Worst Movies Ever

the libertine was pretty bad, i didnt expect such a horible movie from johnny depp. it made me sad, but at least he was still super sexy. not only was it boring but it was in ye olde english, i didnt understand a thing. i would have left, but couldnt bring myself to so that to my johnny :lol:
iwantboromir said:
I went to see Larry the Cable Guy; Health Inspector last weekend. I've never got up and left a movie before that one.

Proof that they'll give ANYONE a movie these days. :eek:
cofi_shot said: Has anybody seen Jim Carrey's "The Majestic"? I almost cried for my money and time when I saw it. Most boring movie, ever. OT

I agree with you on "The Majestic" very boring, waste of $$.
I also thought King Arthur sucked, another waste of hard earned money.
Most recently the worst movie I've seen is Insomnia. I had really high expectations of it, with Robin Williams being in a serious role and all. But the story just dragged and dragged and dragged... My boyfriend definately didn't have insomnia while watching it, and I barely stayed awake through the whole thing! It could have been cut by like an hour and been so much better. :(

I also agree with those who said the Star Wars prequels. I mean, it was like they weren't even trying. And why should they, because money's still gonna be made from all the diehard SW fans. I also agree with whoever said the love scenes were really cheesy. I almost busted a gut! :p
I saw Ice Age 2 but i liked the first one better. Although i can't remember much from Ice Age 2 i got a little drowsy.. woops!
Lone Wolf, I'm totally crying over you hating on English Patient, my favourite movie of all time.. and here I thought we shared a bond ;)

The worst three movies I've ever seen: Random Hearts, The Horse Whisperer, and Derailed. GOD. Bad, bad movies.
Worst movie ever: Alexander
Angelina Jolie as Collin Ferrell's mom? I SO dont see it. And she just creeped me out in that movie. It was sooo painfully slow and I couldn't even finish it even though Collin Ferrell was in it.
Asimplekndofgirl said:
Worst movie ever: Alexander
Angelina Jolie as Collin Ferrell's mom? I SO dont see it. And she just creeped me out in that movie. It was sooo painfully slow and I couldn't even finish it even though Collin Ferrell was in it.

O totaly agree so boring.

Other movies ultraviolet and son of mask.

The mask was so good the son of mask was so bad.
Asimplekndofgirl said:
Worst movie ever: Alexander
Angelina Jolie as Collin Ferrell's mom? I SO dont see it. And she just creeped me out in that movie. It was sooo painfully slow and I couldn't even finish it even though Collin Ferrell was in it.
I totally agree with you! Its one of the worst epic movies I've ever seen. (And I actually like Troy. ;)) Watching Angelina play his mother gave me the creeps. *shudders*

Look Who's Talking, Speed 2, Home Alone 3 and Wild Wild West made my list too. :p
SidLer said:
Asimplekndofgirl said:
Worst movie ever: Alexander
Angelina Jolie as Collin Ferrell's mom? I SO dont see it. And she just creeped me out in that movie. It was sooo painfully slow and I couldn't even finish it even though Collin Ferrell was in it.
I totally agree with you! Its one of the worst epic movies I've ever seen. (And I actually like Troy. ;)) Watching Angelina play his mother gave me the creeps. *shudders*

I agree this movie was bad.

But I've seen worse.

However, I also agree on that Angelina Jolie was really not the right person to play Colin's mum, and yes, she was creepy (the movie seemed to hint at something incestuous from her toward her son, but maybe I'm thinking of a different film - I saw Alexander quite a while ago now so might just be confused).

I didn't like the way the story was told - yes, it is a great story, but could have been done far better justice. I don't think Colin was the best actor to carry the lead role in this film either. I mean, in my opinion, he wasn't near as good as Brad in Troy.
i never saw alexander, i knew it looked bad. but my friend left the theatre and got a refund! troy was ok, it was too long. and achilles 'cousin' in mythology was actually his lover, but i guess the writers or whatever felt the public would not accept that.
heres where i think these movies lose a lot of their credibility, since when do ancient greeks or macedonians speak with british accents? they should have just done no accents at all.
also, i started watching the remake of 'the ten commandments' last night, but couldnt take it. the acting was horrible. and once again, those ancient egyptians and the jewish slaves were talking with british accents. ill never understand that...
wibble said:
(the movie seemed to hint at something incestuous from her toward her son, but maybe I'm thinking of a different film - I saw Alexander quite a while ago now so might just be confused).
Oh yes, I think you've got the correct movie. :) I read about that in the reviews but I didn't quite see it when I was watching the movie. I sensed it tho. :p

Count your blessings you haven't see the movie allmaple. :lol: I had to sit through THREE discs because my friends refused to let me go! :p The guys just wanted to see Angelina. :rolleyes:
I couldn't stand the Scooby Doo Movie...from when I was 3 I used to always watch scooby doo..and when the movie came out it completely ruined it for me....the characters personalities and all..haha but thats behind me now :D
Poor you SidLer, having to sit through 3 discs :eek: I wouldn't have entertained that - would've told my friends 'I'm going for a walk' :lol: :p

And yes, the Scooby Doo movie was awful too. It just really wasn't funny. At all. And I agree, it massacred the cartoon I used to know and love *shudders*.

I refuse to watch the second Scooby Doo movie :p