World Cup 2006 and Other Football Stuff #3

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Yeah! Come on Germany! :cool: Klose has kept Germany in the World Cup - wonder what will happen now in the next 30 minutes?
Neuville was our Joker in the match versus Poland and shot the winning goal in the 90. minute. I think it was a good choice
Argh! Penalty shootout! Hope this is over quick *crosses fingers for Germany*

EDIT: YAY! Germany are through to the semi-finals! :D
Well, Germany won due to sheer luck on the penalities despite Argentina playing better for the rest of the game.

Disgusting behaviour by the Argentinian player who started the fight on pitch after Germany won though.

Tut tut. Not good losers.
YYYAAAAAAAAAAAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY! Finally something good out of this World Cup :D Tho little part of me felt sad because Argentina was a great team and perhaps, if Brazil is in final.. would have had a chance against them.

Fight in the end... plain stupid :|
Hee, Angela Merkell looked weird :lol:
berlin, berlin, wir fahren nach berlin :D

just for the german users here haha

lehmann is great :D haha
go germany GOOOO
waouh i couldn't believe Germany won!!!! OMG it was a great game even if it finished with a fight ...that's too bad for Argentina, i thought it was the only team which can beat Brazil.....Argh
sissi59100 said:
waouh i couldn't believe Germany won!!!! OMG it was a great game even if it finished with a fight ...that's too bad for Argentina, i thought it was the only team which can beat Brazil.....Argh

yes i guess the finale 's gonna be Brazil Germany

cause even if I support the bleus I doubt that france can beat Brazil.. (but i still hope)
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