You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:LV When ...

When you pay way too much money on ebay to get the US DVDs because you can't wait till they're released in your own country!
*Your friends and family plan things around C.S.I cos they know you WON'T come if you have to miss it.

*You finish character's lines before they do

*The episode on TV is one you have seen; a million times, and not only do you still watch it with as much enthusiasm as if you'd never seen it, but STILL shout "Don't go in there!!!!" at the screen.

*Your dream: move to Las Vegas, Nevada...just in hopes of seeing a cast member or better yet, the entire cast/crew shooting.

*The marathons on Spike...yeah, you watch 'em...obsessively.

*You join CSI boards (heehee) to speculate, debate, and blah blah blah about CSI; cos NOBODY else understands you!

*You talk to the characters while watching if they can hear you...or what you say makes a difference!
*Your friends and family plan things around C.S.I cos they know you WON'T come if you have to miss it.

*You finish character's lines before they do

*The episode on TV is one you have seen; a million times, and not only do you still watch it with as much enthusiasm as if you'd never seen it, but STILL shout "Don't go in there!!!!" at the screen.

*Your dream: move to Las Vegas, Nevada...just in hopes of seeing a cast member or better yet, the entire cast/crew shooting.

*The marathons on Spike...yeah, you watch 'em...obsessively.

*You join CSI boards (heehee) to speculate, debate, and blah blah blah about CSI; cos NOBODY else understands you!

*You talk to the characters while watching if they can hear you...or what you say makes a difference!

I'm really bad about watching old eps on TV. And if someone makes a noise in the room I'm all *shush I won't hear what they say*, when in fact i could say it for them! :D
When your boss tells you off for being depressed so you go and make some CSI wallpapers for your computer to cheer you up.

And yes, my boss let me get away with it because now I'm always smiling!!

Oh. And when you cut your hair short and spiky for a change...then you try and style it like Greg!
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I was watching Alien:Resurrection for the fifth (or so) time and when I saw Winona Ryder in her short hair I immediately thought, wow, that looks like Greg's.

Today I was sitting in my car and the one in front of me had a license plate with the letters NG. Guess what I was thinking. Yes, you're right. My mood went up at least ten points! :lol:
-When, after three years of obsessing over the show, you still are madly in love with Grissom.

-When last week's episode had you bawling.

-When you think Grissom should not have a beard and that he is much more handsome without it.

-When you feel majorly overprotective of Grissom and people remind you he is not real.
I know I watch too much CSI when:

-The highlight of my week is creating a new ship name (RnR = RileyNickRomance), even though it isn't even my ship.

-I compare notes with fellow fangirls over dinner.

-I date gorgeous, sensitive, thoughtful guys for whom I would have totally fallen head over heels before discovering CSI, but now that I'm a fangirl, I consistently dump them after the second date because they aren't as awesome as any of the CSI hunks, and because they don't embrace their inner geeks enough.

-I start writing a fanfic and, ten hours later, I realize I haven't left my dorm. But it's all worth it because I have a 17-page story outline.

-I get frustrated when people misspell my fave characters' names.

-I turn down a date with a guy whose name is the same as a CSI character in order to prevent potential confusion.
I know I watch too much CSI LV when I'm watching the Colts game and after a hard hit a player's helmet goes flying across the field and for a second I imagine a head in it, A La Cart! :lol:
Whenever you hear someone turn on the TV you run into the room incase CSI's on.

When you can't finish your homework because you know CSI is on Spike and even though you've seen every episode a million and one times you sit there speculating about which episode is playing. (nearly failed math because of that)

When you get mad because you find out that you have practice on Thursdays because even though it ends at 5 it ruins your plans of sitting on the computer posting on forums and speculating about whats gonna happen.

When you call your cousin Greg after they won't shut up about how much they love Marilyn Manson.

When the word or sight of pleather makes you think of Greg because pleather is black and shiny like latex.
--you know you watch CSI: LV too much when your watching the TV listings and see a CSI marathon on and get excited but then realize that you don't get the channel, then you get angry at your television and keep on watching CSI...roll on and on again, or call your cable provider and get the channel :thumbsup:...personal experiences :)

--you never make any plans on thursday night, it's kind of like a holy sunday for thursday

--you can pretty much recite the entire episode just from hearing it's name.

--when a movie is on TV with a similar name to a CSI episode you think of that episode...or go watch it ;) (What's eating Gilbert Grape?, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The usual suspects etc.)
--When you have CSI week at your school, you go to the assembly and see a couple clips from the show. While you're waiting to go to your next class, you jump up and down in anticipation for just one more clip, when suddenly the chair breaks.
--You read the novels and get overjoyed when they make direct references to events that happened in the show
--You watch promos over and over until you memorize them
--You get your hands on any song that was in an episode/promo (i.e, Waiting on the World to Change, Outside Chance...)
--Your friends either like the show or hate it because of you and your rants
--Whenever you see an actor from CSI in another show or movie, you think of the character from CSI instead of the character in the movie.
--You talk to your TV when CSI is on as if you are in the episode.
--You buy TV guide just for CSI
--You save pictures that you find on the internet, knowing you'll never really actually need them.
--You get so obsessed with an episode that you make it a daily ritual to watch it
--Fan-fiction. Need I say more?

Sorry if I stole or repeated anybody's!
When you start freaking out when you realize your roomate can find out who drank her orange juice by running a simple DNA analysis around the rim, after taking yours, and your other roommates sets of prints.

When you see a report about a crime on TV and SWEAR you can see Nick and Catherine collecting evidence in the background.

When you clean under your nails on a daily basis to "ensure" that you are in no way connected to any recent crimes.

When you realize that fingerprints are everywhere and people really do shed hair as much as they do on the show!

When you wonder what you would give the police if they asked for something with your brother's DNA on it such as a toothbrush or hairbrush. My dilemma? He doesn't use either enough to even get a good sample off of it.

When you realize that the microscopes at your local community college suck...along with their magnifying glasses.