CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

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You know I get more and more disheartened about season five with every new spoiler I read..:(:(:(:(

Between the excess of Stunt casting and the possibility of one if not both Lindsay and Rikki being pregnant I just want to scream. Some of the spoilers could be red herrings I suppose but I have a horrible feeling they wont be.

If it goes down this exceedingly tacky route I will just have to console myself with Eureka and Numb3rs this year...and give New York a pass.
You know I get more and more disheartened about season five with every new spoiler I read..:(:(:(:(

Between the excess of Stunt casting and the possibility of one if not both Lindsay and Rikki being pregnant I just want to scream. Some of the spoilers could be red herrings I suppose but I have a horrible feeling they wont be.

If it goes down this exceedingly tacky route I will just have to console myself with Eureka and Numb3rs this year...and give New York a pass.
I've sworn up and down for two seasons that I was done with NY, but I inevitably get sucked back in the feeble hopes of seeing more gratuitous Flack flesh. Let's face it: I'm on NY York until Eddie Cahill sprouts a spare tire on his gut and a hairy mole on the tip of his nose.
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According to the timeline, if this Lindsay preggers storyline comes to pass, it's extremely unlikely Danny slept with Lindsay until after Rikki let him know she was moving away. If he had been having sex with Lindsay during the same period as he was with Rikki, Lindsay would definitely have known she was pregnant and she would definitely have had a belly by the finale. But we saw no evidence whatsoever of that then, so ... :lol: A confused slut! Oh, Danny.

Yeah, I figured he slept with Lindsay after things with Rikki ended, but it still makes him look like a confused slut, hopping from one bed to another and back again.

I also did base my opinion on a certain detail from the spoilers, something Lindsay says to Danny that tells me she knows how bad/stupid it is to get involved with him again and did it anyway, but since it's not mentioned here, I won't elaborate on that.

I still don't think it's fair for her or anyone else to presume Danny wouldn't handle the situation honorably. The idea of Danny being a cad has never really seemed accurate to me--he's way too sensitive and emotional for that. Even this whole thing with Rikki and Lindsay seems more like Danny trying to please everybody and failing miserably as only Danny seems to be able to do. :lol: Lindsay knows how to manipulate him, and she's played on his vulnerabilities from day one.

Hm, well, upset or not, she's said what she said to Mac, and she can't take it back, definitely not if the preggers storyline happens. Just think of Mac's face when he finds out Lindsay's pregnant with Danny's kid and he recalls her telling him it was so stupid of her to ever get involved with Danny. It would probably look something like -> :wtf: (And we know how good he is at making WTF faces around Lindsay. :lol:)

Mac always seems to inexplicably--and completely out of character--give Lindsay a golden pass; I expect this to be no different. There's no way he's going to say to her, "You told me it was stupid to get involved with a coworker, so your solution is to repeat the mistake...and get pregnant??? Nice one, Lindsay." Nah, no way. No doubt Mac and Stella both will be totally sympathetic.

And what the hell is with the overkill on stunt casting?! Like some people said, shouldn't the 100th episode be about the main cast?! :brickwall: This is not making me optimistic about it.

Yeah, exactly. I mean Ormond and Wolf will draw a lot of attention, but at least they're actors. But Rumer Willis and Chris Daughtry and whoever the NFL guy is? That's just pure stunt casting.

I've sworn up and down for two seasons that I was done with NY, but I inevitably get sucked back in the feeble hopes of seeing more gratuitous Flack flesh. Let's face it: I'm on NY York until Eddie Cahill sprouts a spare tire on his gut and a hairy mole on the tip of his nose.

I think we're probably all in it for the long haul. :lol: I wish you'd post the 9/21 entry from your LJ here about the whole storyline--it's just brilliant, and I agree with every word.
This one?

Not much of note today. I considered posting a list of things I hope to see on S5, but I soon realized that such a list is futile. The writers are determined to pander to teenies and disillusioned housewives desperate to live out fantasies of star-crossed true love. Hence, we're going to be subjected to another season of sudsy Danny/Lindsay angst. But wait! Like Emeril, they've added a dash of "essence" in the form of a possible Danny/Lindsay/Riki baby daddy triangle. Yeehaw.

