magicmunchies said:
Whenever you see or hear the numbers 333 you panic
Or better yet, when you're walking home, you freak out when you see that it's 3:33 pm. :lol:
That happened to me.
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when:
*You freak out because one of the Latin root words you're supposed to study in English is 'Stella'
*You write a CSI:NY fanfic for your English class (and actually get an A

*You freak out when you realize that there's a person named Mac in your class and a person named Taylor too. :lol:
*You're browsing the CSI:NY page at and are on TalkCSI at the same time. :lol:
*You name your iPod/laptop/everything else you own Stella.
*You go crazy when you find a CSI:NY hat at the fair and force your mother to buy it for you.
*You dream about CSI:NY
*You force your family to watch CSI:NY on DVD
*You talk about CSI:NY with your family (even though they don't watch it)
*You can come up with all of these things.