You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

You know when you watch too much CSI: NY when...

You get angry when there is a slash story on fan fiction. Like Adam/Mac or Danny/Don. :mad:

You get a bit annoyed when suddenly Mac is married to Stella or other character the writer makes up and suddenly he has kids and you aren't sure how you feel about it.
I have mixed feelings about those kind of fics. I'm in an RP where Mac's married with a son but it wasn't sudden by any means. The fics, OTOH, often don't interest me.

There's a commercial on in the states now for Geico insurance that ends with the gecko character saying "Forget about it. This is New York!" The way he says it makes me think of Danny now. I can so hear him saying that line. Or maybe Flack.
Your first reaction to seeing Gary Sinise doing a role on a Disneyworld ride (Capcom at Mission Space at Epcot) isn't 'it's Gary!' but rather 'IT'S MAC!' and proceed to remain distracted by the fact that he is Capcom the entire ride.
You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...
You're in Wal-Mart and you see a bag of trail mix then further down the isle you see box of granola bars and both remind you of the following scene from the season 7 episode "Nothing For Something".

Jo: I don't wanna hear about the trail mix from the vending machine.
Mac: It was a granola bar.
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....when you keep your 'AAA New York City' map within reach, write down the places they go in an episode, and look them up on the map.
When you get a call from NYC that's likely a telemarketer, but you wish it could be Mac or one of the other CSIs.

When you see last year's Ladies' Home Journal cover story on Sela Ward and are more interested now than last year. (it was time to pull last December's stuff at the library,we keep them a year. I must've missed it then, to tell the truth.)
When you find a really funny blooper from season 7 and see Danny in clown shoes and Flack's stomach rumbling for food amongst other funny stuff.
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