Worst Movies Ever

I agree, the first Legally Blonde was better - I wasn't so keen on the sequel either, but I think it had its funny moments if I remember correctly.

I think the Scary Movie trilogy...no, wait...they've now released a fourth one with the oh-so-funny tagline 'the fourth movie in the trilogy' (or something daft like that), is really awful. None of them are terribly funny, and they just get worse with each one they make. I recall not even being able to sit through any further than the first 15 minutes of the third one! The idea itself behind the films isn't so bad, it's just the way they actually make them, primarily the 'jokes' they use, is just messed up. I'm sure someone could take this idea and make a better go of it.
Well i wouldn't say it is the worst movie ever but Scary Movie 4 was horrible. I was expecting something great. The only really funny part was the beginning with Shaq and Dr. Phil :lol:

Scary Movie 1 and 2 were just plain gross I didn't enjoy them at all. Now Scary Movie 3, that was a fabulous movie. I was laughing the whole time!
Poncholives38 said:
I think the Worst Movie EVER is "Million Dollar Baby". Now, stay with me for just a moment... the movie did win a lot of awards and got good reviews but, it is the most boring film ever. There is no color. It's two hours and ten minutes of never-ending film. Not to mention the end. The end really pissed me off because it just tragged on and on, the movie could have ended after Hilary Swank's last fight. Urgggg, this movie was such a waste of my five dollars :mad:

i kinda agree. Million Dollar Baby had great acting. The ending bugged me too. She just dies.. I know that's life but it still irks me. And her family is just evil! They're a bunch of pooo stacks! Don't you love my vocabulary?

I liked Scary Movie 3! The president:"Send flowers to their bitches and hoes"! :lol:
I would like to see the 4th Scary Movie even if it is dumb.
1. Rosemary's Baby - by Roman Polanski. It's a kinda old film, the storyline is horrible, so is the design. link
2. The Grudge - by Takashi Shimizu. People say it's a horror movie, but... there isn't anything frightening. Maybe one scene: when Karen goes home and she goes to bed and the ghost of the murdered boy appears under the blanket. The storyline sucks, but the design is okay. link
Jeepers Creepers 2...
when my friends and I watched it, we just kinda sat there in front of the tv screen with blank looks on our faces. We didn't even flinch, we all had to leave before we saw the ending, but none of us cared, cause none of us actually wanted to see the ending. Though when one of my friends told us how it ends, we all thought it was stupid.
I'm probably going to be shot for saying this, but "To Live and Die in L.A." I'm more than ready to expect '80s cheese, but this movie was just beyond ridiculous. Either cause and effect wasn't invented by the time it was made, or the filmmakers just didn't care. And might I add: Holy pointless sex scenes, Batman!
i went to see scary movie 4, and i liked it *ducks from flying objects*, i thought it was hilarious, but i know that most of you didn't like it, and i respect that...but hey, "to each his own"

ok, back on topic...
Final Destination 2 wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either...we only really watched it to see the scene where the guy gets chopped into 3 pieces by the flying wire fence :lol: we were laughing hysterically when that part came on...
One thing that was bad, was that at then end, everything was fixed, and they beat the 'curse' or whatever it was...and now theres going to be a third one?!
i dunno, i just don't get that...it probably means there will be new characters or something...

i know of lots and lots of bad movies, but i can't think of any at the moment, so i'll post them later
Ok, I've found the absolutely worst movie ever. Last night I was actually insane enough to watch the Baywatch Reunion in Hawai movie, or someting like that and it was horrible!! It was so bad that I kep watching just to see if it would get any worse.
Yeah, just wanted to share that :)
Joy22 said:
Ok, I've found the absolutely worst movie ever. Last night I was actually insane enough to watch the Baywatch Reunion in Hawai movie, or someting like that and it was horrible!!

LOL!^ :lol:

Sorry, I just had to laugh at that :lol: It's just every time someone says 'Baywatch', I automatically think of Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhoff running along a beach in their tight swim-wear :lol: I can see why it must have been so horrible :lol: though I had no idea they ever made a reunion movie.

*wonders if TV channels in UK still show repeats of Baywatch epis*
carlz31 said:
i went to see scary movie 4, and i liked it *ducks from flying objects*, i thought it was hilarious, but i know that most of you didn't like it, and i respect that...but hey, "to each his own"

You know, I kind of want to see that too. That part in the preview where they parody "Saw" with Dr. Phil and Shaq looks hysterical! :lol:
the worst movie ever would be any of the star warz movies.. some other ones of mine are Christmas With The Kranks, Stuck On You, and top secret.. those movies are soo cheesy
Battlefield Earth was the worst movie I've ever seen by far but I do agree with whoever mentioned The English Patient. No offense to anyone that loved it but I just found it to be way too long and really boring.
I think Legally Blonde 2, was horrible. I thought i would have been so much better. God...From Justin to Kelly- ouch!! that was painful to watch. I also dislike the movie "Out of Africa"...my mom forced me to watch it, and i found it so boring.