Well, at least we know that Danny must have high scores at the gun range.

Look, I've nothing at all against indulging in angsty, soppy fantasies and playing "what-if?" I do it all the time with my fic and on the broad canvas of my imagination. Fantasy is good and healthy, and the desire to share those fantasies is what birthed Hollywood in the first place.

What bothers me about the ever-escalating Danny/Lindsay drama is that I've been duped. I was lured to the show with the promise that I would see hard-hitting drama and suspenseful crime-solving. And I got that. For a year. And then, like the date who's a marvelous kisser and groper but not so hot at much else, it all fell apart when they rounded third and headed for home. With the addition of Lindsay, it was suddenly all about her and her bottomless bag of Issues and not about the crime.

It was a blatant bait and switch. I signed up for CSI and got Melrose Place as performed by the Joe's Gas 'N' Go theatre troupe instead. Pam Veasey has promised year after year that things will improve, that Lindsay will finally blossom and come into her own. Well, she blossomed all right: into a giant incubator for instant Danny death.

I don't want to see Danny forever linked to her by a squalling, pooping bag of DNA. CSI:NY should not be Full House, where the awesomely cool Uncle Jesse was neutered by a wife and twins and morphed into a hot but boring Mr. Rogers. Nor do I want to sit through such riveting hijinks as Danny and the Diaper Bomb or Baby's First Checkup. I don't want to watch Lindsay browbeat him into being Dad of the Year because he had the misfortune to come at the wrong time. It's boring and banal and grossly unfair to Danny, who, before he was ensnared by Lindsay's Venomous Tentacula, was an interesting character. He was flawed, certainly, and often a thick-headed, paranoid idiot, but he was decent, and even if you thought he was wrong, you could believe that he was trying to do the right thing in the wrong way.

Now, he just looks like an obnoxious, opportunistic asshole, and if the rumors about Lindsay and Riki being pregnant at the same time are true, then he looks like an obnoxious, opportunistic, irresponsible asshole. Why? To create drama for the wet-pantied and sexually frustrated and to prop up a boring, blank viewer avatar with no depth or substance of her own.

Worse yet, I and other viewers are still being duped. Early spoilers indicated that TPTB intended to finally develop Lindsay on her own and give her interests other than Danny. Suddenly, though, we're back to the Danny drama, and thousands of fingers have slipped furtively into thousands of underpants.

Maybe plans got scuppered by Anna Belknap's new pregnancy, and if so, then I suppose some changes were inevitable. But why not just say Lindsay had a fling after she and Danny broke up, or better yet, hide the pregnancy by confining her to the lab? Or hey, maybe Anna might like a 9-month maternity leave. Say she's on loan to the Jersey crime lab. Anything but this ridiculous love child plot.

But Option 1 might make her look irresponsible, you say? Well, isn't that a pity? You have no compunction about making Danny into an irresponsible boor, but making Mary Sue Monroe into anything other than the saintly wounded dove of distilled innocence is dirtybadwrong? All right, then.

What I want for S5 is for the show not to suck like a galactic Hoover, but with Doublemint baby drama and the Black Sheep of Clan Flack on the horizon(and oh, how that reeks of Flack being tempted to compromise his integrity to bail out/cover for his ungrateful idiot of a younger sister), I'm not holding my breath.
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Gary Eddie and Melina they are the only reasons I still watch, cause I gave up on the storylines a while ago.

Season 1's writing was awesome but they have failed to deliver as a series since then...they give us the odd great ep or story arc, but deliver banal dross in between. And lets not get into what they have done to Danny since season 1.

Lindsay could have been a great addition and showed promise in Zoo York then it was all taken away when she was dumped in the train wreak that is D/L.

But I am getting to the point of no return here...if what I am reading comes to pass.

I mourn the loss of what could have been ...:(:(:(:( And I cringe at what may be..:wtf::wtf::wtf:
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~ Danny sees Lindsay leaving a clinic - she rushes off to avoid him.

