And one thing with the scene when they were saving that guy, when Don was shouting, he shouted: "John, what you're doing is VERY dangerous!" :guffaw: i thought it was hilarious :lol:
i can't believe i forgot to mention that before, i loved that bit, it was very funny![]()
lol I forgot about that line too. It seemed like such an awkward line just to have to set the scene and make sure the audience knew he was down there.
That line was hilarious! It sounded like Flack was talking down a five year old or a dog with the whole "It's VERY dangerous", the tone was almost like he was saying "Bad doggie!":guffaw
Neither am I sold on Mac offering Sheldon a place to live. It's a wonderful, human gesture from RoboMac, but it's also a glaring conflict of interest for a subordinate who's lied to his boss to be living with him. I'm not saying Mac shouldn't have done it, but I don't think the writers have thought through the ramifications. Suppose a skeevy defense attorney gets wind of the arrangement and decides to lob charges of favoritism or misconduct? It wouldn't be hard since this isn't the first time Mac's gone on the warpath for Sheldon. He barricaded himself in the interrogation room with him in "Murder Sings the Blues," if you'll recall.
I seriously doubt everything has to be so realistic, worse stuff have been done on CSI with no real consequences, this is hardly a big deal, and besides, Mac's gone on warpath for all of his CSIs, so I really doubt they could argue favoritism or misconduct. It's suppose to be viewed as a bonding/character moment anyways, not some subtle hint that Mac was breaking protocol or something.
I'm glad someone reached out to Hawkes, but why does it always have to be Mac? So far, Mac has saved Flack's life, gotten Danny and Lindsay together after a mind meld with God, and saved Stella's job by following her to Greece instead of firing her for gross insubordination as he should have done. Rumor has it he'll be seminal in saving another character this year. Now he's "rescuing" Hawkes, too. Well, goody, goody. St. Mac does it again. Why not Stella, who was there when Hawkes was released in MSTB, or Danny, who was shaping up to be Hawkes' BFF in season four? Danny might not have been able to give him a room, but he could've offered to get him in touch with some Messer cousins in the real estate business or something. It's wearisome to see Mac as the Big Damn Hero every time.
I don't see a big problem here too, Mac's the boss, he obviously takes good care of his people, that's what a boss should do. Any crime show does that with the lead/boss type character, they save the day and take care of the team.
Stella was incredibly judgmental and obtuse in this episode. She who organized a covert black op to kidnap a Greek politician behind Mac's back was quick to judge Hawkes because he misdiagnosed a poisoning case and failed to disclose his knowledge to the victim for five minutes. She has the teeth-gnashing audacity to "hold higher expectations" for Hawkes. That's exceedingly rich coming from a woman who has repeatedly misjudged cases and hidden information from her friend and superior. She failed to disclose her contamination of a crime scene in "Heart of Glass;" failed to disclose her possible HIV status; used lab equipment for personal use; allowed a murderer to flee in "Cold Reveal"; set up her black op with Angell; put herself before the job in "Grounds for Deception." When it comes to failure to meet expectations, she has no room to talk.
I don't think she was saying she has any room to talk, but Hawkes has always been the one with the stellar record and always doing things right, you began to expect things, you put people up on a pedestal and the team does that with Hawkes. Out of all the CSIs, Hawkes the one that's probably most level-headed and professional, so in Stella and the others' minds, Hawkes is pretty much infallible. So when someone you hold up to high esteem does someone not so perfect, you are shocked. I'm not saying Stella was any right in her words and she is no perfect angel, but it is understandable why she would expect things from Hawkes.
Dear Stella,
It's not about a moved test tube, and you know it. Way to be smug and unsupportive of someone with well established security and esteem issues.
La Guera
I think she was focusing on the case at the moment, but you are right, she was insensitive in this one.
Stella wasn't the only one wearing hypocrisy pants in this episode. Flack, bless him, has no business calling bullshit on Hawkes' furtive behavior when he's been lying and avoiding issues since Angell died. He's hiding the fact that he murdered Simon Cade in the basement and might be hiding other demons as well. He hasn't been forthcoming when pressed, either, so getting disgusted and indignant at Hawkes' reticence to expose his shame doesn't impress me.
Flack's own issues has no bearings on what's happening with Hawkes. Flack isn't the one found in a room with someone who's charged with a crime. If Hawkes was just avoiding things or hiding things on a normal day, I doubt Flack would get all up in arms about it, but it was because Hawkes was found with a criminal and the fact that Flack could tell he was hiding something that made Flack take alert, just how could he sure that maybe what Hawkes's is hiding isn't related to the case?