Dislike a Ship?

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Re: Dislike a ship??

As MiamiDade pointed out, as long as you respect the opinions of others, this thread shouldn't be a problem.

There's nothing wrong with discussing what ships you don't like and explaining why you don't like them. It could help people understand where you're coming from.

Bev, I'm sorry you thought I told you to stay away. That was not the case. It was a comment meant for everyone. If posts in this thread offend or upset anyone, then it's probably best to stay away. Keep in mind what MiamiDade said, this thread will be closely monitored and there will be no "bashing".
Re: Dislike a ship??

Thanks 1CSIMfan. This thread just worries me because it could so easily lead to antagonism in other threads. Sorry.
Re: Dislike a ship??

Woo....are you ready?

I DON'T like anything except:




I don't watch NY or Miami.

However, I can deal with some of them without getting all *ew.*

I really don't like Sara/Nick, Sara/Greg, Catherine/Nick, and Catherine/Grissom. Or Grissom/Lady Heather.

I tollerate pretty much any other slash. Some I don't care for are any that included non-opening-credits-characters and Robbins.

I don't mind Warrick/Sara or Catherine/Greg. Probably because they're fan-base is so small.

I'm sorry, but I just don't like any that interfier with my ships.

Re: Dislike a ship??

I don't think I really dislike any ship. It's just that I cannot see the people I ship together (D/L) with any one else at this moment; maybe that's a little short-sighted :rolleyes:, but that's just how I feel. :)
Re: Dislike a ship??

I can't edit my thing yesterday. I forgot one more shipper, I don't like Nick with Sofia, they don't have no chemistry whatsoever. I think Sofia has more chemistry with Greg then she does with Nick. I'm thinking about put Sofia with Greg on my next story, I don't know when. I ship Greg with Wendy and Sofia.
Re: Dislike a ship??

NicknGrissom said:
I can't edit my thing yesterday. I forgot one more shipper, I don't like Nick with Sofia, they don't have no chemistry whatsoever. I think Sofia has more chemistry with Greg then she does with Nick. I'm thinking about put Sofia with Greg on my next story, I don't know when. I ship Greg with Wendy and Sofia.

*coughs* agree with you *coughs*

I don't like Catherine/Greg either. Greg's.. um not her type?.. and I like Greg with Sofia and Nick with Cath *huge duh factor*
Re: Dislike a ship??

he he the last time I posted in a thread like this it was locked afterwards..:eek: so lets give it another try

I am a multishipper so I can't really 'diss' anyone's ship

I can't say I dislike any ship, but I am one to say I can't see two people together. (is that the same thing??)
The one's I can't see together are Sara/Warrick

I think all the other ships could work. I'm the type that just because I don't go to the ship thread doesn't mean I don't like the ship

as for Gris/Sara (the BIG ONE everyone talks about)
I wasn't for it, but somehow it doesn't bother me anymore

I think all anyone who ships, especially mulitshippers ask for is respect
Re: Dislike a ship??

The only one I really can't stand is Talleigh, both because I don't see any chemistry between the two characters and because I strongly dislike him.

A ship I just can't see is PureJoy... I like them both, but they just don't work as a couple.
Re: Dislike a ship??

I don't 'dislike" rather, thought some were absurd, and made no sense.. nothing in common.. like Grissom and LH, so ridculous..they had zero in common, and she blew him off twice, they had a brief attraction, and tea, that's it.. and that was in S/3.. and then he nor she bothered to get in touch with one another for 3 years till "Pirates" which, he was I think, distrubed by her sleazy behavior, sleeping with her daughters killer, and then whipping a guy to death, and how he abbors violence.. so I just saw they were NEVER a match..also the way they both dressed, like so opposite, her with tons of make-up, and her exotic clothes, and him with his CSI vest and cap, and flashlight :D silly, to think they'd ever be a couple and on others, nothing particular comes to mind. I don't really care, but... WP in his infinate wisdom and as one of the producers & star of this show, has brought this secret affair to the surface, he's no dummie.. and probably by research, and the polls, this is what the major fan base wants.. I just love the idea that the two right people are together Grissom and Sara .. so perfect :p it's a beautiful thing ;)
Re: Dislike a ship??