Oh dear God in heaven, please let that either not happen or not be what it so obviously sounds like it is. :rolleyes: :wtf: :scream: :brickwall: :censored: :mad: :shifty:

Down with the

I agree, I'll be very upset as well if it's that way. Nice drama llama btw lol

If they keep up with the soap opera stuff, Mac might as well dye his hair red and start wearing sunnies. (no offense to any Miami lovers...I just think sometimes NY is headed that way)
Lindsay being pregnant seems to be a really bad move to make for both her and Danny. It shows that even though Lindsay knew it was a mistake to get involved with Danny, she turned around and did it again. Has anybody ever heard of birth control? It seems very irresponsible on both their parts.

It also proves that she did indeed to go Danny's in 419 but only AFTER Rikki left and Danny felt alone. Why would she want to subject herself to being merely the female companion Danny turns to when he just doesn't want to be alone? Gives me the impression that she was all that was left.

Of course, Lindsay being pregnant isn't going to automatically make Danny fall in love with her. It doesn't even mean they'll be together. He's already had more than one chance to reassure her that he loves her and he didn't. So basically if they get together or get married, it doesn't mean Danny loves her or wants to be with her, which IMO is worse than him actually falling in love with her.

But what if this baby isn't Danny's? What if it's the new man's in her life? Or better yet, what if the spoilers are wrong and it's Rikki instead of Lindsay? Or to make it more of a soap, what if he knocked up both of them? :p

At this point I'd rather not see a pregnancy from anybody since it probably won't be handled right. *sigh*
It's such a shame NY is going this Lindsay-is-pregnant, stunt casting route. The stunt casting I can tolerate, but the pregnant-Lindsay thing sounds awful. The only way it could be made tolerable if is Danny isn't the only one who's been sleeping with other people, and Lindsay is pregnant by some other guy. But it will probably be Danny's, which means more D/L stuff. :rolleyes: I didn't think even Miami would stoop so low as to have team members getting pregnant by one another. I had hoped Lindsay's character development would be something not to do with sex or romance, just some plain character development, maybe bringing back the tough-but-sweet Lindsay from s2, having her be the one to come up with the 'break' on a case. I wouldn't mind seeing her date a new guy on the sidelines of the show, see her move away from D/L and grow up a bit.

As horrible as the pregnancy thing sounds, it's not 100% going to happen. Spoilers are just rumours.
And there have been some very good spoilers for excellent storylines for other characters - the Greek thing for Stella, the murder-on-the-plane for Mac, Rikki's return for Danny, Hawkes's doctor friend asking him to do something unethical, and Flack's sister. Up until the Lindsay-Preggers thing came up, the spoilers seemed generally good and interesting, and s5 looked good. So there is still hope. The best we can hope for with Lindsay-Preggers is that they will put it on a back burner for most of the season, if it does happen.
~ Danny sees Lindsay leaving a clinic - she rushes off to avoid him.

Oh dear God in heaven, please let that either not happen or not be what it so obviously sounds like it is. :rolleyes: :wtf: :scream: :brickwall: :censored: :mad: :shifty:

Down with the

I agree, I'll be very upset as well if it's that way. Nice drama llama btw lol

If they keep up with the soap opera stuff, Mac might as well dye his hair red and start wearing sunnies. (no offense to any Miami lovers...I just think sometimes NY is headed that way)

The Drama Llama was courtesy of Faylinn. I hope to every Deity there is that NY doesn't keep going the Miami route. I used to be able to laugh at Miami and watch it, but when Eric was allowed back to work while still suffering from a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) that impaired his ability to do his job I gave up. I think DL being together and happy and in twu wuv and having a kid could make me give up on NY. I fear the way they'd do it would make Danny irreparable and take away any credibility the show has been able to maintain for me despite their missteps.

I hope I'm wrong, but the spoilers we've been getting aren't encouraging.
Top41 said:
Yeah, I figured he slept with Lindsay after things with Rikki ended, but it still makes him look like a confused slut, hopping from one bed to another and back again.
:lol: Now would be a good time to show TPTB the results of that poll we had some time ago, the one asking whether people thought Danny's a slut or not. I believe the majority of the votes went to 'no'?

I still don't think it's fair for her or anyone else to presume Danny wouldn't handle the situation honorably. The idea of Danny being a cad has never really seemed accurate to me--he's way too sensitive and emotional for that.
That's what annoys me most about these preggers spoilers. :mad: I mean, getting pregnant takes two people, so one, she's already being really low for acting as if she's 'better' than him. Two, for her to dump such major news on him and then throw it into his face that he's a 'lousy guy'/'isn't worthy of the task' is just ... Danny, stop letting her walk all over you like a kicked dog, damnit. If it was me, I'd give her a response involving a certain finger on my hands, if ya get my drift.

