You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

When you start a new topic in chemistry and the teach asks if anyone has ever heard of a mass spectrometer and half the class says yes. The teacher then asks how? And there is a chorus of 'csi' 'csi ny' 'csi miami' 'ncis' and suddenly the whole class us just talking about random crime dramas for about ten minutes until the teacher yells and tries to give us all detention.

Later the teacher says real mass spectrometers differ from csi ones because in csi you enter the sample it whires for ten seconds then spits out the address of the murderer you and half the class gives him evil glares!
you know you watch to much CSI:NY

when you watch a whole season back to back...

When you have all the csi ny songs on your ipod

(hope not copied)
Ok so i had two 'You know you watch too much CSI:NY when' moments today:

-When you watched a whole season back to back and you just finished watching an episode and your friend phones you and you answer you mobile phone(cell phone) with 'Taylor'. Seriously i was so embarrassed :lol:
-When you're watching CSI:NY and you shout your dog and call him 'Mac' by accident
When you try to calm your dentist appointment anxiety by thinking that Mac or one of the other guys wouldn't get upset, they'd just deal and get through it.

I'm not sure I'd wanna be around Mac if he was having tooth pain, though...he might get grumpy lol
Oh god.. i'd be scared :-/ i wouldn't speak to him, just incase i said something wrong and he went all angry on me
lol same here. No matter how he was sick. He will not take time off (even Adam was shocked that one time) but he'd be hard to work with I think.
...when your day is brightened by seeing 3:33 on the clock.
...when 333 is haunting you in a way, my dog woke me up 2 nights this past week and my clock said 3:33.
...when you dream about Mac and get mad when you wake up without knowing what happens in the dream.
You now like watching shows about the Yellowstone volcano (though I like nature stuff as it is)even more because they always talk about Bozeman being buried under ash, and you wonder about Lindsay's parents. (I want to fanfic it, trying to get time to write a bit).

The Marine commercials make you think of Mac

You totally adore the Army commercials just because you hear Gary some more.
The single act of losing one disc (just one. HOW DID I DO THAT???? :angryrazz:) of your second season almost reduces you to tears. and forces you to clean your room. and inspires not one, but two angry facebook statuses.

when you stay up till 2 watching csi:ny commentaries, even though you've got school the next day and homework you should be doing.
You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...

Your parents/friends call you weird because you can eat during the Autopsy scenes.

The only song ever stuck in your head is Baba O'Riley.

Real crime scenes from the news are disappointing.

You answer your friends' questions with references from the show.
Such as:

"Can you hear me now!?"
"Loud and clear, Martin."
I have 2 versions of this one--a CSI: Miami version and a CSI: NY version. So I shall post the CSI: NY related one here and the CSI: Miami related one in the CSI: Miami section's version of this thread.

You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...
You think about Gary Sinise and his character Mac Taylor so much that you feel like you're becoming obsessed.


Here's one inspired by a recent CSI: Miami episode and mom but it just could as easily apply to CSI: NY.

You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...
You can watch a scene of someone throwing up and not even flinch but when someone around you at home throws up it nearly makes you throw up.
You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...

Your parents/friends call you weird because you can eat during the Autopsy scenes.

The only song ever stuck in your head is Baba O'Riley.

Real crime scenes from the news are disappointing.

You answer your friends' questions with references from the show.
Such as:

"Can you hear me now!?"
"Loud and clear, Martin."

All of these are so true, especially the autopsy one! Although they tend to just shiver and look at me as I laugh at someone's chest being cut open. :lol:
You get angry at a fanfic author for being mean to your fave ship. :mad:

You see the CSI The Experience in Times Square ad and say "It should be Mac's team,it's their city." (There's a fic there somewhere lol)