You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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Seren_y_Gogledd said:
When you hear on local news that an unidentified body has been found and your first thought is: "I wonder how they'll ID the vic"

I did this in school yesterday! We were talking about some disaster that happened years ago and the teacher said something like "some people had to be identified forensically," and i was sitting there thinking about how they could have done it! I know, I'm terrible. ;)
... you've watched really bad movies just because someone from the show is in it.

Just re-watched the Learning Curve, (found it for five bucks at Walmart) and it wasn't pretty. Carmine was good, but there's only so much an actor can do with a lousy script.
When you look around, searching for Danny whenever you hear the word Messer.
(Cause "Messer" means "knife" in german. :D)
magicmunchies said:
Whenever you see or hear the numbers 333 you panic

Or better yet, when you're walking home, you freak out when you see that it's 3:33 pm. :lol:

That happened to me.

You know you watch too much CSI:NY when:

*You freak out because one of the Latin root words you're supposed to study in English is 'Stella'
*You write a CSI:NY fanfic for your English class (and actually get an A ;))
*You freak out when you realize that there's a person named Mac in your class and a person named Taylor too. :lol:
*You're browsing the CSI:NY page at and are on TalkCSI at the same time. :lol:
*You name your iPod/laptop/everything else you own Stella.
*You go crazy when you find a CSI:NY hat at the fair and force your mother to buy it for you.
*You dream about CSI:NY
*You force your family to watch CSI:NY on DVD
*You talk about CSI:NY with your family (even though they don't watch it)
*You can come up with all of these things.
... When you force a friend into borrowing ALL the box sets just so you can go on about CSI NY and someone will understand what you say :lol:
When you force a friend into borrowing ALL the box sets just so you can go on about CSI NY and someone will understand what you say

I am sooo guilty of that I've made a lot of people watch the box sets and try to convert them into New York fans with plenty of success! :D

I also know I watch to much CSINY cause its really silly but I get very goofy when I order a Big MAC from McDonald's :lol:
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this.
...when you giggle uncontrolably everytime the thought of CSI:NY enters our mind :lol:
Mabye this one will make more sense to UK people but there's this football player called Matt Taylor and EVERY time I hear his name, for a split second I'm like "Mac?" :D
:lol: I've done the same thing FFJ!

....When you wake up an extra hour early on thursdays so you can get an update on a new ep!!
You name your apple computer Mac (Haha I've done this, my pc is called Stella)

If anyone disses csi:ny you get p!ssy

You call your pet's after characters/actors (I have a mouse called carmine)
When the CSI men become the main topic at work and all of a sudden your male collegues run off to their so socalled appointments :lol:
When your parents know not to mention anything to do with Foresnics around you because you'll start filling them with facts about CSI that they really don't care about.

When your friends whack you everytime you mention CSI

When you name your paper bird things that you made 'Gil' and 'Sara' and then put them on your wall at home with a label reading 'lovers' above them ;)

When you have an alarm on your phone that goes off 5mins before CSI: NY starts...Even though I never forget. :lol:
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