Mac always seems to inexplicably--and completely out of character--give Lindsay a golden pass; I expect this to be no different. There's no way he's going to say to her, "You told me it was stupid to get involved with a coworker, so your solution is to repeat the mistake...and get pregnant??? Nice one, Lindsay." Nah, no way. No doubt Mac and Stella both will be totally sympathetic.
*sigh* Yeah. And that's why I'm 100% the whole situation is going to be a cringe-worthy laughfest all the way. I am not interested in seeing the other main characters butchered more than they already are just to accommodate Lindsay AKA Ms. Perfect Around Whom the Entire World Should Revolve. :rolleyes: If I wanted that, I just have to look up badfic on the internet. At least those, I can laugh at and say CBS will never stoop that low ... well, not anymore.

La Guera, your post was pure win. Like Top41, I agree with every word, particularly the following parts:

Well, at least we know that Danny must have high scores at the gun range.
:guffaw: According to season one, isn't Danny supposed to be the ballistics expert? What an ironic coincidence there.

Pam Veasey has promised year after year that things will improve, that Lindsay will finally blossom and come into her own. Well, she blossomed all right: into a giant incubator for instant Danny death.
Bingo. That's why the Why Lindsay Must Go threads exist in the first place.

I don't want to see Danny forever linked to her by a squalling, pooping bag of DNA ... It's boring and banal and grossly unfair to Danny, who, before he was ensnared by Lindsay's Venomous Tentacula, was an interesting character. He was flawed, certainly, and often a thick-headed, paranoid idiot, but he was decent, and even if you thought he was wrong, you could believe that he was trying to do the right thing in the wrong way.

Now, he just looks like an obnoxious, opportunistic asshole, and if the rumors about Lindsay and Riki being pregnant at the same time are true, then he looks like an obnoxious, opportunistic, irresponsible asshole. Why? To create drama for the wet-pantied and sexually frustrated and to prop up a boring, blank viewer avatar with no depth or substance of her own.
That eloquently summed up how I feel about the situation right now. Please, for the love of God, TPTB, do NOT make Lindsay and Rikki pregnant. That is just leaping straight into horrific soap opera territory, and in the worst way possible too. :brickwall:

But why not just say Lindsay had a fling after she and Danny broke up, or better yet, hide the pregnancy by confining her to the lab? Or hey, maybe Anna might like a 9-month maternity leave. Say she's on loan to the Jersey crime lab. Anything but this ridiculous love child plot.

But Option 1 might make her look irresponsible, you say? Well, isn't that a pity? You have no compunction about making Danny into an irresponsible boor, but making Mary Sue Monroe into anything other than the saintly wounded dove of distilled innocence is dirtybadwrong? All right, then.
Exactly. They hid her first pregnancy just fine, they can easily do it again. And yes, I hate that Danny is going to painted out as the 'bad guy'. Again. Talk about permanently f**king up a wonderful character in the lousiest fashion! :brickwall:

MacsGirlMel said:
If they keep up with the soap opera stuff, Mac might as well dye his hair red and start wearing sunnies.
:lol: At least Horatio has actual rep as a weirdo so weird he's become an icon.

1csimfan said:
It also proves that she did indeed to go Danny's in 419 but only AFTER Rikki left and Danny felt alone. Why would she want to subject herself to being merely the female companion Danny turns to when he just doesn't want to be alone? Gives me the impression that she was all that was left.
Based on the way things happened, I wouldn't be surprised if this is how TPTB may spin it in season five. Ya know, paint Danny to be the irresponsible, lowlife cad who's sullied the immaculate perfection of Montana and now needs to make it up to her by being her prop for the rest of the show. :brickwall: :rolleyes:

Of course, Lindsay being pregnant isn't going to automatically make Danny fall in love with her. It doesn't even mean they'll be together. He's already had more than one chance to reassure her that he loves her and he didn't. So basically if they get together or get married, it doesn't mean Danny loves her or wants to be with her, which IMO is worse than him actually falling in love with her.
From what I've heard so far, there is the possibility Lindsay doesn't want to be with Danny even with a baby, and vice versa. So yeah, if they're written to eventually get married, it's also possible they'll only do it for the sake of the kid with their mess up a bitter reminder constantly shoved into their faces, which might as well be a giant, continuous slap in the face for those hoping they'll be together for love. :lol: Be careful what you wish for, hm?

