Yobling RP

Cath finally felt confident enough to come up and take a seat on the steps next to her. "Ooh, those are some nasty bruises you've got there." Her tone was gentle as she studied the dark outlines and realization came to her. "So that's why you thought I'd hurt you before." She sighed. "It's okay. I'll talk to my captain and see what we can work out. If I can help it, you won't go back." She patted Brenda's shoulder. "Where should we go in the neantime?"
Brenda moved a few steps away from Catherine. She was a scared little girl, not easily trusting in anyone.
She shrugged, her soft blonde hair falling into her eyes,
"I'm kinda hungry"
Sara picked up her phone again, and dialed Catherine's number. She waited, tapping her foot.

ring, ring, ri-

Sara didn't even let her answer.

"Did you find her yet?" She questioned in a rushed voice, "Cath, did you find her? Bring her here! Please, I need to see her. Is she okay? Is she hurt? Cath, oh, please, tell me you found her!"
Catherine smiled. "I'm not picky either. Oh, hang on one sec. Sara, wait, slow down, Yes, I found her. We'll swing back in after lunch. She's a little scared and has some bruises, but she's holding her own." Suddenly, she was aware of a beep on her phone. "One sec, Sar. Warrick?" she asked, recognizing the number.
Brenda just stood there, arms wrapped around her fragile self, staring blankly out at the world.

She listened to Catherine talking on the phone, her voice sounded full and happy. Maybe she was talking to her friends. That's what it sounded like to Brenda.

I wish I had friends Brenda thought to herself.
Oh, sorry guys! I've been so busy lately, and I will be busy the next two weeks too! Is it possible that someone replaces me for those weeks? I'll write then, I have the time now.


Warrick heard Cath calling his name on the phone. Finally. Cath. He loved hearing her voice. He smiled. Finally, a good thing this day. "Hey Cath", he said. "I have to tell you something, if that's allright?" He hoped Catherine wasn't busy.