I have to agree with desertwind about Grissom and Lady Heather, I cannot stand those two together, no offense fans who like them together. I'm like Carol M. She couldn't looks at them together, she has turn her head around.

I'm starting to like Nick with Catherine, I watch those two together, they do have chemistry together, I didn't realizie it 'till now.

Yes, I'm multi-shippers shame, Snickers, Grillows, GSR, Catnip, Greg with Sofia and Warrick with Mia or Sofia.

I read this thread from beginners, I didn't realize they are nasty when they said about shippers who they don't like. Someone said, JF is a pro-Sandles, but she is not a pro-Sandle. She is pro GSR or Snickers or whatever she is. I remember the interview with JF said about Eric (Her kid brother.) That is all JF said about Eric (Greg) is like her kid brother. GE is her boy when she said in the view in 2004.
Re: Dislike a ship??

I think JF's exactly where she wants to be ship wise. She's been pro-GSR for a really long time.


I never thought about Warrick with Mia or Sofia. Which.. Warrick's not really my fav character so.. but I'm a CSX chick.
Re: Dislike a ship??

Thanks, CathStokes, Nice username. JF is a pro-GSR.

I'm not Warrick's fan either, I like Warrick when he with someone, like Nick (No slash) just friendship. I didn't like him by himself. Warrick does like Mia or Sofia.
Re: Dislike a ship??

Thanks :) .. She is.


I could ship him with Mia, I'm not sure about Sofia... aww don't ya wanna ship warrick/nick ((just kidding..))
Re: Dislike a ship??

yeah, i can see the point of how Grissom and Heather are completely different, but someone once said that opposites attract ;) i think they are both SUCH an uncommon ship, that it is just bound to produce strong opinions either way. personally, i adore this ship and it's my second love after GSR, lol.

i haven't really talked about many ships in my previous post so i'll just make a brief overview now. firstly, i can't see any of the slash ships sailing. nope. although the idea of Greg and Nick is hilarous, i'd rather them to stay straight.

Catherine and Grissom have a whole LOT of chemistry together, but IMO it's definitely a frendship, and nothing more. there might've been something between them long time ago, before CSI started, but i think it just became an amazing, trusting frendship.

about Snickers. well, back in the day, in season 1, Nick and Sara just met. and what do you do when you meet an attractive co-worker? well, duuh, you flirt. i believe they realized that they prefer to stay in a brother-sister relationship, and similarly to Gris and Cath became close friends.

now Sandles. i think it is/was a very one sided attraction, but i can't deny that Sara likes Greg, but not in "this" way. i don't think he is mature enough for her.

YoBling. i don't really have nothing against their flirting, i think it's rather adorable, but i'd have to rethink if i'd like it canon. probably not, b/c one canon ship is enough. i'm not against the pure idea of them together though.

CatNip. i think they would make a nice couple, but i'm not so convinced if there is enough attraction between them. Cath practically said that Warrick is her fantasy, so i guess she preffered him over Nicky. but the BTK dance was awesome. and how i laughed at the "show a muscle" scene.

i don't think i would ship Brass, Doc, SuperDave, Hodges, Ecklie or any lab techs with anybody. Louisie (sp?) is quitting i guess next season so i wouldn't bother with pairing Sofia with anybody either. it's definitaly not b/c i don't like them, i definitely love every single character (including Ecklie, who i paradoxically love to hate), it's just that they are not very shipable, lol.

also i wouldn't ship Cath with Keppler (cuz, well, he's dead, lol) or Vartann (cuz he's not on show anymore) and obviously i wouldn't like Keppler with Vartann, lmao.

nevertheless, i don't think any of the major ships are gross, and i don't feel like puking when i think about them :) so i'm pretty tolerant on people's ship preferences.
aww don't ya wanna ship warrick/nick ((just kidding..))
yeah, always wondered, is there even a name for them? lol

btw, i can see that the thread is not in war anymore, and i'm really glad about it. yay for kind discussion!
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