MacsLady said:
As horrible as the pregnancy thing sounds, it's not 100% going to happen. Spoilers are just rumours. And there have been some very good spoilers for excellent storylines for other characters - the Greek thing for Stella, the murder-on-the-plane for Mac, Rikki's return for Danny, Hawkes's doctor friend asking him to do something unethical, and Flack's sister.
There is that. The best case scenario for season five is that they'll turn out to be a red herring and I am still kinda hopeful about that but yeah, I won't be surprised anymore if the worst comes to pass.
La Guera, I think I love you. You've put everything I've been thinking into wonderful words. Much more eloquently than I ever could. Right now, I'm still at the "Who f@#$ing farted?" stage of things.

I agree with just about everyone who is fervently hoping that these are just inaccurate spoilers that are made up from the whole cloth. However, if they're true, and Lindsay ends up pregnant, and the baby is Danny's, I'll be giving up on NY. They've already butchered the show enough since season one, and if they do go that route, it will have drifted into the land of the farfetched, way beyond what Miami does.

BTW, Perfect Anomaly, I do love your "Drama Llama" icon...I was wondering, would it be okay if I took it and used it? I would most certainly credit yourself and Faylinn for it....
Of course, there is the hope that Lindsay's going to the clinic for something else. Maybe she has a secret friend/relative who needs an abortion/is pregnant, maybe she was just going for a smear test, maybe she finds out she can't have children, maybe she was there to deal with contraceptive matters, maybe she has some sort of disease...Okay, some of those are pretty awful, but they're better than the pregnant storyline. Lindsay's new man could even be a doc who works there, and she doesn't want to tell Danny about him. That would be the best outcome I think, if her new BF works there.

I editied this post to remove the stupid stuff I said before re Lindsay being a single mom and a CSI. Apologies, everyone.
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All I have to say is ......WHAT?!

People have kids all the time and juggle careers and family. Case in point...ME.:) People don't have to have a 9 to 5 job to make a family work, or have happy children. And, please don't get upset or take it the wrong way. I am not trying to get feelings in an uproar. But, I know people who work crazy hours and can still get their jobs done. My sister is a cop, a firefighter, and waits tables on the side. Her husband is a Paramedic, and firefighter. Things work well with them.

Don't write the character of Lindsay off or put her down, if they have her to come up pregnant in the season. Pregnancy is NOT a big deal. Your life doesn't come to an abrupt end because you are with child. You can still do other things and work a job in a crime lab. My safety officer, in the fire department, has a wife that works in the state crime lab and she did other things that didn't include chemicals when she was pregnant with her children.

And look at Wothout a Trace. Yeah I know, another show. But, Sam is single and has had a baby. The team told her that she didn't have to do it alone. Have faith. I am sure things will go smoothly for Lindsay and child....If they go that route.
^Yes, I'm sorry. I do see after reading your post how Lindsay could have a career and a baby. I'm sorry if I offended you.
That said, I would rather see the Lindsay character developed through some other kind of storyline, a case maybe. I also don't want Danny to be the father because I don't want more D/L stuff going on.

But storylines and spoilers aside, I apologize again for not really thinking about what I was writing. I do know a lot of women juggle careers and babies. :)
MacsLady, I am not upset. It takes ALOT to upset me. :D See. And that is fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's cool. And you know, I realize that alot of people are not crazy about the D/L pairing either. Not everyone will always agree. I just have a hard time understanding why some, and not all mind you, but some feel that children limit you.

Well, yeah, sure they do for a little while. But, for the most part you just let them be involved after they get to an age they can. I mean, what if the tables were turned and it was Mac and Stella having a child out of wed-lock. Would everyone be in an uproar too? I think things well be ok which ever way TPTB go. And lord knows ONLY they know.:)
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