I know I'm in the minority on this one but I can't help it. I'm going to start this one with "All hail the great awesomeness and wonderment that is Sheldon Hawkes, may we all bow down at his feet for his perfectness and genuine humility in the face of financial crisis and the loss of human life...
and excuse me while I vomit."
This is the second time Sheldon Hawkes has held out on an investigation, knowing something about the victim. The first time he got reamed out in the lab, this time he gets a pass from Mac because he's, wait for it, Sheldon...right. If he had said something at the crime scene about knowing the guy and seeing a girl with him would there have been a chance at finding the girl before she died? Maybe, maybe not, but he should have said something. I'm with Stella on this one.
Loved Sid getting to work with the team on the forensics side of the case. Pretty cool!

Loved Don's "God no" when asked about joining the sploshing party. Food really does mean a lot to this guy and you just don't mess with that.:lol:
Loved Danny and Don interacting. Don looked happy to see Danny back in the field, as was I.
Is it just me or does Carmine look extraordinarly thin this season? Standing at Mac's desk he looked downright puny and will someone please get him a haircut. He looked so healthy last season and groomed. I miss that Danny and want him back.:shifty:
Thanking the wardrobe gods and goddesses that someone went shopping for Anna. The green sweater and ruffled white blouse she had on was new and looked wonderful on her.:thumbsup:
They better box up those maternity clothes for Lindsay and put them away. I really like unpregnant Anna Belknap. She just glows this season and I am enjoying her interaction with the others so much.:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Adam. Poor Adam. It's funny--we used to feel the same way about temps when they came in the office. For some reason they always moved in like they were staying and rearranged everything, cleaned out desks and put up family pictures on the second day they were there. Adam, I can relate!!!:scream:
I too thought Stella should have been more supportive of him and his OCD tendencies but it's a big lab and things probably get moved around by more than just Haylen. He knows he's just griping because he feels threatened. I liked what someone said about him being self aware. He's a big boy.
Did anyone else wonder if the folks downstairs had a flood in their apartment and why hadn't they called maintenance before the CSI's got to Tracy's apartment?????
The financial thing with Sheldon was a good fit because I don't know of any other character that could reasonably have been in that situation. Now we know that he HAD a condo but wouldn't it have been nice to know what he had before this episode. My sympathy vote would have been greater with a little more backstory. If they can decide halfway through last season that it was Danny getting shot they can darn well spend a few sentances setting the stage for this thing.
Grade= B