Yobling RP

"Okay, I'll call her. Thanks," Sara said, turning to leave, and noticing Brenda was no longer there. "Greg.." she said, with alarm in her voice, casting him a worried glance, "where'd the kid go?"

Greg turned on his heel, looking around, then staring back at Sara with wide eyes. In unison, they both exclaimed; "Oh shit!"

Sara pulled her cell from her pocket and dailed Catherine. One ring, two rings, thr-


"Cath! Where are you? Brenda Collins - the kid from the case a few years back - she's here - and now she's gone. Where are you!?"
Brenda walked down the street, feeling the sun shining on her pale skin. She felt suprisingly calm, she knew that no one had noticed her leaving. She was free at last. What was she going to do now? In her little kid brain lots of ideas evolved...she could help the tooth fairy deliever treats maybe, or join Santa's elves...anything seemed possible on this sunny day.
Sara looked around, and continued to speak in heated, fast tones.

"She was just.. here. I came from the breakroom, and I went to look for Grissom to see if I had any cases today, and she was just there. At first, I thought it was Lindsey, but she's with you.. Isn't she?" Sara sensed Catherine's angry response before it came, so she corrected herself, "Of course she is. Anyway, so I went over there to see what was going on, and she told me her name was Brenda Collins, from that case way back with the father who was raping his daughter and wife, and the daughter got pregnant and had this kid, Brenda, who we thought was her sister and the daughter killed her father so he wouldn't do the same to her daughter.." Sara sighed quickly three times. She was talking way to fast, as usual.
Warrick needed help. He decided to call Sara. Maybe she could help him change his tires, or something. He couldn't get home with his car. Maybe she could bring him home. He hoped so. He sighed. She didn't pick up the phone. What a crappy day.
Sara looked shocked. She hadn't thought Cath snapped at her, not at all. "Cath, you didn't snap at me. Or, I didn't think you did. Maybe," her voice turned playful, "I was just too caught up in my rant to hear it. Yeah, that sounds probable. You prob'ly did snap at me." Sara smiled to herself. This was sure to get the fiery strawberry-blonde, well, fired up.

Sara heard a beep on her phone. "Cat, I have a beep. One second." She laughed to herself. Now Catherine had to withold her anger. She answered the beep. "Sidle."

ETA: Sorry about the non-five-minute-apart.. posting from Roos & I. We didn't realize we were both posting at the same time. :lol:
As Cath waited for Sara to answer the other call, she thought back to the case. Poor Brenda. She'd already been through so much at such a young age. She sighed. Sometimes life just wasn't fair.
Brenda sat down on a step of some big building that looked important and set her head in her hands. Her soft blonde hair fell into her eyes as she stared at the road of passing cars ahead, and the heat that vibrated of of them.

I miss you she thought to herself, biting her lip to keep the tears back.
Cath wracked her brain, thinkung of the reasons Brenda might come back. Had she come for help? If she had, what made her leave? Man, why did life have to be so complicated?
Brenda didn't know where to go or who to talk to. She just sat there with her head in her hands, staring straight ahead.
As Cath was getting into her car, it hit her. The old City Hall. Brenda had explained to Sara how the steps were a good place to think, so she drove in that direction.
Brenda saw the car drove up and got up to run. Yet her legs wouldn't move, they wouldn't budge. So she just sat there watching and trembling as the car drove up and parked. She knew she was in for trouble now, and prepared herself for the beating she expected.
Cath got out slowly so as not to frighten her. "Brenda? Honey, what brings you here?" She saw her trembling. "Oh, don't be scared," she said gently, stepping closer. "You're not in trouble. Sara told me you came by the lab. Did you need help?"
When Catherine left to go find Brenda, Sara was sure where she would be. At the Old City Hall, where Brenda had told Sara she liked to go to think. Sara paced worriedly around the room, sitting down, standing up. Everything was so confusing. She couldn't figure out what Brenda needed, nor could she find Grissom! She sighed, almost growled in frustration and continued to pace.