You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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You tell your flatmate she's after dripping some of her drink on the floor...and use the shape of the drips to prove the direction she was moving at the time!
since i got my new samsung z510, i been downloading pics from my pc to my phone of carmine lol i love waking up and seeing him on the screen when my alarm goes off!!!!!! lolz
....when my brother says "stain" and I'm going crazy ... to explain: the pronunciation of "Flack" in Czech means "stain" ... muhehe

Yesterday my brother went out and asked me, which t-shirt to take. I've said "the orange one" and he went "grrr, I can't take it, there's a stain" and me "what?? WHERE???" muhehehe ...
Radical618 said:
your hairstyle for homecoming is like Lindsay's in DWF...

That's so cool!!! I wish I could do that, but I'm putting my hair up for homecoming.

When you are walking through the mall and you see a guy that looks just like Eddie Cahill and you get really happy.
When you listen to a good song and think "wow, I could make a great MV about Danny with this one!!!"
Radical618 said:
When you sit here on TALK CSI talking about CSI:NY while also watching season 1 DVD's at the same time. Like I'm doing right now.

lol i soooo do this all the time! lol i cant help it!! :)
you start having weird dreams about having a whole day's worth of conversations with flack..... in chinese!! happened to me last night, i woke up and thought, :confused: what the hell?! :D
You hear some bad @$$ techno music and go 'dude this would be so good for an episode with ::insert a plot you've thought up::'

I do it all the time... :)
You're in a shop and hear the song that was playing at the block party in COTP, and you linger until it's over, and you have a smaile on your face because it makes you think of Flack (sighs)
Or is that just a sign of being Flack obsessed <G>
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