:lol: I am so not surprised to not see of any the places in the Greece om the list. The taxi drivers there are horrible & I'm glad I was able to understand what the people who live there are saying 'cause the tourists must have no idea what's going on :lol:. I feel sorry for them when they hear the word "malaka" 'cause they probably think it's a nice word :lol:.

I've been to Zagreb & Vienna & the majority of the people living there were friendly but the ones who worked in high end botiques like Chanel are such snobs.
I was also surprised by the New York score. But surprised in a happy way. :) I'd think we would rank somewhere in the middle, especially since I live here and had varying "politeness" encounters.
(subways and Manhattan... *sigh*)

Those of you who love New York, we love you too! :lol:

BTW: What exactly is malaka? If it means something over the PG-13 meter then I probably don't wanna know... but maybe you could give me a hint.
I love NY too even though I haven't been. NY is actually probably the next place that I'm gonna go on vacation since I've gotten Europe out of the way & it seems like there's so much to do. I really wanna go there in a winter as I must imagine it must be beautiful when it snows out. Heck, I wanna live in NY.

The word "malaka" use to have a very offensive & dirty meaning but since it's used so freely the meaning of the word has been changed to "stupid". Believe it or not most Greek guys use it all the time when talking with friends but it's considered to have a worser meaning when used amongst strangers or foreigners. You'll probably hear it often on the streets of Greece when someone is trying to drive or park :lol:.
speed_cochrane said:
Ah, all joking aside, I'm sure Finland is a lovely place. :)

Oh, the country itself is nice and lovely and all the clean nature we have but people are bit... unsociable :lol: One russian immigrant compared us to polar bears (we've learnt to live/survive alone) :lol:
Yeah right! more like rude and pompus.
Wellington has more restaurants and Cafes that auckland
carlz31 said: but yay for Australia. *hugs Australia*... wait, I live there. *hugs a tree*

i second that notion! i love australia. i havent been to other states much but up here in queensland everyone is mostly really nice! i wonder what brisbane would have gotten on this courtesy thing if it was actually considered...
OuhOuh c'mon! I've always wanted to go to NZ :D :D. I'm all into action and adventure and forest trekking. Stuff like that. Quite content that it's 67% courteous too. My country didn't even make the chart. Whatta! :lol:
Ouh..shucks. Thanks Wibs :). But I do honestly think that the people in my country are pretty okay. They should at least be 47% courteous.

Gotta admit though, seeing NY at the top there is...pretty shocking. No offense to New Yorkers out there. Well, I guess I gotta see it for myself. I'm putting NY on my list of places to go to before I die. :p
being a new yorker, i am a bit surprise it came in at 80%, but i'm glad, i love it cousin who move around a lot actually told me she thought NYC is the least friendliest out of all the states that she has been, but i think it's such a conceptual thing, and everyone has their own different experiences
^^ I'm from Singapore. Eheh...I know most of you have never heard of it but we're neighbours with Malaysia. That small, tiny, dot right at the end there is...where I'm at right now! :p
I have Singapore coins :eek: money :eek: My sis was there when flying to Australia. Said Finnair had Finnish Santa Claus there :p
That's another fellow countryman i'm seeing here..I'm from Singapore as well...
It's a shame though...Singaporeans,a part of them anyway,are really courteous...I'm not hiding the fact that are bad seeds in S'pore..There are...
I've heard of Singapore. Who hasn't? :) (And if anyone hasn't, I'm sorry. :lol: )

Now I'd like to go to all of these places to see for myself if these countries are all as courteous as the list says. :p