cross between Lt.Dan and his ebil character from Reindeer Games going on but without the facial scruff :lol: (don't know his character's name; despite it being both a Gary and Frankenheimer movie I've never seen it).
And I can't believe CSI:NY is being compared to Twilight:lol:-that's almost insulting.
was something PV brought upon herself and the show, whether she said it in jest or not
